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hey tenmm, is it me or you having a quote tags problem.....

Hey, look who just walk in, we have a new member, tably..... welcome man


Hummmm??Dang my C/P skills are deteriorating :blush:


Phew....thought I would check mine.. :D

Seems ok so far... :rolleyes:

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Just stopped in quick to wish BestTechie A happy Birthday. We just had a good storm come through, power out and dropping 3 to 4 inches of hail. And they are saying to expect more to come. Sitting in a lull right now, but don't want to take any chances. So I'm shutting my PC down again. Have fun all!!!

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Just stopped in quick to wish BestTechie A happy Birthday. We just had a good storm come through, power out and dropping 3 to 4 inches of hail. And they are saying to expect more to come. Sitting in a lull right now, but don't want to take any chances. So I'm shutting my PC down again. Have fun all!!!


Oooh! it slipped my mind

Happy Birthday Besttechie.

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Oops, my bad. Made a fresh pot. (gotta drag Macmarauder out of the basement!) Spent all day taking my "nut with a walker" shopping. I'm spent. How are you, Robroy?? Sounds like you might need a hug *hug* :wub:


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That would be Please Liz, make me whatever.

Don't forget your manners youngun. :rolleyes:

Now since she may have headed off to bed, (me too in a few minutes), I will play the mommy part for her and tell you coffee is bad for a youngster (though I have been drinking it since I was 12), and besides it is a bad idea late at night to rev up with'll never get to sleep. You only do that on study cram sessions for tests the next day.

Now that we have the mother hen stuff out of the way, I will wish you a good night.


God bless everyone.

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DD, finally, here you go! Not Starbucks, though, its Besttechie Brand and much better :)

Geez, what a day. First Daughter threw her back out and I was on "backrub duty" whenever she wailed, then trying to get the housework done and supper made, along with some errands that had to be done.

Then I happened to look out the window and there's a groundhog in the back yard. A groundhog?!?? I had to Google it to make sure it wasn't a porkypine--I've never seen either. Geez, last year it was the turkey invasion, the year before that, a bear.....

Anyways, the dog is a squirrel chaser and so whenever she went out (and she was in one of those "revolving door" moods, probably due to smelling the groundhog!) I had to watch her to make sure she didn't bolt if she spotted the groundhog. She's never caught a squirrel, but groundhogs at least look like they're slower and I don't want her to encounter one! I'm betting they scratch and bite.

Gives a Mommywave to Pat and all the other Mommies (real and honorary!) here. :wub:


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DD, finally, here you go! Not Starbucks, though, its Besttechie Brand and much better :)

Geez, what a day.  First Daughter threw her back out and I was on "backrub duty" whenever she wailed, then trying to get the housework done and supper made, along with some errands that had to be done.

Then I happened to look out the window and there's a groundhog in the back yard.  A groundhog?!??  I had to Google it to make sure it wasn't a porkypine--I've never seen either.  Geez, last year it was the turkey invasion, the year before that, a bear.....

Anyways, the dog is a squirrel chaser and so whenever she went out (and she was in one of those "revolving door" moods, probably due to smelling the groundhog!) I had to watch her to make sure she didn't bolt if she spotted the groundhog.  She's never caught a squirrel, but groundhogs at least look like they're slower and I don't want her to encounter one!  I'm betting they scratch and bite.

Gives a Mommywave to Pat and all the other Mommies (real and honorary!) here.  :wub: 



Ouch, tell your daughter I hope her back feels better. :thumbsup:

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DD, finally, here you go! Not Starbucks, though, its Besttechie Brand and much better :)

Geez, what a day.  First Daughter threw her back out and I was on "backrub duty" whenever she wailed, then trying to get the housework done and supper made, along with some errands that had to be done.

Then I happened to look out the window and there's a groundhog in the back yard.  A groundhog?!??  I had to Google it to make sure it wasn't a porkypine--I've never seen either.  Geez, last year it was the turkey invasion, the year before that, a bear.....

Anyways, the dog is a squirrel chaser and so whenever she went out (and she was in one of those "revolving door" moods, probably due to smelling the groundhog!) I had to watch her to make sure she didn't bolt if she spotted the groundhog.  She's never caught a squirrel, but groundhogs at least look like they're slower and I don't want her to encounter one!  I'm betting they scratch and bite.

