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Posts posted by martymas

  1. no good shouting foe me i dont drink

    oh c'mon!

    it is scientifically proven that moderate consumption of beer improves the cardiovascular system. :D

    one bottle wouldnt hurt. :D

    just kidding!

    ha ha ha

    it dosent say what it does to your head.

    my mum and dad used to drink.and it sort of put me off the stuff.

    tho remember i when i was 21 i got what they called a bit tipsy.

    and the only improvement i got was my libido.

    so for that score alone.hahaha

    who knows


  2. not sure if this will help .

    when at cfh.

    i had a similair problem

    and when i posted pete replied and said go in and uncheck all java applis

    in internet options so i did and havent had any trouble since .

    he also said if you need to use java install sun java .

    but i havent done that but my sys is working well.

    i have an idea he said microsoft wasnt perservering with micro java any more

    but of course that was several months may have changed now.


    sorry polodriver.

    the name didnt ring a bell until i read nereldas post


    take care


  3. hi TK hope you dont mind me jumping in here .

    i have a problem with word pad.3 times i have reinstalled xp.

    and wordpad hasent appeared in any of the documents.and to get it on the sys ive had to.type it in the search box and then send it to my desk top.

    does this mean it isnt a default appli.and needs to accessed, or is there something wrong with my wordpad.application.can you understand what im typing here.

    my damned eyesight is gettin worse.

    my specticles are only a year old.


  4. hi team look what i found hope it isnt to risque

    At age 4, success is...not peeing in your pants.

    · At age 12, success is...having friends.

    · At age 16, success is...having a driver's license.

    · At age 20, success is...having sex.

    · At age 35, success is...having money.

    · At age 50, success is...having money.

    · At age 60, success is...having sex.

    · At age 70, success is...having a driver's license.

    · At age 75, success is...having friends.

    · At age 90, success is...not peeing in your pant


  5. marty I really try to be nice at the "other" board simply because of a lot of good people over ther like Pete, Tyme, hell, too many to name but some people there have a lot of talent.......even il_wiccan...hahahahaha

    luckly i know most of the regulars and so i keep in touch with most of them .normally i read their posts or answer the ones i know, i notice pete is posting more now.and when he does i save most of his tips.

    hell he is like a compt encyclopedia.wouldnt mind all his knowledge .

    and the amzing thing he dosent like fame he does it for the love of it.


  6. I just got a call to go "fix" a machine.

    Win? possible 98/ME

    When IE is opened or when typing address in address bar: ...Caused an Illegal Operation.... machine shuts down.

    Possible uninstall/reinstall IE.

    Will update machine. Install Spybot, Adaware, A squared.

    Any suggestions to the illegal operation problem.

    Also have another question here.

    Will go this afternoon to check the machine.


    im sure i read where instead of blue screen now you get this message.microsofts way of illiminating the blue screen

    it may be spy ware

    hardware conflict



  7. hey bearskin i got a blaster.from several posters when i answered one who;s heading read

    can you beat this.

    so i jumped in and said yes over your bloody i appoligise for using the b word here but iwas so p----sed off all these rich kids bloated egos and all posting like that.and the worse of it was he didnt ask for any help.

    so refuse i to go there or ile be on blood presure pills.

    the only help he needed was to fill his head with self importence.

    i hope that dosent happen here.i know for some reason it dosent happen at world start message board.most of the posters are in the older age group

    much like this ive got my fingers crossed.tho i dont think it will happen here this board has a much broader tech based posters

    and g4 is a gamers board witch attracts the kids .

    im glad you brought this subject up its been tearing at my hair roots for some time.and must warn B if some one does that here ile jump in like i did over there.


  8. hi team i have a Q for the americans. posters on the board .

    i watched a program from the UK.about the legal profession

    up dateing to,the computer age.i must ad this only applies to lap tops.

    it seems the hdd"s are replacable in the new laptops.much like floppys or cds

    there wasnt any connections all that was required was to insert the hdd into a slot and when it was full replace it with another.with out having to.connect it to a ribbon connector.

    this article was researched in the usa.

    my Q does any one know if this technology applys to desk top compts.

    the draw back was it would only take a forty geg hdd at a time.

    tho that would last me a life time.


  9. yes the motherboard has to be compatable.

    for example is you took the hdd from a p2 to a p3 it wont work.

    i found out ,at that time and i didnt know what the problem was

    we had to clean swipe the hdd and start all over again.with a reinstalation.

    so if your hardware is from one sys to another you up the creek with a paddle

    i learned a lesson from that


    i know it didnt hurt my hdd i had to go on the net and find a hdd swiper i thnk it was called erasure or somthing like that quite quite while ago now


  10. I typed what you said and I got a dialog box that said that Windows was already activated. So.what is this supposed to do for me????

    the post wasnt meant for people who know it all

    it was to demonstrate how to active your key .

    chappy is a moderator on this board and he posted that fix .

    i got the same result as you so you and i dont have active our key.

    is that clear enough or do you want a ball by ball explanation


  11. hi team this is a news letter from TM.



