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Everything posted by iccaros

  1. Vc++ (visual C++) still throws an error.. Gcc never had a problem wiht it.. or the Borland or Intel Compiler.. It's only Vc++
  2. how do I pass compiler options to VC++ 6.0 I need to pass WIN32 in GCC I use -D incase I am asking this wrong
  3. ok I ran into a problem moving a program over to Vc++ to make sure it ran before sending in for home work. the line cout << s << flush; from my function int promptUser (const string& s) { while (true) { int user_input; cout << s << flush; cin >> user_input; if (cin.fail()) { cerr << "invalid input \n"; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); } else return user_input; } } throws an error.
  4. ok I have two c++ programs to test before makeing them into function.. I have one program that creates a file called salesinfo.txt and populates it with information. I have a second program that reads the file and displayes its output.. my problem is.. I think the first program is not closeing the file.. I think this because I have to add examplefile.close() before I can try to read the file. you will see where I commented out the placement of examplefile.close() in the first #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main () {
  5. menu.1st should bea soft link to grub.conf somewhere. do a ls -la on it. if not then they recopiled grub to look for menu.1st..
  6. hmmm.. this seams to be a pattern with me.. thanks, I'll past a note to my conmputer to check for the stray semicolon.. as I was not looking for that
  7. iccaros


    thank you.. I was messing with this all the way untill 3 am before just going to bead adn hopeing somesome would show me what is wrong.. now I can do my homework as I understand how to input things in the array.. your the king.. should be Linux and programing expert.
  8. iccaros


    my thought too..
  9. thanks for the input.. but in C++ spaces don't mean anything. but it must be a syntex error of some type that is causing the problem.
  10. iccaros


    ok I need to know why my while loop is not working.. (it ask for input untill -1 is entered but never does the rest of the loop) #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; //function prototype void clear_screen (void); int promptUser (const string& ); //main function int main () { // local variables int userInput, holder; const int array_size= 9, poll_size=10; //setup arrays int salary [array_size] = {200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000}; int Polldata [poll_size] = {0}; // clear screen clear_screen()
  11. agin c++ what is wrong with this if statment, I have an array I an testing aginsta range of number to createa poll of how many fit in the range. there are 9 ranges. for (int x = 0; x <=9; x++); { if ( a >= salary[x] && a <= salary[x] + 99) { Polldata[x] += 1; } }
  12. ok I need to input data.. so I add something like while ((a = prompt_number ( "enter Number or EOF to quit: " )) != EOF ) ; the not EOF part is getting me.. is this a trick as eof fro input is control-C right... which kills the program correct?? so an I really just saying .. run program forever.. and I have ot kill the program with control-C.. note since I am checking for correct number input I can't enter EOF as a answer.
  13. sorry I forgot to submit my edit.. it has sites to who you how to set it up. also I am not sure about dhcp and vlans with linksys I use monowall (BSD) and it lets me run several diffrent DHCP on diffrent vlans.
  14. is this to be an outside web server.. if so it should not be a problem.. create a DMZ on the router and two vlans. one for your computers and one for the websers. the web server will reside in the DMZ vlan. for the DMZ you port forward port 80 to the web sever so your outside address of the router is now your webserver address. I'm sure you have Samba and NFS to only allow clients from its subnet correct? I don't have this router but by its specs should do 5 vlans. DMZ how-to http://firewalling.com/linksys/wrt54g-DMZ.htm in the end it would look like this as an exmple say your outside add
  15. just install, just like windows it will ask you what you want it to do. the next will probly use the same boot loader.. it does not matter. and in case what linux version are you trying to install??
  16. ok all good.. a few questions.. you were root when you did the install rihgt.. I use qtparted a few times last night and I have not had a problem.. there is also cfdisk.. incase you do not like fdisk. also I think disk durid is apart of anaconda. so it may be hard to incorperate, but I'll look into it.. but I'm working on a real installer.. what is there is really simplestic so I could install to build with. it is for a live CD. right now its a toss up .. IF I change the RC scripts to dot do this then I will not beable to make a live CD with dynamic build of xorg.conf for the CD. I think I w
  17. iccaros


    sorry its probaly overlay FS.. IT should be fixed when I get Union FS and 2.6 kernel working. Overlay has some memory issues plus I need people to knock it.. kick the tires.. see what does not work or else I will never know.
  18. Linux is basicly the same.. The diffrent distros are created with diffrent end users in mind. They focuse on being made to do a spacific task well. but you will find more in common then diffrent. with the Linux standard Base more sysmes will be more alike. The bigist diffrence right now is the way software is installed or updated.
  19. iccaros


    just remember the : in all browsers localhost is the name of the machine (it knwo that that work localhost is the same thing as the machine name or the loopback address of .. If that was confusing just type localhost but you need to enter the port 631 which needs a : to tell the browser this is a port not apart of the name so its localhost:631 also remember you have slapt to add software or driver if you need it.
  20. to add, the command prompt is like the coammand interface in windows sometimes called a DOS prompt. you may have to use the coammnd su - as the - means to use the changed users enviroment. this means that as a user /sbin is not in your path. but for root /sbin is in its path. so a su by its self (or su root) will not let you run programs in sbin.. This may mean nothing in knoppix as I believe qtparted is in /usr/bin which is in your user path. if you think of the command line as a DOS shell it may be easyer to learn.. a summery of comamnds to dos commands. su -- menas switch user or in ol
  21. iccaros


    right now its using overlay FS.. so it meges memory to make the CD look writable.. my problems with 2.6 is I need to move to union FS.. well I don't know it well enough to play yet.. also if you "install" the cd to a harddrive.. download the scripts from my page.. untar the scrips to /tmp .. then add what you want or remove what you don't like.. then under the scripts run the runme.sh ..it will create a new ISO for you will all your changes..
  22. you only need sshd if you are going to ssh to the live cd not from it. since the user password and root password are known I decided that sshd did not need to start on boot up.. now to why sshd is not exacutable .. this is how slackware works(at leasst how I have always had it work) .. it exacuets all exacutable scripts in that folder at boot. so if you do not want a service to start at boot you make is non-exacutable. If you want to make it boot chmod it.. and then start it.. so insted of the chkconfig or rc-update you chmod .. I found that in an old slackware document. Its the was older