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Everything posted by Pierce

  1. just downloading them now, will look when i get home, im a massive fan of "happy tree friends" i have like every episode in swf possible. gore blood n violence the perfect mixture
  2. Blim basicaly it falseifies the check, so it turns the "no im not a verified and legit user" to "im god like, i payed for windows" It was microsofts fault for putting it into a javascript, which is extremly easy to manipulate. Pierce
  3. Yup, microsofts way of not being able to let you download updates? A really simple java hack. http://www.reallysimplenews.com/?article=155 Pierce
  4. Ive used both Gaim and Trillian, and Trillian is by far the better im client. I upgraded to pro and havnt looked back. The things that anoied me was like the whole user list on gaim pops up when somebody signs on/off. Where as with trillian its the small window at the bottom right or w/e (yes i know you can expand gaim with extentions and what not but it didnt work for me even after hours of work!). Also Gaim doesnt support video/audio fully, so that might be a deciding point for you. (nor does the basic version of trillian only the pro version) /me thinks of what else Both support pretty much
  5. Pierce

    A "thinker"

    But the sad reality is that business has no morality. If i was hiring somebody, id want them to be a bastard, to personal gain and fsk the others. Personaly id probably pick up the chick, its the life savers fault for not thinking of phoning a taxi and getting the lady to hospital. But thats just me. Pierce
  6. or being grounded by a parent heh, but thanks for jogging the ole memory, most of it has been replaced with FreeBSD stuff and cpanel, and all that crap hehe /me watches as information falls out his left ear as its pushed into his right ear Pierce
  7. murtu your right the proper term is grounded, but "earthed" is also used cassualy too. They use an "earth" wire in the socket and not a "grounded" wire, in my personal opinion i believe the term should be "earthed" as grounded could be refering to planes?!? hehe Pierce
  8. i know from experience here in ireland, that the telephone system acts like a massive conductor, and everybody here plugs out everything unless its something big, like a cooker or a fridge. so if you defy what everybody else does well the electricity only has one place to go, YOUR PC! We have had kettle elements go pop in a thunderstorm. A few things that do matter is how close you are to the storm, how big it is, how much of the energy gets released as light and sound energy, vs being collected by the telephone lines. I once had a brown out on a surge, okay fine, then boom power back on, then
  9. i seen that before, but damn it still amazes me. I cant imagin what it feels like to walk over it, id say you feel sick or, a feeling that theres something really there
  10. EWW is all i gota say, vb the hated of hated languages. http://www.reallysimplenews.com/?article=146 it was found by somebody using a spy tool released by microsoft.
  11. Pierce

    Fast Dsl

    One can only trust what has been said, the project lasted 5 years and was developed with the swiss. It cost in the region of several million dollars to investigate it and it was effectivly found that it was impractible to do here, for what reasons i have no idea. Thats why they decideded just to wrap fiber optic around power lines. heh thanks for the info bozo
  12. This is baised around 1970's or so ireland, so £100 would of been a lot of money. This woman sent a letter to santa, unfortunatly the post office didnt know what to do with it, so they opened it up. The letter said that the family was living threw hard times and that a £100 would go an awfully long way helping them survive christmas. The people in the post office felt a need to help, so they passed a collection around and evently were able to muster up about £80. They put it in an envelope and sent it back to the woman. One of the neighbours was talking to the woman who sent the letter to s
  13. Pierce

    Fast Dsl

    Theres a twist on that, the ESB (electricity supply board) with switzerland has found that it is impractical to push information over the infastructure. For some reason or another, i think its because were on 240v, if its 110v its fine. But what they have found is that when you push information at that "freqency" though powerlines it creates a massive magnetic radiation field that will pretty much fry anything that is in near proxmity to it. Considering that EVERYTHING here is 240V, then everything in your house becomes a microwave. What they decided to do here, was to wrap the power lines in
  14. This is the ultimate keyboard, if i can get it, this is giong to be my next keyboard!! http://www.reallysimplenews.com/?article=137 Pierce
  15. Pierce

    Firefox 1.1

    The point about not keeping to deadlines, was as in to say "make more relistic ones" not "keep the unrealistic dead lines and rush out software" hehe and good point about linux also being a bit disoranised internaly heh. Pierce
  16. Pierce

    Firefox 1.1

    Well, FF is doing the oposite of what it set out to do. These awfully over ambitious deadlines is putting pressure on the team to do well. Firefox 1.0.5 not being compatable with certain extentions gives me a felling that the team is being extremly presurized. Thats not something easily over looked, espically when Firefox needs extentions to be a viable browser. (oh okay you could live without them but seriously who doesnt have at least 1 extention installed?). This also feels like a little bit of history repeating its self. For example, microsoft's track record of being on time and under perf
  17. Pierce

    Fast Dsl

    Unfortunatly telnet is slow, and theres no threading in MOST email programs so its still only as fast as you can pump telnet commands and process them. England has 24mbit broadband at £30/month or $60/month at £1 = $2, i *think* its baised on dsl, but i know dsl's theoritical limit is 8mbit/s. read about it at 24mbit broadband. but thats super ccol news on the 100mbits /me packs up and moves to the states.
  18. http://www.shoutcast.com/ the shoutcast homepage lists every radio station that wants to be public, so its a good place to start. Pierce
  19. Pierce

    Sasser Worm

    damn that was fast, i only wrote about it on my site on the 5th of july, and its only the 8th he went free :/ http://www.reallysimplenews.com/?article=7 UPDATE oops i actually had the article on my site the day it happened, just didnt remember the part where he went free :/ oh well, im sure sombody of some big company will put a bounty on his head some day. Pierce
  20. If you want to post a topic, you gota register, and the e-mail is only used for password resets. If you want to reply to a post/article you can do that anonamously!
  21. Okay, i think im near a final layout edition, im not 100% satisifed with this one yet, however i believe this will be the one i will keep and tweak from now on. Of course if you have an opinion, i want to know. Thanks for your time. Pierce
  22. Ive changed the colour scheme of the site, url is http://www.reallysimplenews.com give me some feedback please!!
  23. its not mallware, its not spyware, and its not a virus, Microsoft has posted an article about the system slowing down, and what the problem is that the registry is so damn big that it cant load it into memory to make right clicks cache etc etc and keep them operating quickly. even looking at your hjt log's you have an awfull lot of stuff running. the way i solved it on my system was using a program called registry mechanic, which will remove any unnesicary or broken links in the registry, be sure to make backups and remember we dont take any liability . If that doesnt solve the problem, well y