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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. is a harddrive install an option(you mentioned mandriva), I though I read your dad will not allow you to mess with oyour windows install.
  2. I would reccomend checking out . There is a ton of good info specific to knoppox(which I guess mythknoppix is based).
  3. tony montana(al pachino) --scarface
  4. I would try and connect the machine directly to the modem without the router. That way you could possibly rule out problems. If it worked then, you could rule out the problem being with the nic or nic drivers. Has this machine worked for you before?
  5. thanks for the suggestions, those are all very low cost wasy to advertise. maybe I should contact some reputable spammers(oxymoron) J.K.
  6. Thanks for all of the positive feedback. I have my assumed name certifcate application ready to go with a stamp. I will be placing my yellow page add soon, but it will not be published until just after the first of the year. It will be a while befire I get any calls.
  7. Thanks :-) it seems that any parameters given directly to the object are passed only to the __init__ constructor(for the most part) @jcl you kind of already answered this for me before, but I was still not sure
  8. I am slowly absorbing these python class concepts(kinda) this fails with an error class Critter(object): def __init__(self): print "I am born" def talk(self,name): self.test = name print self.test crit = Critter('ralph') this one works class Critter(object): def __init__(self,name): print "I am born" self.test = name print self.test def talk(self): print 'ya' crit = Critter('ralph') this seems that the parameter 'ralph' can only be passed to the __init__ method, but not
  9. thanks for the input and kind words :-) I also like bright-eyed
  10. I am getting ready to place a yellow page ad for a computer service business. I am not ultra knowledable, but feel their is nothing I can't figure out. If a job seems to be out of my ability, I can turn it down. I plan on using either this name, 'bright-eyed computer' , or 'bright eyed computer' . The first is gramically correct, but I am not sure if a hyphen is the way to go. I would appreciate any suggestions.
  11. can the parameter "poochie" in the following line of code only be passed to the __init__() constructer? crit1 = Critter("Poochie")
  12. I think I might be on to something. the folowing code does not work class Critter(object): def __init__(self,test): print 'I am born' self.test = test def talk(self): print 'my name is',test crit = Critter('poochie') but the following does class Critter(object): def __init__(self,test): print 'I am born' self.test = test def talk(self): print 'my name is',self.test crit = Critter('poochie') is this to do with the encapsulation? the only way to get the value of test('poochie') available to the talk met
  13. I am probably saying something really dumb , but here goes: is the following code just assigning the variable name( to the value name, or is something more going on. = name if that is the case, why can't any variable be used like the following word = name
  14. I am guessing /dev/hda1 is your windows recovery partition.
  15. I think i see the problem, your options are a little askew you have ro,user,unmask=0222 try this instead ro,users,umask=0222 if you use users with a s, it will allow regular users to mount it. It is also umask not unmask. edit added later// from man mount if I am understanding the man page using users will allow you to unmount it even if user root mounted it. where user will only allow the user who mounted it to unmount it. using user like you had it , should also have been ok. The only real problem I spotted was misspelling umask :-)
  16. I am still haveing some trouble grasping this. If I stare at the code long enough, i think it will make sence.
  17. I am really struggling trying to understand what the following code is doing. in particulare this line, I do not get what it is doing(where it came from) = name where is coming from? below is the code it came from class Critter(object): """A virtual pet""" def __init__(self, name): print "A new critter has been born!" = name def __str__(self): rep = "Critter object\n" rep += "name: " + + "\n" return rep def __cmp__(self, other): if > retu
  18. it is whatever came with my motherboard. I did not install a seprerate guage. I do have an intake fan in front and an outtake in back. The problem is my heatsink is completely blocked in a corner by the powersuppy. no matter how much air I get circulating, no air is getting near the heatsink. I think I am going to seriously mod my case. I want to cut a hole in the top above the heatsink, then place a fan that will exaust and draw air directly over it.
  19. shanenin


    I personally kind of like the bots, not sure why.
  20. shanenin


    is the ask_jeeves bot a new thing, I have never notices it until today.
  21. I was encoding a bunch of movies, so I decided to check my temp of the processor. it was running 85 degrees C. That was very close to frying. I opened up my case and started blowing a fan in it, the tmep has now dropped to 68. The case and mobo are a very bad combo. The heatsink sits directly behind the power supply, it gets no circulation. I think I am going to make a hole on the top of my case for ventalation. It does not help to have a temp of 85 degrees F in my house.
  22. linux is great. My only advice: enjoy the journey. By that I mean, do not expect everything to work like windows, just enjoy it however it works for you. When I first started to use linux, I made myself crazy, I wanted everything to work , NOW. That attitude made me unhappy. Today I just enjoy linux, even if eveything is not polished, I just enjoy it however it comes :-)
  23. I just finished my first program, other then a few test ones. it is tic-tac-toe. If you want to try it. here is the link If any of you care to comment on my boring code, feel free, I would appreciate any suggestions. #!/usr/bin/env python # this is the game tic-tac-toe # it was fully programmed by shane lindberg # # # this function gives instuctions to # the user for playing the game def instructions(): print """\n\tWelcome to the game of tic-tac-toe\n \t --a game of man against machine--\n you first need to choose to
  24. thanks, that makes sence :-)