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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. "me thinks there's a lot of money to be made from breadfruits!"
  2. As W would say, "What Global Warming?"
  3. Chess The Broadway play. Wonderful soundtrack. Check it out.
  4. are you f$%&ing serious? If you are, I'd move. Now I'm going to have nightmares. More Valium, please.
  5. "left, left, a left right left"........
  6. to the beat of JohnPhillip Sousa (hey, JohnPhillip one word, no?)
  7. thousands of little rat life preservers.
  8. Very nice! Are you going to sell it on Ebay now? BTW, Pergo is a laminate, not a hard wood. I almost put it in my new kitchen as flooring, but changed my mind and used tile instead. Keep up the good work! Joe
  9. Help Wanted: Director of national relief agency. Duties might require being repsonsible for hundreds of thousands of lives and the protection of billions of dollars of prorerty. Experience not nessecary, although horse club associations are a plus. Willing to train if you have the proper party affiliation. Call George @ the white house.
  10. Interesting. Only one A+ reply! I spent 2 years reading every computer magazine I could find before I got my first computer. A used 686 Cyrix Win 95. machine. (It's still in my closet). That and ZDTV, later TTV is how I learned.
  11. i'm really not going to engage in this level of "discussion" but the mayor of n.o. managed to get 80% of his residents a relatively short time..he has 200,000 people stranded with no water/food or basic necessities..he's got thousands dead and dying...he's got a governor who declares a day of prayer..instead of a day of get the help out..and politicians all over the media holding press conferences..thanking each other..while his city dies..i think he's entitled to a bit of cussing.. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's very true. As far as the lack of federal assistance, remember who's "
  12. Let's see. Nickel = 300 feet? (of travel) I guess stopping to pick up aluminum cans would be an option.
  13. As Homer would say: "mmmmmmmm.......BEER".