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Everything posted by martymas

  1. the sign ~ normally appears when you reformat your address book it is called a tilde. it dosent do any harm apart from being a nuisence . marty `
  2. martymas

    Im New Here!

    welcome cache . put your feet up and stay a while . i see you are from the uk. are you familiar with a bbc program called click on line . i watched it regular. ive emailed steven cole a coupla times. again welcome. marty
  3. press here hi jennie at the bottom of the page is your download number marty
  4. hi jennie171. not sure what happened but i posted a reply before and it didnt go through. may be i pressed the wrong button in answer to your .qefecheck install . copy that install number .go to the update site . and paste it in the search bar . and it will tell you if it is valid or not. a red x is a sign it is a bad install. and it isnt nessceryly your fault . lots of times it is you isp line that interferes with the down load. and misses this file . what ile do is ile copy and paste that number myself . and see what i come up with. good luck
  5. hi jennie if you go to microsoft support. type qfecheck in the search bar. keep pressing continue. and it will take you to qfecheck download. install it .after the install go to run-type cmd -at the prompt type qfecheck. press enter and it will show you all the up dates you have installed. if some updates havent been installed properly it will tell you and the number of the up date so you can go in and install that number . goodluck marty
  6. hi i have a compt with win98se.i normally experiment with. and when i went to win update. there were 95 hotfixes for it. unfoertunately i haven th room for all the 95 fixes. so i put half of them on. after i installed them. i watched a program called click on line from the bbc. and one of the presenters said . microsoft was going to discontinue supporting win98se. so im a bit confused here. 95 up dates and discontinue support for win98. dosent figure. im glad it is only a play thing. i dont really like win98.freezes, blue screens and what all. and now it wont configure my printer. hope some on
  7. martymas

    Im New Here!

