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Everything posted by jsbowen

  1. I think a haiku is a short saying that has a positive moral message. Close? What did you do for father's day?
  2. Bob Pruett Do you play a musical instrument? If so, what?
  3. In the HOSTS file, any line that starts with a # is a comment. So, yes, you could safely delete those lines if you wish.
  4. Parentheses will be key in your formula: ((a1*61.5)*95/100+b1)*c1 Hope that helps.
  5. Adding the following to your HOSTS file, should block the ads from all browsers (even IE): advertising.com servedby.advertising.com ad.doubleclick.net oascentral.g4techtv.com
  6. Thanks for posting back. I read the original post and was a bit confused at how to solve the problem. Now we all know
  7. Here's one of the more thorough news articles regarding this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4080786.stm
  8. jsbowen

    About U?

    Thanks for the welcome. sultan - I've not known you to restrain from making others laugh
  9. jsbowen

    About U?

    Thought I'd drop in and see what all the fuss is about Good to see alot of familiar folks.