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Posts posted by martymas

  1. me to.

    so avg will be good enough for me.

    the free ones are just as good now as the paid ones.

    it wasnt like that i remember chappy and petecovell used to try and disuade us from using free ones because they didnt have all the security options within the.

    thier sys.

    but compt security is so important to day.that the paid ones cant keep up.

    i saw on cnn where 60.000.000 are using or tried avg.and avg isnt the only free ones out there.there are several more.

    when i first got a compt i installed nortons paid one.

    and it let a virus through that ruined my win 98se,

    so from then on i became anti nortons .

    and it probab;ly wasnt may have been my fault.

    since that time microsoft has up graded its security

    and i think the threat of linux was the cause of that.

    who had a better virus plan than win.

    but the problem with microsoft is they leaved it to late linux has established it self now,and because some of it is wont be dislodged easly .

    the compt out let i deal with.

    gave me a disk mandrake10 free.and a smaller one i got 6 disks of ubuntu.

    to give away to friends

    so they are getting in.

    you have a good xmas


  2. to barb.

    yes ive chkdsk but it still gives the message cant connect to the defrag engine.

    to TK

    no i havent installed a third party defragmenter appli.

    i may have to reinstall win xp .

    and i dont want to do that.

    but thanks for your suggestions.

    at the moment im full of xmas dinner.

    and im burping and f-----g.

    and i cant concentrate on this dam compt .

    you guys have a good one .

    and take care of your selves .


  3. hi team .

    ive tried to defrag in safe mode.but now it says cant connect to the defragmenter engine.

    to explain where im at .i went to accesoreys.

    sys tools pressed defrag.

    and now it dosent show the progress i went to command prompt and typed .

    defrag c: enter .and it said another appli is using this appli.

    sp perhaps it is defragging but not showing a progress bar.

    i tried the fix from kellys korner

    but the results are the same.

    has any one had this problem before .

    sorry yes i do have admin privelidges

    in all the time ive used a compt it has never happened before .

    and i think ive only seen the problem once.on the board.

    and i didnt save the fix because i didnt think it would happen to me

    you know out of sight out of mind

    but i appreciate your replys.

    im on my way to microsoft support.

    so ile post back on my pregress



  4. press here

    take note of this link and dont try it shortly i will paste a reply from a user who tried it


    this is from some one who tried it

    Got a free year's trial version of this awhile ago so decided to try it out last night!

    Had to uninstall AVG as it wouldn't even allow me to disable it........

    Installed and rebooted and immediately got 4 popups requesting an internet connection ,which I blocked....

    configured all the options I wanted,and on a reboot found that there was no email monitoring due to a LSP service conflict.........with apparently another app I run?

    well after an hour of trying ,I decided to open mozilla to do a internet and a crash!

    Rebooted and it started to freeze...............that was it ................uninstalled this garbage and re-installed an image .............4 hours wasted!

    How can they charge for crap software like that?

  5. it maybe that you have compressed files .

    and to get access to them you need install floppys .

    with xp you need to go to or wherever.

    and down load six xp floppy disks.what xp do you have [home or pro] make sure you down load the right sys disks.

    and number them from 1 to six.

    set your first boot to floppy in your bios.

    and it will instruct you to insert them from one to six.then follow the screens.

    this is how i install my sys.

    good luck


  6. hi team im having trouble trying to defrag either in the sys tools option nor the command prompt.

    ive deleted all the rubbish temp files ect.

    and when i go to delete i get the message windows cant access the defrag engine.

    havent had this before so it is new to me has any one got any ideas ive been to microsoft support the help files.and i cant find an option to repair this appli.


  7. because im a day ahead of youall

    i want to wish every one a merry xmas and a happy new year .

    in the language of the outback you lot have been.a cows ankle[great people]

    take care every one and dont over eat.nor drink.

    and remember at xmas we are all one


  8. yes master matt posted it i think it was at techtv c.f.h

    it is quite clever the way theve combined the windows sounds and and made it into a composition.

    there is no ending to compting

    thats why i find it so fascinating whished it was around when i was a young man.

    i started very late.and find it quite hard to keep up with the innovations.

    but luckly ive belonged to several boards. and all you younger people have contributed towards my learning .

    not only me there are several long in the tooth people on this board.

    and we all learn from you lot .

    so thanks for that


  9. Hey Matt,

    not sure if you've tried this yet...tried running search in safe mode?....I'm not even sure if search works in safe mode and don't feel like booting to windows to check :D ...but that would eliminate the possibility that something else is interfering with it and if by chance it does work, you could try to track down the PITA program

    edit: and shame on you for not backing up your stuff, you should know're dealing with windows for cryin' out loud!!!!!! :lol:

    no search dosent work in safe mode.

    at least the search appli on the start menu.

    i couldnt find any thing in microsoft support nor in kellys- korner.

    how ever ile keep looking.


  10. hi matt ive read this post a dozen times.and im not sure what search.appli you are referring to is it the search appli on the start menu.

    if so have you put a check mark in the search box .

    by right clicking your start button -properties .check start menu -customise -

    advance button .scroll to search and check it - click apply .

    it happened to me and this is how i fixed it.

    from microsoft support.sure it is a simple and small but may do the trick


  11. hi team recently i installed winxppro.on a p2 .

    as a test bed. i already have it on anther compt.

    i used it to test the p2 .

    and i had trouble with the volume appli which ive had from this disk since ive had it.

    it isnt a problem as i am able to configure it back on through the command prompt.

    my Q does this mean my disk is corrupted in this area and if so can it be fixed.

    i dont intend to keep it on this compt.

    but i tested it by installing it from the cd and not the 6 floppys.

    and apart from this volume thing all went well.



