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Everything posted by X-Cannon

  1. X-Cannon


    They get homework sometimes but either hide it or say they don't have it, parents are busy so I have to make sure they get it done. I went to the teachers and they say it's like that for everyone. I have no idea why they don't get that much homework I remember when I was their age I had a ton of work each day
  2. X-Cannon


    THX for all the replys and all those links thesidekickcat you really are a sidekick
  3. X-Cannon


    Hey guys and gals, I have a problem with my 2 younger brothers they don't receive any homework from school so I need a few websites that have homework pages for them to do. So all I have to do is print them and they could finish it and I’ll check it I don't want them falling behind on anything 1 is in grade 1 and the other is in grade 4. They never do anything but play games I can make up homework for them to do but not everyday so please if you guys could help I would be very thankful.
  4. where are those cool sigs that show your ip and your browser type I want a cool sig like that I went to the site (forgot it) but soes someone have the .jpg or what it is? so I can use it?
  5. Lil problem here, I have all my form information saved and by accident put a few names that I don't want there anymore i.e when I press { I dont want {GGG, {{{, {GFDS etc. I just want the {GGG so is there anyway I can get rid of the other 2 is there an extension for it or what?
  6. well I've seen some people and they have their characters of their names shining as if a light were being flased at it, and if you guys could plz do something crazy I have no imagination dont worry about the small shooting one.
  7. I was just wondering if one of you fine people could make the crappy sig I made better anyway you can I've seen some peoples and it embarrassed me how dumb mines is so could of you help me plz? THX
  8. yup guess so I've gotta stop being so lazy and try things out first o well
  9. Is there a way to make a sig go beside another sig, because I have a big sig and want my other smaller sig beside is this allowed?
  10. I can block images but I can't block things like flash media that are on most sites now, so ho would I be able to do it? THX
  11. THX mikex got it I'm going to try and use it for both computers if I can't than I'll have to come back here.
  12. I think I posted this before but how can I get my CD KEY from this computer so I can put it on my other one. Both are Win XP Pro, but I just lost the CD KEY nember and have the CD ready to go THX
  13. I have a problem with my internet because of ZoneAlarm Pro I get an alert which says The fiewall has blocked inernet access to your computer (TCP PORT 1243) from (TCP Port 23186) [TCP Flags: S]. Why is this happening is someone trying to get info from my PC? And how can I stop this message from comming again and cutting off my internet for 2 mins every 3 or 4 hours this is the 3rd this is happening and my ISP cant find anything wrong, my router provider can't either. I use 2 computers that are on a router and both use WinXP. This is really annoying PLZ help me out THX.
  14. If a .wmv file is corrupt and you can only see the first 1 or 2 mins of the video how can you fix it? and how could you be able to play it in another media player? Also I had a few other files that could not open in Windows media playre but would open is DivX and real player they were mp3s and .avi's I have version 9 and I have tryed 10 samething.
  15. When My cousin came over to my house she messed up my login screen before I had about 3 nice looking ones and the default XP the one where all you have to do is click on the name and put the password but this one you have to put the name and password like the ones in Win98 how can I fix this annoying problem? THX IN ADVANCE
  16. I lost my windows XP Pro CD and can't find it now so I have one XPPro that I burnt for an emergency but with no serial number what should I do? I can't use the serial number that everyone else has the FCK... So I was wondering if one of you GREAT PEOPLE would lend me their XP serial number PLZZ
  17. Hey JSKY do you have to always open the TClock program? And pueo38 is it a digital clock or the one like the pic? http://clocx.fi.cz/
  18. YES, I got it fixed all I had to do was make my Master Slave disabled so it would detect my CDrom THX to BitBangerUSA, Mr Twain, and JSKY for replying.
  19. I just press delete, but could you guys please show me what to do I just want to format and install XP
  20. My other computer is notdetecting my CDRom drives Drives, It all started when me and my friend wanted to format my other pc and so we downloaded Partition Magic 8 and formated the computer but when we put the WinXP CD in and tried to format the PC it wouldn't detect the cdrom drive well the WinXP CD inside it and I get a black screen that says "NTLDR is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart and I do and still the samething over and over. Also I can't go into safemode but I can go into the BIOS PLZZZ show me what to do, I'm in REAL HOT WATER. I just want to format my drive and install XP nothin
  21. When I go to Control Panel I see something called BDE Administrator what is this for? It has a lot of enable and disable features on it so maybe that has something to do with me Run commands. If it doesn't what is it and how do I fix me run commands?
  22. The run command was on before and still is, so if I get it straigt you want me to go to Start>Run type cmd than (i.e.) msinfo ? I tried that and it doesn't work it says it's not a recognized command. If I try Start>Run and type msinfo I see my mouse's sand timer for about 1 sec than nothing happens why is this happening? Also Does this happen to you or does it work?
  23. I think that my Start>Run commands are disabled because when I go to Start>Run and type in msinfo32 nothing happens and on my friends computer and my other computer it works why is this? Also when I type in things like tree and help it shows up for a sec than disappears. So can you gus show me how to enable this.
  24. Atclock 1.0 is GREAT it has sooo many nice looking skins but I can only have it for 30 days. So unless one of you guys shows me how to crack it I need some other clock program