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Everything posted by Vile_DR

  1. There was an incident like this at my high school after the year I was about 7 teachers using their machines to talk back and forth between each other and sent pictures/movies which ever. Ironically enough...5 of them were women (no offense to anyone, please) and 2 were male but were homosexual...(??? ) They got caught because one of the women brought her toy to school...and who would have known that a student would find the closet of all places...HAHAHAH...when I heard about this story, I immideately contacted my friends and we all knew the 7 people involved...some
  2. I keep missing these Happy B-lated-day Laxman63...
  3. Maverick (with the Ace of spades in the end of the movie)(or top gun Ace) Sry for Double-post
  4. Maverick (with the Ace of spades in the end of the movie)
  5. That's some funny shizzz there Marty... LOL
  6. Happy B-d-issss-ay Rgarg113...
  7. Without Google(ing), i wouldn't be able to tell...maybe a hint or two(?) Liz, you did answer the didn't have to be a written law type of rule...just your rule... Next Question: The only thing that you would never lose, but can do without? (I guess the Psychology is coming out in me... )
  8. Definitely another laugh for me...that song just addicting ...can't figure it out...i have to listen to it all...HA
  9. Well, Liz, if you remember back in the day when transformers first come out...there was a lot of action, fights, noise if you will with the TV shows and they talk about doing this and that, and dont' really battle...Now with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I tried to collect everything there was with them as well...but i seemed to stick with the robot cars and tanks...instead of sewer rats and turtles...hehehe..don't get me wrong...I use to have the VHS tapes for all three movies they made... Anyone know what is for lunch today...i am a bit hungry...and breakfast has come and go
  10. I was right there with LIZ, just a little hesitant, but I ran it and sent it to a few buddies at work (they work at a bank)....I'll have to wait to hear what their bosses say for running the flash files...
  11. That is incredible Shanenin...WTG...5 years isn't easy...10 minutes is probably not easy as well...but CONGRATULATIONS.... With the talking to yourself thing...When I am typing a report, or on to the forum, i have to say my conversation aloud so I don't confuse myself into thinking someone else is writing it...hehe...doesn't make sense, but it is my thing...As everyone else has said...talking to yourself keeps you sane, but if anything goes wrong..."You're completely out of your mind"
  12. Vile_DR

    About U?

    Hello Kasey, welcome to the only forum you'll ever need...i mean for a laugh or too...hehehe...and sometimes we're serious, especially in those dark, my computer is making me mad stages...hehehe... Enjoy your time here...we all are a lot of good peeps on the prowl...
  13. Oh Yeah Liz, the old school Transformers are worth actually a lot of money to a lot of collectors. There are some website, none i have linked to, that are just looking for people to sell them the transformers from the 80's. Plus, the transformers now are all talk. I have the Original movie that, crazy enough, some of my friends and I have watched here in the last six was Insane.....LOL... I am not all up for cursing on the forum, but if you want I'll hold the jar for anyone who gets out of line....d*mm*t....hehehehe...
  14. Funny day has been full of laughs...Thanks Guys/Gals
  15. krose What's Krose? Never heard of that...(sry didn't mean to break association)...
  16. I am glad i read this, i as doing updates on all my anti-programs and was on my way to checking HJT....thanks for the warning...
  17. As the wind blows, your birthday comes and goes... Have a Great one...
  18. 'Sup Bluescreen...welcome to worldwide....>AHHHHHHHH< team...hehehe
  19. This is the funniest thing i have every read...WOW...talking about a bone head...i wonder if he actually deleted his own harddrive and partitions...LOL...I can't wait to hear the ending, they need an ending...did the hacker survive, will he be able to make it to the sequel...i guess we will never know... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ( I hit 100 posts with this one.......NICE.....)
  20. LOL you've gotta read the "Hack Yourself. 1337 Hax0r Messes Up" thread. you'll love it. html I'll definitely take a look...i need a laugh or two...hehe XML
  21. Ouch Liz...that seems to be the scene for one of the cheezy horror movies though...hehe... Transformers use to be the best toy in the world, until I got a computer. I still have quite a collection in the attic, if you want to come over and play sometime Bozodog, Mac. I was reading about the very first collection created and the set of some of the Transformer toys were up in the thousands of dollars, even GI Joes where up there bad my are in crappy kiddy condition...but it is alwasy fun to remember the good times I had with them... **rolls box upon box of toys from t
  22. This is definitely a d*mned subject because of its subjectivity, but I have used google quite a bit and use its email system. I don't send out gmail invites, and I don't tell anyone google is better than the next search engine because of stunts like this. I don't believe that is makes sense for google to maintain user search history, or visits forums such as If I run a search on google I get the information I need, and then i am done with that particular search...why run it again....??? ... As many of you have said, and especially on Marty side, I think Google and some of t
  23. Mike, I had a similar problem with one of my machines running exchange server. I had my Outlook set up at home to keep copies of the emails on the server so when i got to work, I could still read them, and do what I wish, as you mentioned. The only thing I did to remove this little duplication, was made sure before I left the office, that all the email that I was happy with was downloaded to my work computer, I got home and uncheck the leave copy on server check box...I clicked send and receive and maybe receive 3 or 4 emails (firewall warnings, nothing to important, daily thing), and it cle