Gives a Mommywave to Pat and all the other Mommies (real and honorary!) here.  :wub: 



this year will be Bearskin invasion

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No,no,no,no, last year was the invasion of the turkeys and the year before we had the bear :)

Thanks, Makai, she just slept wrong (and she's a big baby!!)


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Groundhogs normally run from dogs unless they are cornered. Porcupines are a different story though. My boss's dogs caught one last week and it cost him $350 in vet bills to have the spines removed from their mouths.

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Hello everyone,

I'll just sip my Dr Pepper, thank you kindly for it, while I gab and read tonight. Had bacon/egg/tomato/onion sandwiches tonight. YUMMMY!!! Finally the tomatoes are ripening up enough to bring in a few. (First ones I picked I ate straight off the vine right outside...shhhh! Don't tell hubby!!!)

Hot here for a couple of days, lost the recent nice 70's temps. Now getting a bit of heat from south and east instead of from west off ocean. Ugg.! Didn't put air conditioner on today though maybe should have as it hit 92 here. Have been having nighttime temps in low 50's, but not so nice for tonight and tomorrow night. Then we cool down by weekend again. Maybe even some much needed rain by Sunday night or Monday. Only had a trace or two in last six to eight weeks, so it sure would be nice if it does materialize.

I hope everyone in Florida etc, comes out safe with Katrina.

I got ticked off at those awful tasting zucchini finally, so did a zucchiniectomy for the garden yesterday and today. Now I can actually get to the other side of tomato bushes.

Neighbor was wistfully saying I sure have alot of tomatoes coming on, seems theirs aren't staked/caged so they rot on ground or slugs get them. So of course I will share when I have extras.

But that got me to thinking about the two camps of thinking on tomato gardening. Some say don't cage just let them ramble on ground, and others like me always cage them (even though they always overflow the top of cages and head to ground again) So what do you gardeners do?

Waving back to Liz, I just pulled the mommy stuff to cover for you last night, seems like these younguns need a friendly reminder every now.

I hope your daughter gets the back kinks out, and will be feeling great soon. I sympathize with her for sure.

Take care folks.


God bless everyone.

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Groundhogs normally run from dogs unless they are cornered. Porcupines are a different story though. My boss's dogs caught one last week and it cost him $350 in vet bills to have the spines removed from their mouths.


:D Since I've never seen a groundhog (except for the Phil clips on TV) I had to holler at Hubby and Son to look at him and then I Googled to make sure it WASN"T a Porcupine. My nosy dog encountered a skunk once (she is scared of black and white cats now, fine with me!!) and would certainly put her nose to a porcupine (ow!!!)

Sidekickcat, I cage the tomatoes and tie an old clothesline pole (the "T" shaped thing) to the cage to tie the tomato plant on when they outgrow the cage (mine grow to about 7-8 feet here) But my Dad planted a bunch of tomatoes real close together and enclosed the entire bunch with stakes and string and got ripe tomatoes 2 weeks before I did. Bozodog does something similar to Dad, only with wire mesh that has big enough holes to put her hands through. Think I'll try that next year.

I cage everything from peppers to peonies!! Started out to keep the kids from "accidents", now it's for the dog, in case she sees a squirrel (no "out of the garden" laws when a squirrel is in the yard!) And they work great for the peppers if we get a good year. Those stems can break when the peppers get big, and the cages prevent it.


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blim daughter is a big baby huh? well i hope it wasn't to bad and she gets some slack from the hotel thing.

i wish she was here right now, i could sure use a woman who can act. remember when two of my friends needed help making a short film for their film class. in our group i'm mostly the idea guy and when they god writers block i wrote them a script. they finished and it worked very well. now they want me to write another one. i've got a good idea but i need a woman who can act a do funny voices. but since we've only got a budget of $200 and a bag of Cheetos it's had to do. actresses don't want to work for Cheetos. i'm trying to write something else instead for now. maybe something about a villain after a super hero foils his attempts to take over the world and he has to get a regular job after loosing all his money fighting in court to stay out of jail.

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