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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. @MistaMatt90 I would say backup anything important and GO FOR IT. You will never feel completely confident in installing it, but after it is done you will probably feel that it was not as difficult as you thought.
  2. just curious, did you mess with alsamixer at all? If you played a song, did it seem to play, but without volume, was not complaining of missing devices? I had a little trouble with alsa and ubuntu. I ended up solving the problem by using alsamixer(installed by default), and muted all channels execpt master and pcm. One of the other channels seemed to be blocking my sound, by muting it my sound just started to work.
  3. I just installed a fully configured bootable gentoo system in 10 minutes. This system has even been fully compiled to run perfectly on my hardware. I kind of cheated; the last install I did, I tarred up my whole system in a big tarball, well actually two: my /boot and my / partition. The install consisted of untarring two files. edit added later// before tarring my system, I deleted all of my distfiles. After using bzip to do the compression, I got the tarball down to just 175mb, this even includes my full kernel source; I think the system uncompressed was about 1.4 gb. I wonder how big of a
  4. shanenin


    about 80% of what I do on the computer is a waste of time.
  5. shanenin


    then maybe it was not a waste of time.
  6. shanenin


    it may be user error on my part, who knows
  7. shanenin


    I wasted nearly two hours of my day trying to make icccaros linux work with my printer. I guess it was not a total waste, I probably learned something. I am only able to get it to print a small text file. Any other thing I try starts the print job, then aborts. I installed hpijs, and am using a foomatic ppd. edit added later// this was not a crack at your distro. This was more pointing out the fact I spent two hours on something I do not need. I could have been doing something more productive Not being able to make it work is VERY UNSATISFYING. If I spent two hours and got the satisfaction of
  8. open up a shell, in kde this is called konsole. This is the place you can enter commands su means 'switch user' if you just type su without a user name it is the same as typing the command su root. These two command are the same su su root Both of the above commands mean "switch user to root". Normally you will need to enter the root password, but using knoppix it does not prompt for one. the program qtparted will not partition your drive. It will be used only to resize your partition, make it smaller. Currently all of your drive is allocated as one ntfs partition, you have no unallocated s
  9. shanenin


    I was not sure if you run into problems trying to install software to a live cd. It must store everything in memory; it is hard to grasp how that can be done.
  10. the only reason I needed ssh server running on it was so I could use scp to copy some printer privers over from my gentoo box. I am guessing that my freebsd box starts and stops services in a similar fashion. I am embarresed to say, I never took the time to figure it out.
  11. shanenin


    I have been mesing around with iccaros and cups. I noticed you do not have hpijs installed, I think this is nessesary to use most hp printers. I saw that gimp-print did support some hp printers , but not mine. Do you know what foomatic actually does? I am not sure, but I think it is nessesary to use a lot of the HP ppds. This would be something to consider in your next build. this is the ppd I use for my printer /usr/share/cups/model/foomatic-ppds/HP/HP-DeskJet_3520-hpijs.ppd.gz
  12. I burned and booted iccaros linux. I noticed something odd, the sshd init script was not executable, is there any reason for that? I would think all init scripts would be executable. After chmoding it sshd started just fine.
  13. I was looking at trying the newest release. I noticed it is a .tar.gz file. Is that really an iso file, that can be burned?
  14. I can never type correctly, I usually reread and recorrect several times, but still miss typos. I have just excepted that fact.
  15. wow. You got help from Mr. Torvalds sorry, I am being a smartass welcome :-)
  16. shanenin


    I am not sure how you start services with iccaros linux, but it is based off slackware. You could try this command, it may start cups /etc/rc.d/rc.cups then try the web interface
  17. I just checked, knoppix does do ntfs resizing, using the program qtparted . first off make sure you defragment you windows drive, and backup any data you do not want to lose. Even a very polished prgram like partition magic can cause corruption doing a major task like resizing. now to the resizing boot knoppix, open up a terminal, change to root with the su command, then enter the command qtparted. from there it is pretty self explainitory. just click on your partition you want to resize, then under operations choose resize. It will ask you the new size you want it. If it gives you the option,
  18. I was under the impression that ubuntu offers ntfs resizing, but .... I just booted my ubunutu disk and I did not see any options to resize my windows partition. I will try and see what I can find out. just for fun, boot your ubuntu cd, just to see what it it like. You may see an option to rezise you windows partition. So long as you do not choose "write partition table" you will not make any changes to your sytem.
  19. shanenin

    For Loop

    sure that makes sence, but why not do it to this line also for FILE in $HOME/* is there a logical reason why the person who made this script did not use braces in all instances of the variable HOME?
  20. shanenin

    For Loop

    below is a bash script, I copied for a book(slightly changed) for FILE in $HOME/* do cp $FILE ${HOME}/new/directory chmod a+r ${HOME}/new/directory/${FILE} done I understand that the first line sets the variable FILE to each of the values contained in $HOME The third line is confusing me , why is HOME in these {}, like this {HOME} what is that accomplishing, specifically what do those backets do.
  21. shanenin


    have you taken a good look at that guide, it seemed to work successfully for some people, but a lot of messing around.
  22. if you like control, you may like linux :-) I would reccomend something like ubuntu, it uses a nice package manager, apt-get. I like it and people say nothing but good stuff about it. Mandrake would also be a good choice, buts it package manager probably is not as good as apt-get. most distros have very good, easy to follow installers. They are all very similar. A few tough installs would be debian or gentoo, slackware is also tougher then most(easier then the two former)
  23. Definately dual boot. I have never set up linux on a second harddrive but I am pretty sure the installer will give you the option to install there. It will probably do it for you automatically. you first ide device(your first harddrive) is called /dev/hda your second ide device(your second harddrive) is called /dev/hdb . You will want to tell the installer to put linux on /dev/hdb. You also want to choose the option to install your bootloader on the MBR, this way you will be given the option to boot windows or linux.
  24. shanenin

    About U?

    I can't say my life is that well rounded :-)