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Posts posted by isteve

  1. This summer a Tornado went through just 20 miles south of me. The quake gave us a shaking and Irene left ponds, streams and rivers overflowing and closing local roads and bridges. I hope it's a quiet winter.

  2. Because I rarely use office apps I prefer iwork . I just like the simplicity of using it and that it make pretty reports and graphs with just a click. I do have MS office for mac on my work laptop but it sees very little use. If however I were to recommend a office suite for a office power user I would have to say MS Office.

  3. Lot of rumors about apple this week. New Macbook Pros maybe this thursday and maybe iMacs also, both with Sandy Bridge.

    I have a ipad and love it but not sure what they could offer in version 2 that would me update. But then again a little faster processor could make me think about it. I also think Steve Jobs has a birthday this week... well that one's not a rumor.

  4. I take care of 90 laptops used by school students in classrooms. I keep the laptops plugged in and powered off whenever they are not in use. Sometime during breaks this can be weeks or even months during the summer. We have never had a battery overcharge. We also have some that still have the original batteries that are going on five years old.

    With all the students and teacher laptops we service probably over 1000, I find most batteries last about three to four years.

  5. Actually I believe the Google tablet will be running Chromium not Android. I read rumors that you will need to sign a two year contract with Verizon, at least for the first round. I don't think Google has any plans for a Android tablet yet. But other manufactures will have a choice of Android or Chromium. I know Google has a lot of momentum and wants to be the only name in mobil but I don't like the idea of a OS that only works when connected to Googles servers. I like the idea of cloud computing but would like other people to try it out first.

  6. Of course as always there are still no viruses that have made it to the Mac os x, that is 10 years so far. There has been plenty of holes found but nobody has been able to take advantage of these holes. I have seen a few malwares make it but all had to be downloaded and installed by a user with a admin password. I think there is still DNS changer in the wild but only effects macs that haven't been updated in a few years.

  7. I went for a motorcycle ride to the highest point in Massachusetts, Mt Graylock. My first time there. At the summit there is war memorial light tower with a look out.. I climb up the stair case and stand at the highest point in Mass. and run into a old drinking buddy that I haven't seen in close to ten years, who btw lives 20 minutes away from me. It's a small world.

    Here are some pics.




  8. It all starts with I would never use a apple product they're evil and control everything. Then you use something made by apple and you think, this is too easy I don't trust anything this simple. Then it happens this ipad is kind of fun to use, "don't tell anyone I said that". Wow some of these free app are great maybe I'll spend a dollar or two on a app. Next thing you know you have 100 apps on the ipad and start thinking maybe I'll try a Mac. Hey OS X is't nearly as bad as I thought but again it is way to simple. If I use this to long I'll become one of them mac users who know nothing about tech... stupid simpletons. Thats when it happens you're posting on a forum and write something positive about Apple. And all of a sudden you are branded Mac Fanboy.

    Careful it's a slippery slope.