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Posts posted by sethook

  1. ok so i have thgis old computer that uses Win 98 , now this thing pretty much shit the bed, and i want to reformat, but when i try to get to windows, i get "boot: missing NTLDR press any key to continue" but when i hit anykey nothing happens, now my goal here is to format windows and reinstall and start over pretty much. but i cant do it. i can get to a command prompt tho...and the bad thing...i dont have the start up disk...which i know is bad. i will just buy another one. no big deal. but i was wondering if someone could help me. and ive been to all the bootdisk sites and nothing seems to help. anyideas guys? thank you



    Watch your language, it's not tolerated on this board. You're not at AOTS with all the other airheads.

  2. First off, hey everyone, I switched here from g4 forums.

    Well my problem is, on the router is connected myself and my brother.  We both play a lot of computer games and use other p2p type programs.

    The linksys router only allows the forwarding of 10 port ranges, thats pretty useless.  For instance once I have forwarded the ports to my computer for the games Im playing, all the requests for those games are comming to me.  What am I supposed to do for the other computer?  I only bought the router for the purpose of sharing the connection, not security.


    If you're not worried about security, just open the DMZ.

  3. When i first saw the changes I thought to myself "I'm NEVER going back", but i will  :P  :blink:


    I'll probably lurk and post all the things I have wanted to post but was to polite to over the last fifteen months.

    It really reeks that they would tell all the mods that they were closing and deleting the board, then demod me without letting me have a chance to resign and finally rename the board (they had said other boards would be renamed or combined but specifically said that TechSupport would be deleted).

    Will I go back? Doubtful to say the least.

    Just spent a few minutes redoing my homepage to get rid of all the links and buttons I do not need any more and put in some new ones I will be frequenting now.


    you know pete..what they did to you are g4 really touched a nerve with me..i developed a deep respect for your expertise and patient style way back in the ttv days..and while g4 was never my cup of tea..i could see how your efforts and those of the core group(too many to name here)..helped maintain and protect the roots of the tech support protocols so hard fought and established over the years..

    i know these events hurt you..but i hope you understand that there are many folks like me who wish you nothing but good..and who share in that pain...and who thank you for all you have done..and all that you will do...

    and if you are comfortable with it..share your home page with that we might keep in touch with your efforts..

    thanx :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:


    Not to be an oger but shouldn't this thread be in Open Chat?

  4. hey guys...can't we just forget about the "other board" and just settle in and become a family?  I don't want to see this board become like the "other board".  this is my home and I like it to be nice and comfy...


    Excellent words of wisdom.....