    (by TrendLabs Global Antivirus and Research Center)



    Date: Friday November 12, 2004


    To read an HTML version of this newsletter, go to:

    Issue Preview:

    1. Trend Micro Updates - Pattern File & Scan Engine Updates

    2. Mining for Gold – TROJ_GETEGOLD.A (Low Risk)

    3. Top 10 Most Prevalent Global Malware

    4. Trend Micro URL Filtering Module - Important Product Update Now


    5. Trend Micro Announces Network VirusWall 300

    NOTE: Long URLs may break into two lines in some mail readers.

    Should this occur, please copy and paste the URL into your browser window.


    1. Trend Micro Updates - Pattern File & Scan Engine Updates


    PATTERN FILE: 2.246.00

    SCAN ENGINE: 7.100

    2. Mining for Gold – TROJ_GETEGOLD.A (Low Risk)


    TROJ_GETEGOLD.A targets users with e-gold accounts. E-gold is an

    integrated account-based payment system mainly utilized for e-commerce. This

    Trojan does not employ typical phishing techniques, such as logging user

    keystrokes in text files that can be sent to a remote malicious user.

    Instead, when a user accesses the

    e-gold account login form it opens a hidden duplicate Internet Explorer

    (IE) window accessing that same URL. It then fills the duplicate Web form,

    which eventually leads to illegal account access. The Trojan periodically

    drains the funds of the compromised account by a certain percentage, and

    the stolen funds are then transferred to another e-gold account. This

    Trojan runs on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, and XP and is currently spreading


    Upon execution, this Trojan drops itself as SVHOST.EXE in the Windows

    folder. It then creates a registry entry that allows it to automatically

    execute at every Windows startup. When a user accesses the URL, this Trojan opens a hidden duplicate Internet

    Explorer page of the said URL, which it fills, in order to drain a target

    user’s e-Gold account.

    To successfully perform this function, this Trojan uses Internet

    Explorer’s built-in OLE automation functions. This method is similar to API

    hooks used by PE viruses. In this case, this Trojan executes certain

    functions for every change in the URL address that occurs.

    The following URLs cause this Trojan to execute certain functions:

    E-gold account holders should monitor e-gold Security Alerts at the

    following URL:

    If you would like to scan your computer for TROJ_GETEGOLD.A or thousands


    other worms, viruses, Trojans and malicious code, visit HouseCall, Trend

    Micro's free, online virus scanner at:

    TROJ_GETEGOLD.A is detected and cleaned by Trend Micro pattern file


    and above.

    For additional information about TROJ_GETEGOLD.A please visit:

    3. Top 10 Most Prevalent Global Malware

    (from November 5, 2004 to November 11, 2004)







    6. PE_ZAFI.B




    10. TROJ_DELF.AR

    4. Trend Micro URL Filtering Module - Important Product Update Now



    Trend Micro URL Filtering, an optional module integrated with Trend Micro

    InterScan Web Security Suite, enables companies to manage employee Internet

    use by restricting access to unwanted Web sites.

    If you have installed InterScan Web Security Suite with URL Filtering

    module, an important product update is now available:

    For Windows: InterScan Web Security Suite Patch for Windows v2.0

    For Linux: InterScan Web Security Suite Patch for Linux v2.0

    For Solaris: InterScan Web Security Suite Patch for Solaris v2.0

    PLEASE NOTE: This is a mandatory patch as all unpatched systems will be

    unable to receive URL Filtering updates after January, 2005.

    You may obtain the patch by visiting:

    If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Trend Micro

    Technical Support in your area:

    5. Trend Micro Announces Network VirusWall 300


    Trend Micro recently launched the Network VirusWall 300 outbreak

    prevention appliance intended to protect mission-critical devices such as Automatic

    Teller Machines (ATM machines), self-service ticketing kiosks and medical


    Building on the success of the Network VirusWall 1200 for network

    segments, the Network VirusWall 300 appliance protects individual devices and can:

    -Prevent network worms and enable remote clean-up of network worm

    infections using threat-specific knowledge from TrendLabs(SM)

    -Isolate devices from the network and quarantine infected devices

    -Ease deployment through a simple hardware architecture that avoids the

    compatibility, performance, and stability issues of software security solutions

    To learn more about the Network VirusWall 300 please visit:




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  12. no it wasnt magic jelly bean.

    it was something typed into the run box .ive tried to look for that post but buggered if i can find it.ile try and look for it tomorrow im off to the races to day.

    a friend is racing his horse and im the horse know feed it clean up the h-s---t.ect.hose it down and what all.

    did you read my post about safe mode.


  13. thanks T ive emailed your reply on, but i will keep you in touch on the progress.

    when i had the safe mode trouble.went to the boot ini option.i and checked the safe boot box. rebooted.then went in and pressed edit and copy and pasted the safe boot line from notepad, into the default operating sys box.and i was then able to get safe mode from f8.

    i hope my friend can follow those instructions you posted.

    any how i will keep you posted and thank you.

    you always seem to come to my rescue.

    or my friends rescue in this case

    take care and thanks again


  14. i read where aida32 has changed its name and format.i used a lot in the past .but then they asked to be i didnt persue it i like free programs that give out the same info.

    pc pitstop bell arc are an example.and is free.


  15. stop grizzling us south of the equater lost all the shows once the take over took to us you are all talking gibberish.i was reading at g4 this morning and sethooks has a big article about the sacking .in a news letter from kevin.

    i read it but didnt care a hoot.tss to me was an elite program

    that is why i stuck to c.f.h

    tho many from tss would come across to cfh to get there answers
