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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. shanenin

    Winders Me

    downloads are also discontinued? What about windows update, is that also discontinued for ME?
  2. As to slackware, it is a solid distro, but I think it is lacking in one serious way. It does not have a great easy way to install software. The prefered way to install programs with slackware is to indivdually build and compile all programs along with their dependencies. This can be a lot of work.
  3. you could ask your mom and dad if they would temporaly let you swap their drives :-)
  4. Are you sure about that, I am not so certain? edit added later// I do realize SATA has a faster interface, but I don't knoiw if that means a drive of the same rpm will actually perform any better then a regular IDE.
  5. My gut says that the cddrive is bad. Do you have a spare you could swap into the computer?
  6. Sorry, my suggestion would have made your data inaccesable. You mentioned reinstalling, so I assumbed you were trying to format your drive. below is from the parted man page mklabel label-type Creates a new disklabel (partition table) of label-type. label-type should be one of "bsd", "dvh", "gpt", "loop", "mac", "msdos", "pc98" or "sun".
  7. I am no expert in this area, but the following commands should delete your partition table and set it a proper environment to reinstall windows. Run these command from any linux live cd as root dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1 parted -s /dev/hda mklabel msdos
  8. I use nero mainly for the encoding program it contains. I convert my dvds to mpeg4 using it; it does a flawless job.
  9. If my understanding is correct, you will not get any better performance between a 7200rpm ide and a 7200rpm sata drive. Even thought the sata drive does have more throughput, it is not needed(used). I think you would get some gains using sata if you went up to a 10000rpm unit. if you are looking for something that will give you extra performance, get this one if you are buying a new motherboard, you could get one that is compatible with the newer style sata, that supports 15000 rpm drives.
  10. Have any of you used a universal laptop adapter? The one day I spent at a local computer shop(considered taking a job there), I was shown a universal power adapter. The tech who worked there told me it would autodetect and give the correct voltage(no settings to change) to any laptop. He said it would work for most any laptop people would bring in. The only ones it would not work for were dells, due to their odd plugs. If they are any good, I would like to purchase one for my self.
  11. is the powershell(monad) going to still be included with the first releases of vista?
  12. I may give it a try someday :-)
  13. I reformatted right away, so I am not running any of the toshiba software. I did look around on the toshiba sight. I did not see any software for my model that was for "power saving". I have worked on other toshiba laptops, which toshiba did have the power saving software available. Do you think that can do a whole lot more then what the basic xp software does?
  14. When you have time, try this special turkey recipe. Turducken wow that looks involved. Have you made it yourself?
  15. I did not expect alot. I assumbed all laptops at least eeked out 2 hours. It was a firsttime laptop purchase, overlall I am happy. one other negative, it only came with a 90 day warranty. That could be a good thing, if it breaks, I would have a good project to work on.
  16. I bought a toshiba satellite L25-s1192 back in january. I paid just $500 for it. It came with a 1.5ghz celeron m, 256mb of ram, ati graphics. It is a nice sleek looking unit. I have been completly happy with it except for this one flaw. The battery life is only about 1.5 hours. Does that seem rediculouly short? For the price, I guess I can't complain to much.
  17. if it has a vga port(the port you plug the moniter into), it should have video built in. My gut says the board is bad just another thought. Some motherboards need to have the FSB(front side bus) set manually. I have had an athlon xp like yours set to 333(166)mhz, it needed to be set at 266(133). That would not allow the machine to even boot to the bios screen; it apeared like the video was not working. Depending on how your board works, you may just be able to reset the cmos, this should change the FSB speed to the lowest setting it is able to do (after getting in to the bios you can change it
  18. this post seems to answer some of your questions
  19. I installed xp using the dell disc that came with the computer. I noticed the msn browser was already installed. Dell must have modified the disc to include msn, or does a generic oem disk also include msn(maybe I never noticed before)
  20. Thanks for the heads up. I wonder why they are making it hard to install to someones machine. It does not make much sense. You think they would want to make it as easy as possible to install it.
  21. I have been nosing around for quite a while. I am having no luck finding "msn 9" , the dial up internet browser. I have to reinstall it on a machine I am working on.
  22. you are assumbing the mother board uses a standard atx powersupply. I do not think it does. I am not sure though.
  23. I don't have it in my possesion. I aqm guessing it is something like this I got a call from someone who was looking for a power supply. I can't imagine wanting to fix it. If he is a collector(I doubt it), I think he would already have scanned ebay(not called me) for the part.