    hi jennie just read your post. welcome and put yur feet up and enjoy there are some good people here, and experts on compt problems so when you have aQ post it and someone will help marty
  8. im not anexpert on winme. but when you get to wipe the partition. dose it not state to press certain keys once youve pressed the key it, then asks you to make sure you want to delete the press a key . i havent had to use my cursor to delete a partition you just follow the screen instruction. i use winxp. so i cant speak for winme . but im sure all windows applis use the same partition method . when your installing from the cd. post back and let us know of your progress. im sure some one will post and give you help. marty
  9. yes pete and chappy are moderators.and that helps. i have respect for those 2 gentlemen. and as they are very experienced. it makes a difference to us as poster. i saw pete block a post because his heading was help eleven time . and he had 34 posts 25 was his bumps. so the moderators do a very difficult job. i must say they are very good here . tho 99 percent of the posters are tolerent and helpfull. there are a couple ide like to answer. but i dont want this board to revert to flaming each other so i keep my . intolerence to my self.i waited a long time for this board to open. once i migrate
  10. hi team for several weeks ive been playing around with this old compt. ive installed win98se. and it goes well . but for the boot up. when it boots i get the message please insert sys disk. as im not sure of which sys disk cd or floppy. to get it to boot i have to go to the bios and enable . all drives to auto detect. and what i dont understand it only has one hdd. as im not familiar with win 98se i need your advice. marty
  11. hi CurlingSteve ive just been to the command prompt. and tested your theory and my you are correct . just goes to show none of us can master any sys. thanks for the insight. marty
  12. unfortunitly you get that sort of flaming on any board. tho on this one it isnt as blatant as others . g4 has improved a lot since its inception. for several weeks i avoided it. but with a better lot of moderators it has weeded out the flamers .and trolls sure there is room for improvement. i have never been a member of leoville. so i cant pass comment. in your post here you critersize some one because they are left wing so i feel you may have helped with the flaming . im left wing. what have you got to say about that. i normally dont like discussing politics. but your post demanded a resp
  13. how patriotic is every one . i found this amusing and clever.i hope it hasent been posted before. ive only been here once in several days. thanks marty press here
  14. me to bar5 hope you have a good one and many more to come. marty
  15. well one thing you have 3 posts asking the same Q and most posters will by pass the post because of the multi posts the other thing try and set your heading so people know what they are answering. befor they read the post. if you read the posts by the most experience people you will find their headings explain why they are here. besides you need a bit more patients . not all are familiar with sata . until i read your post i didnt know what sata was. remember your not exclusive to this board . and you need to wait .in stead of multi posts . marty
  16. have you been to device manager and updated your hardware drivers. it is good idea to be online when you update these HW drivers win 98 has a few gremlins when it comes to hard ware some times hard ware can close your sys down. ,arty
  17. hi team here is another alert from trend micro body,th,td,p,div,span,a,input,select,textarea,form,ul,dl,li,ul{font-family:verdana,helvetica,sans-serif} .small-text{font-size:10px;} div.vertical2{font-size:2px;} div.vertical3{font-size:3px;} div.vertical4{font-size:4px;} div.vertical6{font-size:6px;} div.vertical8{font-size:8px;} div.vertical12{font-size:12px;} div.vertical20{font-size:20px;} div.carat-li {padding-left:12;text-indent:-12;} span.redemailsectionheader{color:FF0000;font-weight:bold;font-size:13px;} span.blackemailsectionheader{color:000000;font-weight:bold;font-size:13px;} span.c
  18. hi team just like to report ive have the problem fixed . and now all is ok thanks marty
  19. hi team i need your advice . i have this old compt beyond a p2 . running win98. and i have trouble not being able to get more than 2 color options . 16 color and 256 color. the 256 color is glazed when i check display properties. now my Q does this mean i need to upgrade the display card. or find a suitable driver . ive tried many drivers whith no affect. when my compt boots to the welcome screen it boots in color. but when the desktop appears it is grey and white ive been to display propertys .but i have no color choices. if it was a p2 or higher i know how to adjust that .but im stumped . w
  20. yes i agree with you. one of the getarounds is big corporate bizness . they are very influential. and spam is an easy way to advertise and it is also free . i have just come from a meeting . and we have been circulating a spam partition with about 33.000 sigs sure i know it isnt many but it is a start. every one who joins dont like spam but dont want to make waves. one way to stop spam is to boycott the firms who are generating this stuff . that is why i think chappy is brave circulating that partition he is fighting some of the most powerful corperations . so we need to get in behind him bu
  21. hi team this is what is on the news service hi team at last the goverment of my country is reviewing the anti spam laws. this is ths article in the print media. ok i realise it isnt much to go on . but it is a start.i remember mr bush saying these words in his first term . Anti-spam laws likely Friday, 5 September 2003 Govt likely to bring in laws to limit spam, unwanted e-mails, but may not be much use as many come from overseas The Government is likely to follow Australia's lead and bring in anti-spam legislation. Government papers obtained under the Official Information Act show spam, unwan
  22. well at last i have some one who thinks like me. the last time i posted to this forum. and said my peice about linux being to complex for the ordinary user . some linux guru posted back and said with an attitude like that you wont get any but here you have said what ive been trying to say for months or even years. in linux products i have mandrake 9.1 mandrake10. lycoris .and ubuntu. and guess what i cant use any of them because i cant cinfigure the modem. through the command prompt .and with out being on line whats the use of an OS. i tried to communicate with the linux community
  23. thanks barb . ive just built a small p2 for my son .and he needs all the tutoring he can get. the compt goes good . but he keeps ringing me to ask how do you do this and that . and that program is ideal for him to learn .my knowledge is limited thanks again marty
  24. hi team found the answer to my hdd problem a funny smell was comming from it .and i presume it had manfunctionaled . so once i hooked it up it was dead as a doornail. sorry to put you through the ordeal of trying to help. how ever i have another here .4.511hdd so i need help. i want to make this a slave drive . so my Q is when i set the jumper to slave . what connection do i connect to on the connection ide.? is the end one the master drive? and the middle one the slave? marty
  25. hi team i havent tried your fix yet.but im about to now my hdd specs 4,311 seagate set at master drive. .in your post you say to set it at cable select . do i need to set the jumper pin at the same settings. ive tried a floppy .to fdisk but once i set fdisk it says cant detect drive. how ever ile try your cable select options thanks marty