G4tv Is Going To Canceled This Friday!

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It was inevitable really...I never watched the channel myself, and moderating there was not fun at all, not like it is here.

Now I wonder how long it will take for the boards to be shut down completely, and I certainly hope that we don't get the a**es from there coming here.

I welcome as many new members as this may bring, and I promise...along with our other Admin's, Mod's, and Staff, that we'll NEVER EVER...EVER, let this place degenerate into what the G4 forums became!!!!

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Well with abysmal ratings the network has to do something to stay a float. But what they're doing is kind of like putting a bandaid on a gushing chest wound. It's not going to help no matter how they try to say money or change the channel.

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So is it just HER show thats being cancelled, or the entire G4tv??

The way I read that is that G4tv is no longer being aired, but since I never watch anything there anymore anyway, I have no idea what this entails.

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It does appear to be the name of one of their shows according to this page about their shows.

G4 Shows

Who knew any of this or cared? Not me!!! Sorry folks, but just not interested in their network and looking through that list, no way would I watch the network again. It has been off my Dish Favorites list for many many months now...probably taken off right after the first show of the G4 network but can't remember now.

As for the website, I only have one board in my forum profile list, the one now called Call For Help. Though right now I am skating on some very thin ice there with recent critical posts in an open sticky thread where I go against some ingrained disrespect to us peons. Fully expect to be added to the banned list. But said what I felt was right thing to say. Took some heat and came back again standing firm. So we will see what happens next. Oh well....sigh!!! :rolleyes:


God bless everyone.

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  thesidekickcat said:
It does appear to be the name of one of their shows according to this page about their shows.

G4 Shows

Who knew any of this or cared? Not me!!! Sorry folks, but just not interested in their network and looking through that list, no way would I watch the network again. It has been off my Dish Favorites list for many many months now...probably taken off right after the first show of the G4 network but can't remember now.

As for the website, I only have one board in my forum profile list, the one now called Call For Help. Though right now I am skating on some very thin ice there with recent critical posts in an open sticky thread where I go against some ingrained disrespect to us peons. Fully expect to be added to the banned list. But said what I felt was right thing to say. Took some heat and came back again standing firm. So we will see what happens next. Oh well....sigh!!! :rolleyes:


God bless everyone.


Can't you stay out of trouble???Hahaha

Barb :lol::lol::lol:

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yes they have some odd rules

lots of people use the F word

and it gets through


i posted about an application is like haveing t---s on a bull

and they banned the t words

so the f word is acceptable and not those,

things on the upper parts of a female.

i know which is the rudest .


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My personal take on it is OH WELL!!!

when they switched it over to G4 I stayed tuned for a little bit, Then they decided that showing little runs of games were more important then the information they used to have as TechTV. CFH, TSS, and others. it was at that point I turned that station off. I went back a couple of years later, watched half of an episode of TSS and turned it off, I was not impressed, they were sitting trying to say that you didnt' need firewalls, or AV protection on Windows XP SP2. because SP2 blocked everything. AFter that I refused to go back to that channel, I even callee my cable company that I was with and told them to either take that crap of the air, or I would notify a bunch of people I had influence over and we would all cancel our cable subscriptions.

they didnt' listen, so I did as I threatened to do, called all my friends told them about this and as soon as I was off the phone, we started to call the cable company. I had to wait 20 minutes to talk to someone to get my system disconnected. Whent eh operator came on she did her spiel, I said I wanted to cancel my subscription because the cable company didnt' listen to it's viewers and drop a certain station.

Her response was unexpected, she said that she alone had taken 20 to 30 calls herself with the same complaint, and she knew that the rest of the operators were getting the same kind of calls. as it turned out My one call to a friend ended up costing the cable company 232 viewers in 2 hours time.

anyway to make a long story short, IMHO the entire station should be cancelled, lets bring back the old TechTV and bring in some new episodes of the programs like it used to have.

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Pat and Marty, you two "stick up for the little noobie guy" and I sure appreciate it, even though I'm not a member of "that other place" Thank you both! Pat, you were just trying to support the OP in the "thread in question", and Marty, I can't fathom how the "Fword" is allowed, yet the "Tword" isn't . Makes no sense to me! I agree, the "Fword" is much worse!

Now, try to stay unbanned, you stinkers ;) But go ahead and push those limits!


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Reading these replies reminds me of exactly why I have absolutely NOTHING to do with that place anymore. I do have one thing that I have to thank G4TV.com for, and I want to explain that to you all here, but a small story must come with it....bear with me please.

I was the very first voluntary moderator accepted at TechTV...mainly because I was at the computer when the offers were sent out to the chosen people, but it was still a task that I took very seriously. We had a very tight-knit core group of people there and we had issues because of the lack of moderation there at most times.

I took the job because I really wanted to help resolve these issues and help out my friends as much as I could.

The position turned out to be more or less, just a powerless "title" as we had no access to the controls we needed to do any real help. We still got hammered by trolls on the weekends because we had to try to contact an admin to deal with it, and even tho we had private channels to get them...we couldn't reach them in time most times. We begged for more power to actually DO something useful, but just as they were giving us this power, they sold the station to G4.

