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Posts posted by martymas

  1. hey shadow take care of your self.i belong to the heart and diabetes assoc

    and all you have to see is some of the videos of the lungs and pancreas that smoking does to these body parts to see how bad it is for your body.

    like some of the other posters i havent smoked for thirty years.

    and i know what it is like to try and stop.dam hell.for me personaly it found it was mind over matter and force of habit.for instance after ide stopped smoking for several years .

    after a meal or when i got bored my hand used to go to my back pocket looking for the cigs .

    now i hate being around people who smoke .

    luckly in my country from the 15 of december all smoking in public areas.inclosed areas ,which means cafes pubs hotels .restraunt all in closed areas

    the only place exempt is your private chatels .will be banned.

    of course.the smoking laying down and kicking there heels up in the air.

    but it has to be done.

    this b------it

    of individual rights is in fringing, on the millions of people who dont smoke .

    i feel guilty in posting this because i was one of those and at the time i didnt give a

    s---t on what other people said.

    so smoking has turned a complete cycle.

    i sympathise with you but if it affects your health please think about it at least

    we dont want to lose you from this board.

    i just dont want to see you die because of smoking.

    you take care shadow

    and good luck


  2. hi team here is trend micro 's alert of the arafat worm.i tried to put it into a link.

    but deciced to send it in text, that way no one can be suspicious of the link, like me a lot of you are reluctant to click on links .


    Date: Friday November 19, 2004

    NOTE: The Weekly Virus Report will be on hiatus next week, during the

    Thanksgiving Holiday, but will return to its regular schedule on December



    To read an HTML version of this newsletter, go to:

    Issue Preview:

    1. Trend Micro Updates - Pattern File & Scan Engine Updates

    2. Arafat Worm – WORM_GOLTEN.A (Low Risk)

    3. Top 10 Most Prevalent Global Malware

    4. Trend Micro URL Filtering Module - Important Product Update Now


    5. Trend Micro Announces Network VirusWall 300

    NOTE: Long URLs may break into two lines in some mail readers.

    Should this occur, please copy and paste the URL into your browser window.


    1. Trend Micro Updates - Pattern File & Scan Engine Updates


    PATTERN FILE: 2.251.00

    SCAN ENGINE: 7.100

    2. Arafat Worm – WORM_GOLTEN.A (Low Risk)


    WORM_GOLTEN.A is a memory-resident network worm. It has no

    mass-mailing capabilities, but may have been mass-mailed to specific email addresses

    instead. The email message contains two .EMF file attachments: one shows

    the burial of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and the other contains code

    that exploits a Microsoft XP vulnerability. The worm propagates via

    network shares and attempts to connect to network shared folders. It uses a

    list of user names and passwords to gain access to a machines, to establish

    a network connection and execute a copy of itself in the accessed network

    share. This worm runs on Windows 2000 and XP, and is currently spreading


    Upon execution, this worm drops the following files in the Windows system


    ALERTER.EXE - main component and installer





    SCARDSER.EXE - installs .DLL (Dynamic Link Library) files that inject

    this worm into LSASS.EXE and IEXPLORE.EXE

    It also adds a registry entry that allows it to automatically execute at

    every system startup, and installs the following .DLL files:





    These .DLL files inject this worm into the following processes:



    The .DLL files download other components from a remote location, and are

    responsible for the propagation of this worm.

    The worm also adds a registry entry that initiates the download of a

    remote file, which is saved as DMSTI.EXE.

    WORM_GOLTEN.A propagates through network shares and attempts to connect

    and execute a copy of itself in the following default network folders:



    It also installs a service named NETLOG.

    This worm uses the following user names and passwords to gain access to

    machines connected on the same network:



































    The worm may have been mass-mailed to specific email addresses. The

    email arrives with the following:

    Subject: Latest News about Arafat!!!

    Message body:

    Hello guys!

    Latest news about Arafat!


    The email also contains two .EMF file attachments: ARAFAT_1.EMF is a

    .JPG file showing the burial of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, and

    ARAFAT_2.EMF contains exploit code that uses the Microsoft Windows XP

    Metafile Heap Overflow vulnerability. When opened, the file drops this worm

    into a system. For more information on this vulnerability please visit:

    If you would like to scan your computer for WORM_GOLTEN.A or thousands


    other worms, viruses, Trojans and malicious code, visit HouseCall, Trend

    Micro's free, online virus scanner at:

    WORM_GOLTEN.A is detected and cleaned by Trend Micro pattern file


    and above.

