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Posts posted by sethook

  1. If you're S.O. is sending and receiving a lot of faxes, you can't beat a fax machine and you don't have to worry about your PC being on all the time. With the price of fax machines being so cheap during various sales, I would think about getting both a scanner and fax machine.

  2. I went over the limit of 12,000 in one month, according to them. I did reformat my hard drive and had 61 updates from Windows Xp, I downloaded IE7, and then got on a site that allowed unlimited downloads of old Abandonware and shareware games and downloaded about 800 MB.

    Just yesterday, I was looking for a car and went to a few sites that had some pictures of cars I was interested in and then downloaded my 2 e-mails(all text) and ended up adding another 500 MB of downloads to my service. How in the H#ll can that happen? I am calling my bank today and see if I can stop them from withdrawing payments form my account. Then I am calling WildBlue and canceling this crap of a service.

    I live in an area of about 20 homes and there is no way anyone is locking into my service from outside and stealing it. Those 20 homes cover over 10 acres.

    I would suggest you call WildBlue and discus any options in upgrading your service before trying to skip out on the contract. Your legal fees/damaged credit may be worse then upgrading or riding it out.

  3. I would suggest a rubber conditioner to clean the rollers with. I think that using alcohol will end up drying out the rubber and make less pliable and give it less grip to push the paper into the printer.

    Using plain water will usually clean most dust and environmental crud off the rollers. You can also find specially treated cleaning papers for printers that will clean the interier of the printer when fed through.

  4. If anything, I would throw some more memory at your system and call it good for XP Home. Once you change mobo's, you'll need a new CPU and Memory at a minimum. Then you might as well get a new video card, hard drive, case and PS. You're better off buying/building a new system in my opinion once you get past addding memory to your present system.

  5. I don't know the true history but in general, like a lot of holidays, it begins with a celebration of one kind or another, others find it interesting enough to adopt it (with modifications), THEN it becomes commercialized as enough people participate to make it worthwhile to exploit it financially.

    People were "celebrating" Halloween, Christmas, et al long before any of them become commercialized.

    Some holidays become more entrenched in some cultures than others due to a difference in the mix of peoples, faiths and differing tolerance of other peoples and faiths.

    Mexico has celebrations similar to Halloween, celebrations concerning death and the macabre (or what other cultures might consider macabre), some of which has spilled into the Halloween season in the U.S. I doubt Mexican culture has much of an effect on say, N.Z. or Australia.

    Or waded across?????