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Everything posted by jcl

  1. It's not a double standard. Partisan politics is partisan. Bush had an approval rating of 71% a month into the Iraq War.
  2. The proposed FY 2010 budget has a deficit of $1.7 trillion dollars: $2.2 trillion in revenue and $3.9 trillion in spending. That apparently doesn't include the stimulus ($787 billion) or the spending bill passed last week ($410 billion). For comparison, the deficit for FY 2009 is around $450 billion: $2.5 trillion in revenue and $3 trillion in spending. I don't believe that includes the ~$250 billion spent under TARP. [Edit: Figures corrected.] [Edit: This is amusing. The proposal would cut the deficit by 2/3rds by the end of Obama's first term by increasing revenue to $3.1 trillion. That's f
  3. Possibly. I don't believe narcotic is well-defined in a medical context. It reminds me of those arguments as well. Probably for different reasons.
  4. This is a stitched panorama. The 'robotic camera' is an off-the-shelf digicam in a little turret. If you want a Big Brother angle I give you the Autonomous Real-time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance - Imaging System (ARGUS-IS).
  5. If Bush had been reelected this would likely be a parallel universe where Iran was the US's strongest ally. Seriously? No.
  6. Erk. Apparently checkers has different rules in every country on Earth
  7. I think nine is the upper bound but I'm not sure if you get into that configuration under the normal rules. _______________ |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| |_|X|_|X|_|X|_|_| |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| |_|X|_|X|_|X|_|_| |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| |_|X|_|X|_|X|_|_| |O|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| Edit: Argh, I didn't see the king part. For kings I think the upper bound 12. _______________ |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| |_|_|X|_|_|_|X|_| |_|X|_|X|_|X|_|_| |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| |_|X|_|X|_|X|_|_| |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| |_|X|_|X|_|X|_|_| |_|O|_|_|X|_|_|_| I don't know what the actual maximum would
  8. IMO it's easier to use mod_userdir. When it's enabled (and properly configured) http://host/~user/ will be mapped to ~user/public_html/. This is a nice private directory owned by the user, so you don't have screw around with groups and file ownership. Just # Permit traversal of $HOME $ chmod o+x ~ # Permit read and traversal of public_html $ chmod o+rx ~/public_html # Permit read and traversal of directories $ find ~/public_html -type d -exec chmod o+rx {} \; # Permit read of normal files $ find ~/public_html -type f -exec chmod o+r {} \; (You can limit access to the www-data group with ACLs
  9. Native would be simpler than virtualized. If you really don't want the daemons running all the time you can control them manually, but I wouldn't bother unless you're short on memory.
  10. The Chinese are as bad at socialism as we are. AFAICT they're what socialists call 'state capitalists'. Possibly fascists depending on how you interpret the word. They also seem to be in very serious trouble at the moment. I don't understand why people think those are examples of socialism. They're welfare. There's a difference.
  11. Considering that socialism is less than 200 years old, I'm not surprised that it's a short list.
  12. There was a quasi-recession in 2001 but the economy grew something like 15% between 2000 and the beginning of the current recession. It occurred to me last week that if we encouraged people to save instead of spend there might be less need to bail out the financial institutions. It seems like a few hundred billion in deposits and cautious investments could keep quite a few companies afloat. Single-subject rule. Never understood why it isn't more popular.
  13. Are we going to have a dead economist quote competition? The paragraph in Marx's Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie that contains the infamous "opiate of the masses" line is absolutely beautiful even in translation. The obvious problem with this line of argument is that there are no "nonprofit motivated government-operated arenas". I'll let Harold explain:
  14. GMail has an experimental offline mode.
  15. The problem that we often end up with lousy public schools and inadequate health insurance for random subsets of the population. The US sucks at socialism. Sigh. I suppose I have to support the stimulus now.
  16. It seemed like most of the reports I found were from 1H '07 and most of those from a two or three month period. It's possible that it's been fixed but the fix hasn't been applied to your machine for some reason. (Does WU update drivers that are installed but not in use?)
  17. Googling a bit it kinda looks like the problem is a broken driver. Hard to tell from the posts I've found, though.
  18. Could be a hardware or firmware issue. I've had some strange experiences with USB.
  19. In fairness, our infrastructure was created by idiots. Speaking of which, it now appears that my home town is going to lose money under the stimulus because funds they were expecting from the feds for transportation projects are being routed through the state and the state wants to use nearly all of the money for state highways. It won't actually be enough to fix the highways because, as it turns out, highways don't work, but at least it will maintain the illusion for a few more years. Literally a few more years since at least a couple of the state projects are to repair things that are schedu
  20. If you work for Advantages you should ask their IT people to create a subdomain. If they don't have IT people or their IT people don't know how to create subdomains, the company should hire (better) IT people. They should also hire a Web designer. Immediately. If you don't work for Advantages you should ask your employer to buy advantages.net and then proceed as above.
  21. I've been hearing a lot of back-and-forth on this for the last couple months. The problem, I suppose, is that the economy isn't monolithic; some sectors could be recovering at the same time others are receding. Your perception of the overall state of the economy would depend on the part of it that you examine. And we did not try the wait and see approach. We panicked and threw a bazillion dollars at the financial services industry. The final bill wasn't released to the Congress until Thursday night. From what I heard there were several inconsistent drafts circulating as late Thursday afternoo
  22. 802.11n isn't a standard; it's a draft of a proposed standard. There's no guaranty that draft-n products will be compatible with each other or with the standard. Probably more likely that they will than not, but still, no guaranty. That's 802.11a/g territory.
  23. Seems unlikely that games would use that much bandwidth.
  24. - Connected the HDD. - Run dmesg and look for messages related to the drive (usb-storage, etc). The later messages should include the device node (e.g., sdd). - mount $DEVICE $MOUNTPOINT where $DEVICE is the path to a partition on the drive (e.g., /dev/sdd1) and $MOUNTPOINT is anything at all.