    For additional information about WORM_GOLTEN.A please visit:

    3. Top 10 Most Prevalent Global Malware

    (from November 12, 2004 to November 18, 2004)











    10. WORM_SOBER.F

    4. Trend Micro URL Filtering Module - Important Product Update Now



    Trend Micro URL Filtering, an optional module integrated with Trend Micro

    InterScan Web Security Suite, enables companies to manage employee Internet

    use by restricting access to unwanted Web sites.

    If you have installed InterScan Web Security Suite with URL Filtering

    module, an important product update is now available:

    For Windows: InterScan Web Security Suite Patch for Windows v2.0

    For Linux: InterScan Web Security Suite Patch for Linux v2.0

    For Solaris: InterScan Web Security Suite Patch for Solaris v2.0

    PLEASE NOTE: This is a mandatory patch as all unpatched systems will be

    unable to receive URL Filtering updates after January, 2005.

    You may obtain the patch by visiting:

    If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Trend Micro

    Technical Support in your area:

    5. Trend Micro Announces Network VirusWall 2500


    Trend Micro recently launched the Network VirusWall 2500 outbreak

    prevention appliance intended to protect multiple network segments and servers from

    network worms.

    Network VirusWall 2500 stops network worms and vulnerability exploits with

    complete accuracy. It prevents infection by enforcing security policies

    by blocking noncompliant devices from network access, and it isolates

    infected network segments and automates remote clean up in case of outbreak.

    To learn more about the Network VirusWall 2500 please visit:




    This message was sent by Trend Micro's Newsletters Editor using Responsys

    Interact .

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    Copyright 1989-2004 Trend Micro, Inc. All rights reserved

    Trend Micro, Inc., 10101 N. De Anza Blvd., Suite 200, Cupertino, CA


  3. hey team this is how you get naked for your birthday.

    i got this frominternet news.dont ever get caught like this


    Two weeks ago was my 45th birthday, but I wasn't

    feeling too hot that morning anyway. I went to

    breakfast knowing my wife would be pleasant and

    say "Happy Birthday" and probably have a present

    for me.

    But, she didn't even say "Good Morning," let

    alone any "Happy Birthday."

    I thought, well...that's a wife for you. I

    guess, the children will remember. Then, the

    children came into breakfast, but, they didn't

    say a word.

    When I started to the office, I was feeling

    pretty low and despondent. As I walked into my

    office, my secretary Janet said, "Good morning,

    Boss, happy birthday." And I felt a little better,

    someone had remembered.

    I worked until noon. Then, Janet knocked on

    my door and said, "You know, it's such a beautiful

    day outside, and it's your birthday, let's go

    to lunch, just you and me."

    I said, "That's the greatest thing I've heard

    all day. Let's go."

    So, we went to lunch. We didn't go where we

    normally go. We went out into the country to

    a little private place. We had two martinis and

    enjoyed lunch tremendously.

    On the way back to the office, Janet said,

    "You know, it's such a beautiful day. We don't

    need to go back to the office, do we?"

    I said, "No, I guess not."

    She said, "Let's go to my apartment."

    After arriving at her apartment, she said,

    "Boss, if you don't mind, I think I'll go into

    the bedroom, and slip into something more comfortable."

    "Sure," I excitedly replied.

    Janet went into the bedroom and, in about six

    minutes, she came out carrying a big birthday

    cake, followed by my wife, children and dozens

    of my friends. All were singing "Happy Birthday"

    .. and there I sat on the couch ... naked.

  4. Hey Marty...

    Thanks for the tips.Awhile back i did some upgrading.New HD, MB,RAM ect...Went from W98 to ME to XP home in like oh... 9 months..About the time i got XP, Norton had that tasty rebate goin on so i grabbed 2004...i'm not disappointed with it .i've used AVG in the past...maybe wrong here..Think it had something to do with Aladdin security?Hm..i maybe mixing up Free anti virus..Anyway LOVED it...i see the new FREE version of AVG is out.When Norton is spent...i'll be knockin at AVG's door.i keep hearing good things about Avast too.

    So you're a guitar player eh?Excellent...And have a son into the art too?Perfect... i couldn't play a guitar if i had 4 hands.i'm about the percussions...i don't play well ..but i can keep time!

    Hey kailuakid...

