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Everything posted by robroy

  1. robroy

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year everyone
  2. I remember about the old lady getting shot. That made national news.
  3. Great job ther TT.................................Its PARTY TIME
  4. Spiral cut...................ham we just finished one off
  5. Senator Robert Byrd................................................. (King of Pork Barrel Spending)
  6. It's the story of how Marshall U recovered after the devastating loss of the entire football team in a plane crash, and as a 21 year resident of West Virginia I would agree with jsbowen about going to see it. We are going next week.
  7. Basically I believe that it is anyone that you classify as a friend and who does the same for you
  8. welcome back Duco. Yeah there are some photographers here. I do some but most of mine are on film because I am not satisfied with the pics I get from my digital cam. Can't afford a dslr right now but hope to get one by middle of the year. I will probably get a pentax so that I can use my existing lenses