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Everything posted by echobay

  1. Hey John L... Welcome to BestTechies...It's great place to be...
  2. The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are this year's winners: 1. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with. 2. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as hill folk. 3. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future. 4. Foreploy: The misleadi
  3. i so agree that spam is a crime and should NOT go unpunished... Hey skcat ....i really kind of liked your idea of locking the spammer in a cell with machines full of spam and letting them delete til the crap til their greedy lil fingers cramp ...LOL i hope as technology crimes increases we will see more strict and creative punishment. The internet community is screaming for some form of order. It's a new frontier and obviously in need of some form of regulation. The sheep that we are we followed blindly and grazed in the new pastures they offered.We trusted this project and n
  4. Thanks for the link Efwis...
  5. Hey tenmm... Sounds like a plan...Enjoy your vacation! LOL JSKY... They wrote a song about (gez whats that word ombras?) like you...Wasn't it Toby Keith that sang it? "What happens down in Mexico ...Stays in Mexico...
  6. Tough room... Wow i don't know ...9 years for spam sounds harsh...We have people DL kiddie pron, online stalking, browser take overs, pharming, cross scripting schemes and a list of other crap...We can pick our battles...The internet is unregulated and unsecure" It's man made and always going to be icky...At least email gives you the choice to delete..Sorry if my post bothers anybody. Thought provoking topic tictoc..Thanks!
  7. Resistance is futile we will be assimilate (Glaze forms over eyes) i took the update before they shoved it down my pipes Blue pill ...Red pill... Thanks for the link mike!
  8. lol ....mac...i had to google Droopy Dog! Forgot who he was. going to say... Deputy
  9. Hey robroy... Thought i saw you post "Year of the Cat" somewhere...Excellent song...One of those songs you could listen to over and over again!Well (i could)...So i wanted to ask you and anybody else that cares to share...Is there one song that you will NEVER get sick of listening to?
  10. Welcome to the boards shinjin... You are the 400th poster. Need input...How'd you pick shinjin?
  11. Hi Oldtimer... Welcome...Welcome...Welcome...
  12. Morning... i've been passing by this lil cafe' every morning and just wanted to peek in and say hi...OK...Really... i saw the posts about less then desirable drivers and i think i know the reason for the phenemenon you mentioned bar5. Drivers coming out of gas stations and then driving slooow are still in shock and some what suicidal after pumping $10.00 in to the tank and NOT seeing the gas gage move...
  13. Hey thanks for the supplement link tg This burned my cookies too...(i know "bad pun") he he he...i'm past the getting mad part...It's about gettin' hip to this crap!
  14. echobay

    Moz Ff

    In one of LJMs threads i posted an extention that Moz FF is bringing forward...It wasn't really related to the browser exploit but LJM was kind enough to not tell me to get the heck out of his thread with the info...Thanks LJM. Well anyway ... This link leads to a link off Bugzilla that ...If i understand right...Is another patch... Patch for exploit Moz FF
  15. If you do the clicky thing If you don't here's what it says...THE ANNOYING company which developed floating ads that dance across web pages has hatched out a way to restore cookies that you have been lovingly deleting. United Virtualities claims that users really don’t want to delete cookies which tell companies all about their surfing habits. In a press release, United Virtualities claimed that users "accidentally" delete them because all those spyware programs that people are buying do it for them. Such poor people were forced to watch the same advertisements or input usernames and passwo
  16. Nice list Pandy... i like your screen name too...Sounds friendly! i don't think i've posted to you before.Nice to meet ya!
  17. echobay

    Google Map

    Man i'm glad the images are like over 6 months old.Our yard looks like a war zone after the long winter.Wait what am i saying? Why am i here posting ... i have to go and clean up the yard before the next images are posted. Thanks for the cool link bearskin!
  18. Thanks for the story marty, OK ...sue me ... lol...i'm glad for the guy...He fought for what he believed!
  19. Hey LJM... i really just appreciate all the info you (and everybody here shares)...i use Moz and IMHO they really are are quick to respond to the lil' holes that are found in their browser. i can't find the story now but i see they are/were (saw the story a couple days ago) offering rewards to "crackers" for the exposing flaws...
  20. / Psst me saying "i like show tunes" pretty much was enough trauma for my nite . Come on just try and SAY IT...he he he... AHH Oohhh...Moody Blues...Nice one... DOH ...i feel like i'm being a post piggy... PM me sometime blim! Sorry hitest !
  21. Thanks for the heads up LJM Saw this and wanted to offer it up to your thread. If i should start my own thread..Please let me know! Ya gotta love 'em