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Everything posted by bar5

  1. Happy Birthday Steve Have a great day
  2. bar5


    Great news, Matt. Good luck in your new job.
  3. Happy Birthday Papa Have a great day
  4. Happy Birthday Marty Have a great day.What better way to spend your day, than with your family.
  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you Mark, and everyone here at BT. Love the turkey, looks like Groucho Marx. Barb
  6. bar5


    Oh Matt, I hope you find something soon. It sure sounds like a lousey job anyway. Maybe this happened for a good reason. You just might find a better job and be a lot happier, I hope so. Best of luck to you. Barb
  7. Happy Birthday tictoc Have a great day, enjoy
  8. Happy Birthday Bobby Have a great day
  9. Catch 22.............They tell you we have to conserve, drive less, so we do that. Well, we will have to raise taxes now, because people are driving less, so not collecting as much taxes Well duh!!! $1.87 gal regular here, for now.
  10. bar5

    Veteran's Day

    Thank You to all Veterans
  11. What is your opinion of Panda? Panda is still doing great on my PCs. I am getting ready to renew and will go with Panda Internet Security 2009. For my customers that want free programs I have been installing AntiVir and MBAM. What do you think of ESET Smart Security? Is Panda Internet Security user friendly? Some of these Internet Security Suites are confusing to use, is why I'm asking. I'm still on Dial-Up (No other choice) and do not need anything that will slow down my computer. Barb
  12. Hi Honda_Boy: Here are 2 links on how to replace an LCD on a laptop. See if any of these are any help. LCD's for Less Screentek I've never replaced one, so can't help you from personal experience. Pictures look informative. Click on pictures to enlarge. See what you think. Barb
  13. Went to my local voting place, showed my voting card, got a ballot, filled in circles beside the candidate's I was voting for, put ballot thru a scanner. Took all about 15 min for me also. Congratulations Jeff on your first voting experience. It is a very exciting moment. Barb
  14. Happy Birthday Karol Have a great day
  15. Happy Birthday RubbeRDuckY Have a great day
  16. Happy Birthday Dan Have a great day
  17. Happy Birthday Bearskin Have a great day
  18. bar5


    Thanks everyone. At least I know it's not me. Too bad as they did have a lot of good info on it. I read somewhere that some people that had donated for a bigger server or site are a little angry about lost donation to CastleCops. Don't remember what forums, as I have been to quite a few trying to find out what happened to them. Note: Just went to that site that garmanma listed here and they have some info on it. Site seems to be up and down.
  19. bar5


    Has anyone heard anything about Castlecops? I have not been able to connect to site all this week. Keep getting "Connection reset" etc. I don't go there much, but every once in awhile I like to check out site as it has some good info on it. I googled to find out some info, and all I came up with was possible DOS attack at one time, and the site may have been sold. All guessing, no concrete answer. Just curious.
  20. bar5

    A_z Of Tv Shows

    V = Victory at Sea
  21. Happy Birthday Arachnid40 and Randall Have a great day both of you
  22. bar5

    A_z Of Tv Shows

    T = Three's Company