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Everything posted by Matt

  1. From Spyware Weekly Newsletter:
  2. Hello! I will be helping you clean up your computer today! Please print out these directions for use if/when you cannot access this page. Scan with HJT and place a check next to the following items: O2 - BHO: (no name) - {7A1693A1-AFAF-4F1E-9B05-EEC38A85FBF3} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\6bdjgqr.dll O2 - BHO: Accoona Search Assistant - {944864A5-3916-46E2-96A9-A2E84F3F1208} - C:\Program Files\Accoona\ASearchAssist.dll (file missing) O2 - BHO: Viewpoint Toolbar BHO - {A7327C09-B521-4EDB-8509-7D2660C9EC98} - C:\Program Files\Viewpoint\Viewpoint Toolbar\ViewBarBHO.dll O3 - Toolbar: Viewpoint Toolbar -
  3. Matt

    Forum Benchmark

    We have 1000 registered members Congratulations David de Lyon on being Besttechie's 1000th member! Congrats everyone else, this forum is really growing up!!!
  4. or finding embedded filepaths... (unless you use firefox then you can just use 'view page info')
  5. Matt

    I've Got $1000...

    Well I've done a lot of looking around (man $1k isn't a lot!) and a system I like a lot is from ebay. Check it out, tell me what you think. I can get a monitor elsewhere and just use a linux distro as an OS (for the time being) ah if only they actually gave us $1k to spend...
  6. I've heard great things about it, just never needed to really use remote access. *bookmarked* thanks shanenin!
  7. Since this issue appears to be resolved ... this Topic has been closed. Glad we could help. If you're the topic starter, and need this topic reopened, please contact a staff member with the address of the thread. Everyone else please begin a New Topic.
  8. Cool! I don't think Ill be using it (other than in the chat), but very nice!
  9. Congrats! Your log is clean! How is your system running? The following is a list of tools and utilities that I like to suggest to people. This list is full of great tools and utilities to help you understand how you got infected and how to keep from getting infected again. Firefox- Internet Explorer is not the most secure and best browser. There are safer and better alternatives available. I recommend Firefox, however Opera is good as well. Spybot Search & Destroy - Uber powerful tool which can search and annhilate nasties that make it onto your system. Now with an Immunize section tha
  10. Scan again with HJT and place a check next to the following items: O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ms2src] c:\program files\common files\system\ms2src.exe /install O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [MPlay64] c:\program files\common files\system\mplay64.exe /noerrorinfo Make sure all browser windows and other applications are closed, and click the Fix Checked button. Please download the Killbox by Option^Explicit. Note: In the event you already have Killbox, this is a new version that I need you to download. Save it to your desktop. Please double-click Killbox.exe to run it. Select: Delete on Reboot then Click on the A
  11. Matt

    I've Got $1000...

    I think it either has to be built from scratch, or purchased pre-built. Good thought though..
  12. Matt

    I've Got $1000...

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that mac.. As for eBay, yes! Anything and everything is open game! New, used, prehistoric can all be selected.
  13. Matt

    I've Got $1000...

    Well, the goal is to just get the "best" system we can with the $1000. "Best" would be decided by me. I will submit the 4 systems I chose to look at, and then describe why I chose the one I did. It's basically all on me, as long as I back up why I chose a certain one. The general idea of a type of system we're looking for is a high performance home computer. That could mean great graphics cards, or high end processors. I was just interested in systems you guys liked, maybe that could give me some more ideas. I've looked at many systems, mainly from Dell (this is due to the fact that ma
  14. Welcome to Besttechie! Please print out these directions for use if/when you cannot access this page. One thing I need you to do first is to place HiJackThis into a permanent folder. The reason for this is so that when HJT makes backups, they will be stored in a safe place. *Go to Start > My Computer > and double click on C:. * Now right click an open area and click New > folder and change the folder name to HJT. * Extract HijackThis from the zipped file into this new folder. Scan with HJT and place a check next to the following items: R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\
  15. Hey all! I'm starting a project for my computer apps class, and I'd like some reccomendations! The project is we are to find 4 computers to compare, and then choose from the 4 on which to buy. The price limit for an individual system is $1000 USD. This must include taxes, shipping, etc. I would like some system reccomendations from you guys. I also have the option to select to build y own system (but this can only be 1 of the four systems being compared). If you guys think that is a good way to go, I'd like some tips on parts to buy. But, these parts must be complete. I would need t
  16. If he can't boot into safe mode, do this for file deletion: Please download the Killbox by Option^Explicit. Note: In the event you already have Killbox, this is a new version that I need you to download. Save it to your desktop. Please double-click Killbox.exe to run it. Select: Delete on Reboot then Click on the All Files button. [*]Please copy the file paths below to the clipboard by highlighting ALL of them and pressing CTRL + C (or, after highlighting, right-click and choose copy): c:\ c:\ [*] Return to Killbox, go to the File menu, and choose Paste from Clipboard. [*
  17. Inactive topic... If you still need help on this problem, contact me or one of the Moderators to re-open this up. Topic closed.
  18. I agree. Nothin' like a hometown (well... college town) QB making the superbowl!
  19. Inactive topic... If you still need help on this problem, contact me or one of the Moderators to re-open this up. Topic closed.
  20. IEView <-- Open Ie Only site in IE with just the flick of a button. AdBlock <-- Best Extension Ever. Filters ads from web pages. BugMeNot <-- Use's's database to bypass registering for websites. Linkification <-- Converts plain text urls into clickable links. NoScript <-- Great protection Ad-on. Allows java and javascript to only run on user specified white-listed sites.
  21. We need to disable Prevx first. Right click on the Prevx icon in your system tray at the bottom-right corner of your screen and choose Show Management Console. On the Management Console click the Protection Level drop-down menu. You will see three levels: Maximum Off User Defined To disable all protection set the level to Off. You will receive a prompt asking "You are about to change your security settings. Do you wish to continue?" Click Yes. Click the X on the upper right hand corner to exit the Management console. Once we are done cleaning up, you can repeat the steps setting the level this
  22. Please RIGHT-CLICK HERE and Save As (in IE it's "Save Target As", in FF it's "Save Link As") to download Silent Runners. Save it to the desktop. Run Silent Runner's by doubleclicking the "Silent Runners" icon on your desktop. You will receive a prompt:Do you want to skip supplementary searches? click NO [*]If you receive an error just click OK and double-click it to run it again - sometimes it won't run as it's supposed to the first time but will in subsequent runs. [*]You will see a text file appear on the desktop - it's not done, let it run (it won't appear to be doing anything!) [*]Once yo
  23. Matt

    Forum Benchmark

    (Referring to January 20, 2006)