    Duly noted on your reply...i forget where i am sometimes...Making note...Besttechie...Good neighbor hood...No road rage,pot holes,or... What's that other kind of hole... ;)

    hi echobay.

    my son plays guitar but is going to to boston as the bands drummer

    he isnt the best of guitar players but he is a dam good drummer.

    if visiting bands need a drummer he gets the job he travels all over new zealand

    as he works for a agency.

    he said dad your a good base player but very old fashion.

    so my title is a very old fashion base player.

    see ya on the boards


  5. How about the guy who invented a hands free device for cell phones. Some woman on her cell rear ended him at an off ramp then got mad because he wanted her to hang up her call to exchange insurance info


    hahaha robroy

    that is so funny.

    take care


  6. Hey Marty...

    If i didn't say it before ...Thanks, your post was funny and provoking..My favorite kind of humor... My bad!

    Bummer you coudn't check out anna kornikoves pair...nyuk nyuk nyuk...

          i'd check out "internet news" but i saw your disclaimer...i'm not the one to push my luck..Money is funny this time of year...With my luck i'd get the kind of 'puter cooties that keep on givin'...

            On the cell phone thing...i see in the future... Voice activated phones for the cars.Mounted on the steering wheel for easy access.. A nation of drivers that look like they sing in the car or have not had their dose of medication.

          You're a musician?What instrument do you play?

    kailuakid...i'll try and stay on your good armor makes me look for bailiff...




    Here ye Here ye our new judicial system  is now in order...217 signatures to go...214? Wait that's a congressional thing...Wow it's late ..i'm rambling...Have a good evening

    hey echo

    if you want to access the posts in the news section all you have to do is right click the post and your scanner is enabled to scan that post.when i got the warning .i was a bit of a novice .what had happened some one one the board had asked about unchecking the attachements in OE so they could read their email.

    so i went in and tried it before i posted and forgot to recheck the attache box.that is why avast started screeming. at me.

    i now have avg and avast but i have avast disabled for incomming mail.

    so now i can scan with 2av's

    havent done it before so it is something ive learned 2 scanners on the one sys

    i heard it cant be done but you have to juggle them a bit.


    when i was younger i used to play guitar for a pop group and elektric base for a jazz group

    iin my country jazz is very popular

    jazz and country. being predominantly country people .country music is very popular.tho i didnt play much in country groups my self.

    my son who is now a professional muso is on his way to boston with a group

    to play in some festival.

    and will be there for 3 months

    any one on the board from boston will know what it is i think it is called pre xmas festival.

    wished i was young enough to make the trip but i dont think im a good enough muso for that.


  7. hi team i need your advice in the area where i live we will soon have the opertunity to have broadband.

    the company introducing it a telecomunicatios outlet .

    now the ISP i work through will be getting a package deal fron xtra.

    BUT the broadband modem we will have to buy.

    i can get the cheapest one for $97

    but here is the trick i can get a cheaper one from xtra.but i have to join their.

    internet band .and of course the telephone .

    im not familiar with broadband.or the broadband modem

    so if any one on the board caould give me any info i would appreciate it


  8. yes the polinesian language is now applied to the k-board when we install winxp

    the option is to include the language pack of aoteroa which is maori or nz polinisain

    tho i havent had to use it yet

    i went to see my daughter last month.

    and i met my first snake .

    it crawled up the back door it scared me ,as the most dangerous animal in new zealand is human beings.

    i asked her if she was going to kill it.and she told me off .

    and said dad remember we are invading their space and they should be allowed

    move around.if you dont disterb them they will go away.i said bugger that .

    im going to sleep with a shot gun under my bed.

    my daughter is a strong invirementalist.

    and love plants and animals.

    she belonge to a arts club and got me a didgeredoo

    which is a native australian wind instriment .

    like a great hollow pipe .

    and it makes a fantastic sound.

    being an ashmatic i have troble blowing the dam thing

    look i must away

    but ile keep in touch

    by the way you do a good job your self on this board

    take care my friemd


  9. hi team have you ever encountered a bad woman driver.before all the woman

    jump on my back read this first.


    Woman Drivers


    Women Drivers

    This morning on the Interstate,

    I looked over to my left and there was a woman

    in a brand new Cadillac

    doing 65 mph

    with her face up next to her

    rear view mirror

    putting on her eyeliner.

    I looked away

    for a couple seconds

    and when I looked back she was

    halfway over in my lane,

    still working on that makeup.

    As a man, I don't scare easily.

    But she scared me so much;

    I dropped my electric shaver,

    which knocked the donut

    out of my other hand.