  12. hi team this warning is being telivised and teletexted around my country.

    not sure if it is affecting ather parts of the world but if it involves money .

    it can happen anywhere.normally only the greedy get caught out.

    tho no one has the right to fraud others.


    Internet users are being warned to be wary of offers to make "quick bucks".

    police are investigating a Europe-based online banking scam after one New Zealander lost $18,000 and another $8,000.

    They say bank account password are being recorded by a virus, which allows funds to be stolen and transferred into the temporary accounts of people known as 'mules'.

    The money is then transferred into accounts overseas.

    Sergeant Seager says the 'mules' are being sought through online advertisements promising quick cash.

    She says people need to be wary, as no reputable company would make such an offer.

    Ms Seager warns people to be vigilant when using online bank services, check their accounts regularly and report any discrepancies.

  13. sorry for starting a new thread.

    but ide like to acknowledge the help in thelinux forum

    i have installed mandrake 10.successfully.

    and through the advice of the members

    im now a mandrake junky.

    at firdt a had troubles installing it .

    it wasnt recognising my cd rom .

    and i had the bios set to install from the cdrom.

    how ever when i posted iccorios

    posted and gave me some info.

    on the appli which i applied and bingo im on .

    i havent configured my modem yet but if 9.1 is an example im going to have to

    need help with it.

    i have the modem driver cd so that will be some help.



    im not sure of the konsole commands .

    but i have them printed mandrake 10 any differewnt from 9.1 .

    when configuring the modem.

    i have every thing configured .

    but the sound card and the modem .

    thanks guys .


  14. yow team here is a light warning from trend micro

    Dear Trend Micro customer,

    As of December 14, 2004 8:13 AM PST, TrendLabs has declared a Medium Risk

    Virus Alert to control the spread of WORM_ZAFI.D. TrendLabs has

    received several infection reports indicating that this malware is spreading in

    Germany, France and Spain.

    The following is a brief overview of the worm process:

    This worm spreads via email or peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing


    Here is a sample of the email:


    Re: Merry Chrsitmas!

    Message body:

    Happy Hollydays!

    :) Pamela M.



    Note that the language of the email may change depending on the domain of

    the recipients.

    TrendLabs will be releasing the following EPS deliverables:

    TMCM Outbreak Prevention Policy 137

    Official Pattern Release 2.297.00

    Damage Cleanup Template 467

    For more information on WORM_ZAFI.D, you can visit our Web site at:

    You can modify subscription settings for Trend Micro newsletters at:



    TrendLabs will also be releasing a 3-digit pattern file 986 that

    corresponds with the pattern indicated in this email. This 3-digit pattern is a

    special release for users running non-NPF compliant products (i.e., old

    3-digit pattern format) and is designed to provide protection against the

    most current malware threats. Users running non-NPF compliant products are

    still urged to apply the NPF solution <>. These users may also upgrade to the latest

    product version. Only NPF-compliant products will be able to update with

    regular pattern releases.


    This message was sent by Trend Micro's Newsletters Editor using Responsys

    Interact .

    To unsubscribe from Trend Micro's Newsletters Editor:

    To update your subscription preference, or to change your email address:

    To view our permission marketing policy:

    Copyright 1989-2004 Trend Micro, Inc. All rights reserved

    Trend Micro, Inc., 10101 N. De Anza Blvd., Suite 200, Cupertino, CA


  15. high iccaros.

    dis regard the post i just sent .i printed your reply and went and fired ther p2 .

    and when it querried the cdrom i went back and typed mandrake no acpi.

    pressed enter and now im starting to install mandrake 10.

    my am i happy.

    it says the resources are low not sure wgat that means.

    my hdd is 4.8.

    and ive just installed another 128 of ram which gives me 200mgs of ram.

    it may not be reading all of the memory.

    would i be able to keep in touch with you linux people on my progress .

    and of course ile need your help.

    hey im so happy.

    hey iccaros you know your stuff .



  16. hi iccaros.

    aftewr studying your post,i think you are correct yes it does say

    [you boot the cd and it startes the cd and says searching for atapi cdrom (or in english not BIOS speek looking for ide cdrom]

    how ever at this stage it says it cant detect the cd rom.

    how ever i just tried it in my p3

    and it goes through the process of installing.

    so you are right my board in the p2 is probably to old.

    i would like to put mandrake on this p3 .

    but i also have xppro on it.

    and the last time i had mandrake on a dual boot with xp i had al sorts of trouble

    my Q if i dual boot xp and mandrake 10.

    i have xp already established on the p3.

    what sortof specs do i need .

    the p3


    128ram [i can increase this]


    the other hardware is compatable.

    would i need to keep xp on first and install mandrake second or the other way looks as tho putting it on the p2 is out.

    once i get mandrake established ile i can learn it .

    but i still need xp until that time

    thanks for your patients.hope im not being a nusence.

    i liked mandrake .

    but im like an eel floundering in the sand.
