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Everything posted by screi

  1. ah shoot Steve sorry i missed your B'Day...Happy belated bud.. wayne
  2. $3.53 and rising...not a good time to own two suburbans..$141 to fill one up..good grief...
  3.'s been $3.499 or $3.539 for 87 self serve for well over a week here..
  4. nice job Jeff..i too admire your seamless transition... so this is Germany huh..??
  5. well i guess i spoke too soon...after a complete shutdown..i got the error message on startup again...just clicked "continue" and it disappeared..i also cannot report any apparent problems with any programs once the error message goes evolving mystery for sure..??
  6. Brand new 1972 Datsun 510...Canary yellow..$1800 off the lot..pulled a small u-haul from Michigan to California in 1973..only had to replace the rear shocks... I bought two more of these used in the next 5 years..same year and model...and paid more for each than the new one i bought in '72..only car i ever owned that increased in value..
  7. thanx TT...downloaded and installed that patch..and error message was gone upon restart.. appreciate the help.. wayne
  8. i'm getting the following error message on boot-up...after the last round of MS updates: "exception processing message c0000013 parameters 75b6bf9c 4 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c " a google just gets to another forum discussion about this popping up after updates with no real solution anybody got any info on this..?? wayne
  9. oh my..went up another $.04.. $3.439..sigh..
  10. ya well..we pay for our weather here in SoCal...every body from the electric co to the gas co's has a license to steal from us..corporate greed is alive and well here..
  11. hit $3.39 for 87 last wed(a week ago) with the weak excuse of the British hostage "crisis" since the release AND the drop in crude you'd think it might drop back down a bit huh..?? NOPE $3.39 this morning..we continue to get ripped off..
  12. well as quoted above in my earlier post...the fact is the height of the ride allows the patrons tp "peek' in the backyard swimming pools.. and in my opinion excessive noise IS a privacy issue...any thing that can penetrate your walls...disturb your sleep...your children's sleep and the normal activities in your an invasion of your privacy..! and i will not start a debate of your statement: "Don't get me wrong about homeowner's "rights." I hate being told what I can or cannot do with my own property. But by extension, I shouldn't be able to tell others what they can do with THEIR
  13. well i certainly cannot agree with your assertion that an amusement park has any more inherent "right" to expand ...over a homeowners right to privacy and a level of peace and quiet.. it would seem from what i've read about this story that the there was never an issue between the home owners and the park until the park introduced this new ride..which became a nuisance greater than the highway which separates the two..this ride seems to me to have crossed the line... people's property rights are being eroded fast enough...
  14. interesting responses...might i respectfully point out that a closer reading of the article indicates that this ride is brand new and a recent addition to the park..the park apparently has added a ride that is significantly taller...larger and apparently noisier than a 12 lane highway..and tall enough that the FAA requires aviation lights.. from the article: "Tom Gardner and other neighbors acknowledge that living next to Interstate 80 is noisy, but say the Screamer has become an entirely new kind of nuisance. It is loud, lights up at night and gives riders a peek into backyard swimming pools,
  15. screi

    Barbeque Time

    oh my mouth watering on this one pete...and made me feel a bit guilty in SoCal we've had good B'q weather pretty much all winter this stint in the low 20's is all...but i'm ashamed to say i've not fired up the Weber once yet... think i'll clean it up after my daughters track meet tomorrow and slow roast some chickens and turkey for Sunday... thanx for the inspiration...LOL wayne
  16. i have regretted upgrading to 7 for quite some others have said..bloated...buggy..overpriced..that said the burning programs have always worked flawlessly in both 6 and 7 wayne
  17. screi

    Drews World

    Just noticed that it would have been Drew's 25th those kind souls who have passed on before us..May they Rest In Peace... he is missed... wayne
  18. heh heh...good thing she's a sound sleeper...was able to successfully install and open was the yahoo toolbar "helper" thanx again to shanenin for pointing me in the right direction... i could not figure out how to get to the add-ons except thru the tools menu...and the browser was locked up upon opening... we're good to go..! wayne
  19. ah...thank you.. i was not aware i could manage add-ons thru the control panel..will give it a go tomorrow...she's asleep now.. thanx wayne
  20. well i've all but given up on this i thought i'd ask for some help...I have not been able to install IE7 on my daughter's machine(E-machineC3060 Xp home sp2) all updates current.. Installation seems to complete successfully with no error messages..however after restart when i try to open IE it freezes before the page even completely opens..CPU at 100%..and no response to any action...I have to shut down/restart through the Task manager... I've tried installing thru the Windows the download file...with anti virus and spy ware programs off and on..just about every which way
  21. What possible reason could you justify not securing your network..some strange altruistic compulsion...?? duh..
  22. ..have you tried power-cycling your modem..?? or perhaps you need a firmware update..??start with the basics and work from there..
  23. "Tricky Dick had to love him, and rightly so. Sure does beat prison." ..understand your point of view joe...felt that way myself in the 70's...but most people have come to realize and appreciate that the pardon saved this country several years of continued upheaval with indictments...trials..and the inevitable appeals..Watergate and Vietnam were pulling this country apart at the seams..inflation was running in double digits..interest rates were over 20%..we didn't need any more Nixon crap... Gerry knew the political price he was risking(and ultimately paid )...but stood by his decision to do t
  24. Growing up in Grand Rapids Michigan in the 50's and 60's Mr Ford was my Congressman...He appointed my older cousin to the Military Academy at West Point..and while he did not have an opening for me when I was appointed..he was very helpful in getting me my appointment to the academy thru our State Senator...I had numerous correspondences from him as a high schooler and met him briefly during the nomination process for the academy...He was a true Midwestern gentle man.. After watching his funeral was refreshing to see a politician shown so much respect for his character...integrity an
  25. have you downloaded and installed the update patch from the website..?? also it seems you might have got a bad install from the university pack..might be a good idea to uninstall and re-install it all as suggested by garmanma hope you backed up her games...?? wayne