    In all the confusion of trying

    to straighten out the car

    using my knees against the steering wheel,

    it knocked my cell phone

    away from my ear

    which fell

    into the coffee

    between my legs,

    splashed, and burned

    Big Jim and the Twins,

    ruined the damn phone,

    soaked my trousers,

    and disconnected an

    important call.

    Damn women drivers!!

    I knew this looked like something I read over at worldstart in there off topic board. Mountain man has the same thread over their. It is a funny read though. :o

    i got this from the internet news joke who ever posted may got it from there.

    while im on the subject of internet news

    when i joined internet news which is a service from your isp.

    when i downloaded the subjects there were. 67.000 of them

    and covered things like- jokes- compts -sex- moter subjects

    you name it theve got it .

    i first got it because being a past muscian i wanted to research music.

    but there were.

    10.000 categorys.

    which left my head in a boggle

    so i went for the joke section.

    so if any one is interested contact your isp and see if they support a

    internet news section

    there was an interesting section before the usa elections .

    on the 2 candidates .bush and kerry .

    if you want to you. can post your comments in as well.

    one word of warning.virus writers lurk in there .

    so make sure your scanners are operatinal.

    an example one post said do you want to see anna kornikove with just her earings on

    well i did and my avast siren started blasting .

    and a message on my tool bar warned me of a ive learned my lesson .

    i wanted to see the earings


  10. Or you could wait untill she is infected the do the "I told you so thing"


    ha ha mike x

    i thought of that but she is a very good friends apart from the difference s with compts

    but my advantage is i can show her the comments from this board .

    tho i think i can talk her into joining.

    when she first got a compt .

    she signed as a member at znet.

    but it was a bit over her head .

    quite often i show her the posts from you guys on different.different problems we have

    and she is impressed.

    i showed her how to use the command promt for certain things

    and she was amazed.

    so may be we should aim our,Q AND A

    to these sort of people .

    it sure is a fascinating subject.

    thanks every one for your input


  11. Yes, then there's the occasional thread in which some kid decides to try and impress everyone else by using terminology that goes over most peoples head, but manage to bastardize what they are trying to say anyway... Usually about computer architecture, basic electronics, `hacking' (script kiddie style), or cluster computing in which a certain poster copied half of a paper by a research scientist at U of T.

    I only stuck around because of some of the other old TSS board regulars.


    hi uberpenguin

    just noticed your post i may be a bit late with this welcome but better late then never.

    any how welcome .and its good to see you here , your expertise will be welcome.

    take care



    hi uberpenguin

    just noticed your post i may be a bit late with this welcome but better late then never.

    any how welcome .and its good to see you here , your expertise will be welcome.

    take care


  12. yes you are right .

    spoke to a friend and he said .you have give your address to get an online scan

    but i cant remember doing that.ive emailed panda asking how they got my email.

    it may be that some one else has done it.

    ive always used trend micro house call.and they email for alerts.

    i didnt know panda gave free scans.i always thought you had to pay.

    that is why i didnt use it.i like free ware .

    now it does as good as payed ones.

    have you access the security site for microsoft.they recommend payed ones but also avg .avast.panda.

    so micro soft respects free ones as well.


  13. hi TK hope you dont mind me jumping in here .

    i have a problem with word pad.3 times i have reinstalled xp.

    and wordpad hasent appeared in any of the documents.and to get it on the sys ive had to.type it in the search box and then send it to my desk top.

    does this mean it isnt a default appli.and needs to accessed, or is there something wrong with my wordpad.application.can you understand what im typing here.

    my damned eyesight is gettin worse.

    my specticles are only a year old.


    I Googled for XP + Wordpad and came up with this message board thread.

    Maybe it will help you.

    I have Windows 2000, and it was Notepad that gave me trouble for awhile. Finally did a search for it and found it. Wierd, how things just disappear.

    Fixing Wordpad

    Go back to the Dr to tell him about worsening eye trouble. You know with Diabetes that is one thing to closely watch. Heart, eyes, and feet are all things to especially take care of with Diabetes.

    I should talk, I need to go in and get glasses with eyes worsening it seems by the month. And I don't even have Diabetes, though Dad did.

    I just read about using a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon a day to help regulate blood sugar, lower bad cholestrol and tryglycerates (sp?). I also take chromium twice a day which seems to help my low blood sugar problems. All Dr tests show I am ok so far. I do need to loose weight though.

