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Posts posted by sethook

  1. Yeah, that seems to be the consensus of those unaffected by throttling, "Who cares?" Really helpful to those of us who are affected. :rolleyes:

    The rest of this is a rant and since you're unaffected and don't care, I recommend you skip it. ;)

    I got Serenity last week, not a day, or two (or a week, or a couple of weeks, or a month) after the DVD release date so yes, I believe I have reason to be unhappy with that. Exaggerating that I can't expect a new release the next day left me dumbfounded.

    Taking movies out of the queue to FORCE them to send a particular DVD is unworkable (there are a lot of movies in my queue and nowhere to move them to, nor any easy way to move them if they had some place to put them, I'd have to write them all down or store the names somewhere, somehow, then manually delete them, then wait for the movie I wanted, then reinstate them one-by-one). That should not be necessary (I didn't sign up for a service that requires I FORCE them to send me the movies in my queue).

    THEY came up with a model for online rentals via the USPS. THEY stated "unlimited" rentals for a set fee (not, "Whatever number of movies we WANT to send you"). THEY stated they'd send the next "available" movie (not, "It's available but we refuse to send it to YOU"). THEY stated this would occur "usually" within one day (not, "We'll delay sending it out because it works out better for us"). They also secretly changed that model without the informed consent of their current customers (and denied those changes when confronted about them, and had to settle a class action lawsuit as a result of the changes, which, like all class action lawsuits, wound up enriching the lawyers while being a sucky deal for the consumers).

    As I believe I stated, I am staying with them but changing my expectations. There are literally hundreds of movies I'd like to see, eventually, so whatever they send me is fine. However I won't expect unlimited movies each month ('cause they lied), I won't expect to receive recent movies in a timely fashion ('cause they lied), I won't expect to receive movies of any vintage quickly ('cause they lied). It's a different service than I signed up for but it works for me, just not the way I expected from their advertisements & promotional material.

    I'm pro-business so I am fine with them adjusting their business model to make whatever profit they wish, but they shouldn't have made significant changes to a continually renewing contract without informing their customers. Credit card companies used to do that & they had to pass a law to FORCE them to inform customers of changes and give them the option to close the account.

    Wait! There's more! (:D Like anybody's gonna read this far!)

    The CEO's attitude that their past customer service ratings were high so what they're doing must be OK is arrogant: "Yeah, we snuck one past 'em and they haven't noticed yet, MORONS!"

    The secrecy, the denials, the refusal to admit some customers will no longer get the service they signed up for, does not make them look good to say the least.

    Have you sent in your cancellation notice yet?

  2. Thanks I'll tell the teacher tommorow that there's a prob with the memory. Ah well ya get what ya pay for. The school cheaps out and gets intel based HP Compaqs they all break down quick. These things have had all kinds of probs. They need to get AMD machines don't they?

    You kids need to start kicking in some cash so the school will have PCs that meet your standards. I'll bet if each of you offer to pay a couple hundred dollars to the school it would go a long way in helping. The CPUs don't make as much difference in the reliability as do the booger hooks that are banging on the keyboards.

  3. It's about time someone else got slammed with all that nasty white stuff instead of us around the Great Lakes.:D

    You can say that again! We usually get lake effect from Lake Erie until it freezes over, only to be replaced by more of the same from Lake Ontario, which never freezes.

    We're also around 100" under our normal snowfall for the season. Let's hope it stays that way. I cannot remember a January with so many days of temps in the 40's & 50's instead of subzero.

    It is pleasant not being blanketed by all that snow and having the furnace run constant. Of course National Grid (formerly Niagara Mohawk) decide to punish us with a surcharge because we haven't used as much natural gas as they predicted before the winter hit. We pay extra because they foolishly bought gas at a higher projected rate. Let's see if the PSC gets on their case.

    So you folks have too much natural gas. We may need it as it's going to plumet into the mid 70's here tomorrow.


  4. well i can't tell ya the model number now cause I'm in my room and don't want to bother anyone asleep but I suppose any of these will do.

    Lite-On DVD Burners

    I think mine is the lower end one. I've had mine for a little while yet I still have yet to buy a black Floppy drive to finally complete the system and get rid of beige completely. ( I'm still using an old beige one from a 5 year old gateway)

    I see you provide a link to newegg. That's were I got this drive. When I went to the site to get a RMA I was told I couldn't get an on line RMA for this product. I don't understand that. I can't call them until Monday.

    Have you done business with them before? Are they going to give me a hard time about a refund?

    Can anyone tell me their experience with newegg?

    From the product page on

    ** This item is warranted through the product manufacturer only.