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Everything posted by bar5

  1. bar5


    Welcome Snape to BestTechie Make yourself comfortable. Take a tour, and any questions, just ask. We have a great bunch people here that will be more than happy to help any way they can. Barb
  2. bar5

    A_z Of Tv Shows

    E = Entertainment Tonight
  3. Happy Birthday Flatiron Have a great day
  4. BD I had problems with Firefox 3.0.1 also with both XP and Vista. Adblock Plus wouldn't remember all the items I blocked. I had to keep blocking them. My extensions also did not work, not compatible I guess. It was Tab Browser Preferences I think is the name. I had other things that did not work, was very frustrating. It also was a lot slower for some reason, so I uninstalled it, reinstalled FF and now everything works fine. I'll wait until they fix FF 3.0.1 before i install it again. I read on other forums, other people are having problems also. No help I know, but you are not alone
  5. bar5

    A_z Of Tv Shows

    V = Victory at Sea Note: When you post your answer, type letter of alphabet first than name of TV show. It is easier to read when the letter is typed first, like I have.
  6. bar5

    A_z Of Tv Shows

    Q = Queen for a Day
  7. bar5

    A_z Of Tv Shows

    I = I Love Lucy Honda_Boy; You can use any type of show as long as it on TV.
  8. bar5

    A_z Of Tv Shows

    A_Z TV Shows Game: Must keep in alphabetical order. A = (name of tv show) B = (name of tv show) and so on. I saw this on another forum and thought it would be nice to have a different game. Name of TV show can be old or new, does not matter. A = All in The Family Note: Can not use any letter until B is used. No skipping of letters. When first set of A_Z finishes, start another set of A_Z and keep going. Note #2: When you post your answer, type letter of alphabet first than name of TV show. It is easier to read when the letter is typed first, like I have.
  9. Happy Anniversary BestTechie Congratulations to you Jeff for having such a friendly forum. It is like no other on the net. Barb
  10. bar5

    Hi Everyone!

    Jason Welcome to BestTechie
  11. Happy Birthday Dragon Have a great day