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Everything posted by JSKY

  1. Wondering if you should upgrade to Vista? Follow this flowchart to see if your capable. Vista Upgrade FlowChart
  2. Paul Thurrott of "WindowsITPro" Magazine and "WinSuperSite.com", did a lengthy review of Vista and claimed it was possible to do a clean install booting from the Vista Upgrade CD. An email explained to him that this may not be possible, this is his responce: "Actually, this is how you do it, according to Microsoft’s internal documentation. I’ll have to test this, but this is what they’re saying internally. "The following steps provide a workaround if you need to clean install Windows Vista provided with these conditions: - You have an upgrade product key for Windows Vista - There is not
  3. My info came from a call to Microsoft help and support this very morning. They said it would work... But on reading other postings on the net...I'm not so sure my advice is right. So until I learn more.. Or try it myself..Do not take my advice to heart....It might not work as I said...Even tho MS phone support said for XP Pro it would.
  4. Ya..I guess it not to sane. The Full Install CDs are bootable. No..The Vista Upgrade CDs are not bootable. The only thing you can boot to is for doing a repair. They are all made to boot from within the current OS as an upgrade only. They are looking for the Legacy codes in win 2000 or XP home. You cannot do an upgrade from XP Pro. to anything but Vista Bunisses or Ultimate. But to do an upgrade from XP Pro. to Vista Premium, you need to do a clean install. To do this you will need a copy of XP Professional CD. Boot from the Vista Premium upgrade CD.. Choose Custom install. It will ask for y
  5. For those wanting to reformat and install Vista Premium using the Upgrade Version. Tho Vista Premium will not boot up for a clean install, Just run as you would normally. You will have to put in you XP Pro. CD just long enough for Vista to see you have XP Pro. It will then comlpete the install of Vista.
  6. JSKY


    You think Vista's going to be a small PC upgrade.... Just give it a couple more years when Microsoft starts to release their next in line operating systems, Vienna and the upcoming Fiji. I can just about imagine the system requirements for them.
  7. JSKY


    Actually Vista is very Stable. It is a good OS. with many new things added. But, There are still many programs that are still not compatible with Vista. Give them time to catch up. Just like with XP, not every program worked with Xp when it first came out. And Vista will be more difficult to work with when trying to do things that aren't legal. (but that will probably will only be a matter of time.) Because there are programs to try to stop piracy installed. And right now while running Firefox...I am having a time trying to get mplayer installed. It is an activex control that allows the media
  8. Trapper John... (a character in the show M*A*S*H)
  9. Working with Vista... Both 32 and 64bit. You can go either way. The 64bit version has 32bit compatibility mode built in. Automaticlly utilizing a 32bit platform to run. Some of the early betas would tell you that a 32bit program would not work....That you needed to use a 64 bit program and if you would like to download that version. But the latest version just installs 32bit programs into the 32bit compatibility folder and run just fine. Still have found a few programs that won't run under either one. But with correspondence with them, They assure that by the time Vista is released to the full
  10. Congrats on your new toy.... And welcome to the dual core generation.
  11. Glad you survived the storms. So....... What does a person do for two days without any Internet?
  12. The local little buggers don't bother me.... But what kind of little critters is Liz beaming down? Them little things from somewhere else might just get us all!!
  13. Looks like a stick of ram is going bad. If you have more then one stick. Try Removing one and then try the other to see if that clears the problem.
  14. Well, I stop in for a cold one and the place is like a ghost town. Good thing, not nobody will know how dumb I get when I have two to many.
  15. The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers And Fat Freddy's Cat
  16. Do not be deceived by the Firewall in Windows Vista. It is a fully configurable firewall with plenty of power. And highly configurable once you enter it's Enhanced Interface. Note: The firewall in Vista is set by default, half disabled. You should learn about Vista's firewall, and set it up to fill your own needs. Here is a link that should help you learn and configure Vista's Firewall to receive the best protection for your system. Vista's Firewall Note: I found a Control Panel (free and paid versions) That allows you more control over Vista's Firewall. It set rules as you go. Like the Learni
  17. Joe. With your laptop. What will happen is, that Vista will see your card and set into motion Vista's automatic redundancy level to disable the Aero Desktop. It will look more like XP then Vista. Same performance, but without all the Eye-Candy.
  18. Well, look at the bright side...3.1 almost has all the bugs worked out of it. LOL