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Posts posted by sethook

  1. My wife connects to work through a VPN. Our home office has a broadband router with four computers, an HP and Netgear print servers. My wife can print from her laptop as long as she is not connected to the VPN. However, she would like to be able to print when connected to the VPN. If she stays connected to VPN, she can queue print jobs but must cancel VPN to start printing. She just had her laptop replaced and was able to print on our LAN while on VPN with her old one.

    Any suggestions as to how to configure her system so she can print on the network printers while remaining connected to the VPN?


  2. Greetings All,

    I hope I'm posting in the right place. I am so mad right now I could spit fire. I bought what I thought was a plain old music CD. It is not, it is flt enhanced (whatever that is) My wife tells me she can not play the CD on the computer without registering. She registers and I figure OK maybe it needs to have a cookie to bypass the login screen. It takes you to a login page where you can see the video and fan club and other various junk, record label etc. The only way to kill the two log on screens is to pull up the task manager by hitting ctrl alt del and killing the process. The first log on screen takes up the entire screen even over the task bar. This is the only way the CD will play. Is there any way to permanently kill the log on screen. Even though my wife likes Rascal flats, I will probably never buy another one. I have xp home,zone alarm pro and AdSubtract,playing CD on media player 10. Thanks for any input.


    Are there any issue with playing the CD in the car or home player?

  3. i found this interesting and all of these can be checked by any of you through the members button at the top.

    we have:

    294 members with no posts

    155 members with 1 post

    72 members with 2 posts

    and only 32 of those are members that registered in the last 20 days. i can keep going on but like i said most just ask a few questions to get help since this is after all a tech support board and then they leave. their account is still here but that's all so they are not regular contributing members that participate in the rest of the forum.

    so how high of post count should some one have before we count them as a regular member?

    well if your answer is (?) then these are how many members that would not qualify currently.

    less than (?) posts: then # not qualify:

    10 ............................... 729

    20 ............................... 797

    30 ............................... 816

    40 ............................... 857

    50 ............................... 865

    now the odds and voter turn out rate change dramatically, don't they. think about it, most just come for a little help and then leave for ever. only very few stay and participate in other boards.

    4% of ELGIBLE voters, ie, members. But, enough of our banter Serves no purpose and statistacily there isn't anybody reading this.


  4. OK people you just simply can't go by those stats. there are not 990 regular members. there is only about 85 - 95 regular members on this forum. remember when i put up the temp forum while BestTechie was down. we had all the regular members registered there as show at the bottom. exactly 85 people.

    ok so a few stragglers were out of contact at the time. so lets say another 5, maybe 10 regular members didn't make it there. heck another 15 to make it an even 100 regular members.

    so now instead of the 4% voter turn out it's 36% voter turn out.

    plus not all of the regular members come to the open chat section and there was no option for a maybe/undecided. so please no more of this 4% crap. the whole point is that the option is there which you would not even get at most other places. we have even had another poll already started by the members of this board asking for Modification section. look what happened. a good voter turn to show that most cared about it and so we created one. if there was enough people that showed they cared and wanted a political debate section we would have given them one. heck chappy was putting us through training for it.

    Aren't we on a judgmental, pompous rant today? Using your site membership and "lets say" statistics as benchmarks is questionable at best. For whatever reason 4% of the eligible voters took part in the vote. And please don't start labeling the people that visit this site. What is a "regular" defined as here and what are you defined as? So much for my rant.......

  5. Sorta pathetic that only 4% of the elgible voting population took part. 990 members - 87 forum personnel = 903 elgible to vote. I would have thought more people were interested in this forum. Why are they always around when a fight breaks out?

  6. My sons computer keeps shutting down for no apparent reason. He will be in the middle of something, and all of a sudden it will reboot on it's own. It has been doing so for about a week. Temp on the display is around 35 C (95 F). Help :blink:!!!!

    Here are the specs:

    I had already edited it. TT75

    You may want to delete your picture or at least edit out the OEM license number for the OS. Has your son added anything to his PC lately? (software or hardware) Is there any type of error message displayed when the problem happens?

  7. I haven't done any liquid cooling myself so will hesitate from making any suggestions on systems. You're best bet is to take your time and look for as much info as you can find via Google or OCing/modding sites.

    Here are a few site to wet your appetite and get you going.





    Hopefully someone will pop in to this thread who has some experience in the subject and can give you some good info/suggestions. Good luck and have fun with your new project.