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Posts posted by sethook

  1. Digging up an oldie to post some results! Daughter has Word on her new idiot box. Unbeknowenst to me, her boyfriend's parents bought MSOffice for Students and Teachers when they got their idiot box, which is licensed for 3 computers. One copy went to them, one copy went to Boyfriend's new computer and they gave the remaining copy to Kate! Sooo, those kids had it all figured out without me! :)

    I did give her the info on Open Office, she was already familiar with it and guess what? She likes that, too! She didn't install it yet (as far as I know, anyways) but for future machines, I'm betting she'll skip the expensive MS products.

    :wub: Thank you all so much :wub: for all the great info, and Pierce, do feel free to give that disk away, Kate is "set"! What a generous offer! Thank you!

    I sure do appreciate you folks!


    Liz, I just sent you an email before seeing this post. Guess you can disregard.....

  2. I'm working on upgrading my system. I have a Aspire Q-pack case, with a WD 250GB and NEC 16x DVD Burner. I want to replace the mobo, CPU and RAM ( to pc 3200)

    I want to get from, a AMD 3500+ with 1GB of Corsair ValueSelect RAM. My question is about this Mobo & onboard video


    Should I get it?

    Hang off till next yr.. ;O)

    Deaf_Girl is not building a server so would have no use for quad core.

  3. Well, without seeing it, I would say whatever fits.

    I THINK what you are hooking up is a power supply for the cooling fan

    that is on the board. Is this correct?

    Usually you will have extra power supply lines available that can be used for extra drives or fans and such.

    Yes that is correct. I need to hook up to PS line for fan on card. I do have extra PS lines from HD, CD, CD Burner. Does it make a difference which one I hook up the card to?

    Barb :D

    Sorry here is a picture of it at Newegg.

    ASUS N6600


    Doesn't the fan plug go into a socket on the board as shown in the picture? Or am I missing something?