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Everything posted by X-Cannon

  1. So I hear that M$ is giving away GIANT for free but only if you have a valid Win XP installed. Now there saying it's in BETA so does that mean that when they're ready there going to sell it or is it going to be free for sometime?
  2. JSKY Thank you, it works now but I'm not going to install XP yet cause it's only showing 127 GB's out of 160 GB's so I have to call my PC manufacturer and tell them how can I update my BIOS to get all my HD space.
  3. Yes, I do it goes Floppy, CD than HD why the heck is this happening damn
  4. I've just tried both the floppy methods and when I put the florry in and start the comp. It shows me this message Remove disks or other media. Press any key to restart
  5. Thats what I did put the XP Cd in and rebooted, but got that message when trying to format and install XP. AND now when I try to start the computer it won't let me past the bootscreen the loader goes by 1 time and than it freezes I think this is because it said "do you want to repair Windows XP Pro bootscreen" and I said yes so I can't do anything to it I'm at my other PC now and I've tried everything to get it to go past the bootscreen. Safe mode, last known good configuration, etc...
  6. I'm leaning more towards Eraser but do you think it will slove my problem?
  7. I have tried to repair it and still samething. How can I crash the computer, without anything else going wrong? After I format I know what to do, I've asked 3 or 4 friends of mine and they say the've never seen this message before. ALSO I was thinking about a program the TSS was talkign about that formats your computer 100% as if you've never had anything on that HD before but can't find it. Any ideas?
  8. I get this crap when I try to format my computer with Windows XP Pro, it shows me 2 things at the bottom 131070 MB Disk 0 at id 0 on atapi [MBR] C: Partition1 [NTFS] 131062 MB < 113649 MB Free> Unpartitioned space 8 MB I just want to format and I can't delete the Partition1 it says unable to delete because it has some temperary files and when I select the unpartitioned one I can't delete it I can only create one but WTH 8 MB I bought a 160GB Drive with the computer everything inside it I just installed the OS
  9. There are no settings there was a CD that came with the router it has ZA and a check to see if the router is working proper thats all BUT can I not change the other computers COM1 settings and make that port slower and mines faster think that will work? I've tried it but can't really tell any difference what should I do?
  10. I just installed Ewido Security Suite and got the plus edition so do I still need a firewall? Ewido protects mr from spyware, Hijackers, worms, dialers, trojans, and keyloggers also I have McAfee antivirus so maybe I don't need a firewall what do you guys think? I have Win XP Pro and SP1 gonna get SP2 soon
  11. I have a little bit of a problem my internet keeps dropping it varies from time to time on some days I get a connection drop every 20 or 30 mins and some days not at all I called my ISP and they ran lots of tests and brought people over to check the problem when they came they found nothing when they checked my modem nothing and I asked for a new one an I got it and when they ran the tests nothing wrong with the modem but the computer took a long time to respond so they think it's my computer I ran spyware but it could be a Trojans you guys know of any good Trojans removers THX
  12. X-Cannon

    My Sig

    No I need the two images but I need the smaller one on top of the bigger one, and the small one has to be centered that’s what I can't do. If I do this {IMG}URL{/IMG}{IMG}URL2{/IMG} all that does is makes the two sigs go beside each other.
  13. I have two computers and I share the internet between them both I have an SMC Router (None Wireless) I was just wondering because I use up the internet for gaming I need lag free and smooth game play, my sister just uses msn messenger and media player and IE for a few sites heres the question. How can I make my internet connection faster and use up more bandwidth than her, can I make her COM1 post have less bits than mine and by maximizing mine and reducing hers? Or is are there any other ways THX in advance for replying.
  14. X-Cannon

    My Sig

    Ok besttechie Guys If I have a sig that is smaller than the one below it how can move the tope one to go to the middle and not the left hand side?
  15. X-Cannon

    My Sig

    Ok Understood but can I just keep it for about a day so someone could answer my question please.
  16. X-Cannon

    My Sig

    See My sig how can I make the top one be in the middle and not to the left?
  17. I tried DSL_SPEED and I use to get 250 and now 272 not bad so is this considered ISDN ot DSL/Cable?
  18. I'm using windows XP PRO and when I click modems there arn't any there
  19. I changed the com1 setting but can't find modem the only thing close that I can find is phone and modem setting and there is no general page there.
  20. I'm switching to DSL or Highspeen Light its about 128k I think and I need a good internet booster thats free to help me get a faster connection can you guys help please.
  21. I know SP2 has SP1 in it but when I tried to update my friends computer it had SP1 and all th other security updates not SP2 wierd
  22. my windoes cd doesn't have sp1 with it thx for the info
  23. I will format my computer in a few days so how can I bypass SP1 and just go to SP2?