    God bless everyone.

    hey thesidekickcat thank you for the word pad thing

    havent accessed it yet but i will later.when i type it into the start search.

    it brings it up but i cant it to addess.when i send it to my desk top and opens it i get the message with an error page.

    but ile try again later


  14. i have my eyes checked every 6 months.and i got these glasses becuase i was having trouble seeing to the right and left of my eyes.

    but they were august and i had a cataract in my left eye.

    but not bad enough to warrant an operation.

    tho my doc keeps an on my progress.

    you mentioned some one in your near family had diabetes well

    keep your self checked as it can be passed on from familys .

    i agree wieght can be a dis advantage

    i go to exercise classes 2 days a week.

    but diet can controll that.


  15. ok thanks team

    i have avast .which i use as my regular scanner and a web based scanner house call, which i have a house call button on my tool bar

    but house call is only operational until you scan from the there is no conflict.

    the reason i asked about avg and avast

    is a friend has the 2 sys and i quoted what i had read from these boards.

    about not using 2 av;s on the one sys.

    but she said you will have to convince me .

    so i can show her these posts.

    so thanks team forever helpful.


  16. good one tic toc

    ive done it 4 times

    you will never regret it they are wonderful

    little bundles

    while we are posting here keep us in touch whith the progress the wonderful event

    again congrats


    i see chappy posted .before me

    i remember when he had his first grand child we were all so excited.then we didnt hear from him for some time probably spoiling the we thing.

    and i dont blame him

    my god it is still exciting to hear of some one bringing anew life into the world



  17. press here

    hi team i just recieved this in my email i dont know how they got my address ive never used it before.

    any info would be welcome.

    is the av free or do you have to pay later


    ive scanned for nasties and it seems to be clean.i though it may have been a hoax

    seeing ive never given them my address

    thanks team


  18. hey il_wiccan

    my isp uses Kaspersky and fprot havent heard about the fprot .

    but they must work as isp's wouldnt use them.


    thanks for that.i was over at WORLD START and one of their regulars.said he uses avg and avast on the one sys

    and i wondered if there was any conflict.

    like people recomend using spybot and Adaware .but i know they interprit the certain files from their sys as spy ware

    so to me what is the difference.both have a conflict with each with certain files


  19. does any one on the board use both avg and avast on the same sys and if so is there any conflict.between the two.iread where you can use both together.

    but my Q. how you stop the conflict if any.

    im curious .is why i ask.

    i just read a post on WS. a poster said i use both.but didnt give any detail

    i was led to believe two av scanners on the one sys werent compatable.


  20. i think any licensed driver should be armed with a paintball gun...It should be our right to shoot any car driven by any moron talking a cell phone while driving or driving down the road with their right blinker on or eating while driving or driving while watching TV...

    See then if you come upon a car that's really coverd with paint you know there is moron behind the wheel and know to get out of the way

    Hmmm maybe a little to Scarlet Letterish eh?


    yes i agree

    it is very bad in my country.i think the trasnport department is trying to get legislation to counter it .i dont own a cell phone so it dosent apply to me .

    the goverments of the world are catering for the cell phone companys.

    billions in revenue is the reason .

    i read an article wher a cell phone rep said from vodo phone

    people should have the freedom to make up their own monds

    so they dont like the idea of haveing their revenue curtailed

    this is more so in a country like america .

    where companies are screeming is stopping my freedom.


  21. hey you two spoke broken engresh.

    im fasinated with language.but living where i do there isnt many opertunitys

    sultan seems to be a multi linguist.

    i speak 3 languages.and the one i have problems with is my own native tongue.

    which is polinesian.


  22. hi team have you ever encountered a bad woman driver.before all the woman

    jump on my back read this first.


    Woman Drivers


    Women Drivers

    This morning on the Interstate,

    I looked over to my left and there was a woman

    in a brand new Cadillac

    doing 65 mph

    with her face up next to her

    rear view mirror

    putting on her eyeliner.

    I looked away

    for a couple seconds

    and when I looked back she was

    halfway over in my lane,

    still working on that makeup.

    As a man, I don't scare easily.

    But she scared me so much;

    I dropped my electric shaver,

    which knocked the donut

    out of my other hand.

    In all the confusion of trying

    to straighten out the car

    using my knees against the steering wheel,

    it knocked my cell phone

    away from my ear

    which fell

    into the coffee

    between my legs,

    splashed, and burned

    Big Jim and the Twins,

    ruined the damn phone,

    soaked my trousers,

    and disconnected an

    important call.

    Damn women drivers!!