Well, the Mods at TTV were offered positions at G4 and because of circumstance again, I turned out to be the first one to accept this position, and Pete and I worked at getting a tech board up & running for our TTV friends.

This time we had real powers tho, and I took allot of time to learn the new ropes at this board. I watched, read, researched and basically lurked in the private Mod forum to see how they worked before I started doing any real Mod actions.

I saw and read stuff from the most god-awful rude mods, as they banned at least on average 5-8 members a week, and I watched as Mods from TTV quickly became disturbingly similar. The way these people handled situations was horrific to say the least, and I started calling it "Ban Hammer Modding". I tried to say things to them but it fell on deaf ears, or I was chastised for my opinion. In my year plus as a Mod at G4TV.com, I only banned 1 person as I was able to talk to all the others, and convince them to follow the rules as asked. The canned responses they wanted us to use for dealing with people, just didn't fit into my philosophy of how to resolve a problem...they caused more problems than they solved as I saw it, and I had serious reservations about moderating at that forum.

When they changed the rules to allow porn and swearing, along with their closing the Tech board and lying about it when it blew up in their faces, I could no longer "in good faith", mod that forum...so I resigned.

Jeff soon asked me to become more of a presence here, and gave me the power to do real work for the members.

Here's where I actually have to thank G4TV.com....it taught me exactly how NOT to moderate a forum!!!

Here at Besttechie, I was given the chance to put into practice all the things I learned in the last 3 plus years, and teach some new mods just how a truly "Family Friendly" forum should be moderated. My philosophy is simple really, "treat others as you would wish to be treated", and TALK to them...not At them. Almost every situation can be resolved by simply communicating with the offender, and finding out what their issue is. Most trouble makers make trouble because they've been mishandled by an authority figure and they lash out that way. At G4 with their canned responses, these folks simply get more frustrated, start flinging nasty PM's or posts to everyone, and get banned for life. That kind of activity just throws the entire forums into chaos, and makes the place a nightmare for everyone.

I vowed that I would never allow that to happen here, and I wrote a Moderators Manual to reflect just how we have to communicate effectively so we can avoid most situations like that. You'll always get the ones who just want to be trouble of course, and we deal with them strictly when the situation calls for it, but most cases we can resolve peacefully just by asking them what the problem is and how can we help.

Anyway, the real thing I try to tell the new mods is, that the members are not here for us...we're here for them, and our modding style has to reflect what our community is and expects.

You folks aren't shaped by Besttechie.net...Besttechie is shaped by YOU, and the all the Staff have to conform to what you, the members, expect from us and keep the community the way you've made it.

Sorry that I've hijacked this thread and spouted all this stuff, I just get so frustrated when G4 is mentioned, and I wanted to let you all know just how we, the Besttechie Staff, are here for you and not the other way round. Jeff owns the board and makes the final decision on rules and stuff, but even he realizes that this community is not really under his control anymore, it has grown to be home for too many people, and its you who really own and govern this community. We simply try to maintain the standards that you've come to expect from Besttechie forums, and in that aspect is how I try to have the forums moderated.

Thanx for letting me get this out...it feels good!

More or less all I wanted to get out here, is that if we do have a ton of new members because of a G4 meltdown, Jeff, myself, and all of our Staff, will never let this forum degenerate into what the G4 boards have become. I know I speak for the others when I say that.

Thank you all for making us what we are today, and allowing me to be a part of this truly "miraculous" event! I never imagined that I could be so influenced by an online forum, but the people I've met through TechTV, Besttechie, and some from G4, have changed me forever and I cherish the many close friends I've made during these times.

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  thesidekickcat said:
Barb, I just walk right into trouble at times with my eyes wide open!!! Can't blame anyone else, anything, or even the coming full moon...just did this one knowing possible consequences...and didn't care as long as I stuck up for the people being disrespected. Sigh!!! :rolleyes: Ha!!!


God bless everyone.

no problem. uses trouble fixer uper mattic. all better. :)

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Thanks for the support folks!!! I really appreciate it. I was feeling a bit stressed over the entire thing, as you all may have noticed, and you folks made it all better!!! I knew I could count on you for support!!! Thanks!!!

Just like Chappy said in so many good ways, this is the place to be, to feel safe because we are family here, and people care about each other, it is indeed a miraculous place to be!!! :wub:

Which brings me back to the op on this thread, sorry for hijacking your thread...hope you don't mind.

And the other thing I need to apologize to you for making light fun of what may be one of your favorite G4 shows and the fact that it is cancelled. For the insensitiveness of those remarks I ask you to forgive me please. G4 does tend to bring out intense emotions at times and not always good ones, that's for sure!!!

Mac, your trouble fixer upper mattic... (is that an automatic fixer upper? if so I need to order at least a dozen (or a hundred? or more!!!)...seems to have worked so far!!!

I logged in over there earlier today, and still not banned, and am being ignored/unanswered which is fine so people can have more chance to know I posted and to check it out...HA HA HA!!! :rolleyes:

Love ya all. :wub:


God bless everyone.

Edited by thesidekickcat
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