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Everything posted by Pandy

  1. TheTerrorist_75 I am late to the party, but I wanted to wish you a happy birthday all the same {{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}} I hope your truck gets fixed and all will be well
  2. Pandy


    Congratulations Matt! Now the rest of your life begins LOL BTW. you will only feel the sad part and the nostalgia later on in life. *giggle*
  3. Snyper! Happy Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a fantastic Day! I wish you all the best {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
  4. Pandy

    Drunken State

    OMG.. wonder who snapped her pic while she was in that state?? Puts me in mind of the saying.. With friends like that who needs enemies. Wonder if she will learn a lesson?
  5. Jeff!!!! That's great news! But of course I'm not surprised *wink* lol Here's to 100,000. I'll drink to that!
  6. I hope you have a great day Sweety {{{{{hugs}}}}}
  7. River Hello snyper Ty robroy Pandy blushes
  8. I'll try it out lol Hiya Jeff !!!!!!!!!
  9. Happy Birthday to you Diva Dear!!! Many Happy returns!
  10. OMG! Thank you everyone! Y'all are so kind. Thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes. That is a gorgeous birthday cake! Thank you macmarauder! lol
  11. Geez.. I was shocked once by lightning.. I was in the car during a storm and I had my hand on the vent window and I got a big zap.. worse than a static shock.. but I have no idea how many volts it was. I was a kid.. it was hard enough to make me cry. You all think up some good questions.. Hmm have you ever hypnotized a chicken? lol
  12. Hi Liz.. and yes I do believe in ESP. To my way of thinking it is a mixture of logic and intuition and we should all try to develop it to some extent. That is so interesting you have ghosts. I wish I had one at least for the unexplained floral scents. LOL I am glad they treat you well, your ghosts. Are you eating in or out tonight for dinner?
  13. I cannot post my favorite sites because they are private. But here are a few I go to.. Atribune BleepingComputer Calendar of Updates Chief Chat Besttechie and for fun I love... Homestarrunner recently my son turned me onto... Unknown Geek for stress relief I love to play around with this.. Kaleidoscope Painter I am new at this one but it seems like a nice place to hang out... Insanity Check
  14. That is a cute pic martymas! It reminds me of Shallow Hal
  15. Pandy

    About U?

    Thanks tg1911! I appreciate that.
  16. No I have never run for public office. Do you believe in ghosts? lol LOL I was drawing a blank on a question to post. LOL