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Everything posted by jcl

  1. The former. There really isn't any reason to use tables (except for compatibility) but that's not because CSS is easier to use.
  2. You don't need to use tables, no. And if you're going to use CSS for layout you probably should put all your energy into it, 'cause it's going to take all your energy to make it work. If worse comes to worse you can reimplement tables with divs. Actually, there's one exception: if you need to support clients that don't support CSS, it's tables or nothing.
  3. ArrayList and List<string> (from System.Collections.Generic) will work. StringCollection (from System.Collections.Specialized) might work but I haven't used it.
  4. XGL is... still under development. Unless it's changed recently, it doesn't affect the look of the UI aside from the special effects like the cube (which really looked lousy when I tried it, to be honest), but it does interfere with some programs and slows the UI down to something between "hand drawing" and "flip book"[0]. [0] I know that my GeForce 4 isn't SOTA but I shouldn't be able to count frames when I'm dragging a window.
  5. get_browser() reads the entrails^WUser-Agent header sent by the browser and uses the local browscap.ini to construct a table describing the client and whether it supposedly supports some arbitrary features. It appears that entries in browscap.ini determine both the keys and values of the table, so the set of keys can be inconsistent between different clients. Hooray for PHP. The IE User-Agent string is something like "Mozilla/<version> (compatible; MSIE <version>; <system> <version>)" for historical reasons. I think it's supposed to be the version of Mozilla (read Nets
  6. The IE6 executable is ~91 KiB. The bulk of IE is in the browser components that were famously integrated into Windows. Browzar appears tiny only because it uses, but doesn't distribute, a subset of the same components. Good example of the benefits of modular design. IE, that is. Not Browzar.
  7. Well, I did, two years ago, when the 'failure' search was news. It's a remnant of the '04 election.
  8. In what way is it accurate? This isn't an argument. I really want to know what 'Fireflop' is supposed to mean.
  9. A juvenile way of saying "I dislike Firefox". C.f. 'M$', 'Winblows', 'Internet Exploder/Exploiter', 'Dead Rat', etc.
  10. Nit: Writely was created by Upstartle. Google bought the company last spring when Writely was in its first semi-public beta.
  11. Huh. I wonder what I thinking of. [Later] Ah, it was Epiphany. Sure, yesterday. I was using when I wrote that post. The default behavior was changed in recent releases to prevent thrashing; you have to set config.trim_on_minimize to true. When it's enable it works very well -- the WS can drop below 1 MiB if you're lucky -- but it can take a minute or two to page back in when you raise the window. That's one reason I'm not convinced it's a good idea. (The other reason is that I don't know what the point is. If the process is idle the WS will decay naturally. If it isn't, decreasing the WS wi
  12. Aren't useful to me. I don't use back and forward that often and, because I'm usually on a laptop, keyboard shortcuts are easier than mouse gestures and chords. I think Firefox has scroll wheel tab paging. Anyway, my laptop doesn't have a scroll wheel That I do miss. There's probably an extension that does it. I don't use multiple windows often enough to look. Utility and usability are more important than cool. I don't need a shiny four-function calculator in my web browser. Did nothing but get in my way. I like my BT clients. Switch to vim window, type ctrl-[4098G I don't think I've e
  13. You know, I'm really starting to hate Opera users.
  14. It doesn't help that the Senate is trying to incorporate every bit of telecomm regulation they can think of into the NN legislation. I think Stevens was trying (or succeeded?) to get one of the broadcast flag proposals tacked on. That would draw the privacy, censorship, and DRM folks into the debate. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I'm always happy when politicians do nothing.
  15. In this context, it's the principle that networks should not discriminate between traffic based on the content, source, or origin of that traffic. For example, AT&T shouldn't give priority to traffic between AT&T customers or partners or deprioritize (or block) traffic originating from, bound for, or providing a service of a competitor. The network should move bits from point A to point B in accordance with the specifications of the relevant protocols, period. The debate in Congress concerns the codification of network neutrality in federal law. The real issue is an intercorporate feud
  16. *shrug* Nothing happened in the '90s that I would considered real unrest.[0] There was dissent, of course, but I don't think it rose above the background level. The war between the GOP and Clinton I would classify as political theater. Entertaining but unimportant. You didn't see Republicans taking to the streets by the hundreds of thousands month after month demanding that Clinton be impeached and you definitely didn't see popular artists releasing songs and whatnot savaging Democrats. [0] A few isloated and, in the long run, unimportant events, like the LA riots, excepted. There is that.
  17. Yeah, I didn't really phrase that post well. The gist of what I meant to say was that I think you're seeing more activist artists because (1) we're in a era of increasing social and political unrest, and (2) we're just coming out of an era relative calm. So you have the artists reflecting society by becoming increasingly political (so you aren't just a curmudgeon) and that contrasts sharply with recent history. The bit about artistic styles was probably a coincidence: it just happened that the '70s popularized art forms that were useless for activism (antiwar disco!), so you were less likely t
  18. Translation: AMD's going to release a core next year that won't be as completely outclassed. Seriously, the only way I can see the K8L smoking Core 2 is if the FSB issue is a more serious problem for Kentsfield than it appears. Even then I don't think it would matter. But I suppose it's possible that AMD will pull off a miracle.
  19. IMO: Yes, No, and Yes. I think it's a cyclical thing. It seems like the '80s and '90s were losers for 'message art'. The decades were downright boring compared to the '60s and '70s and the popular art forms were kinda lousy. It's hard to express serious political and social messages through hair rock and boy bands. The increasing number of artists trying to be 'relevant' is a sign that the art world is recovering and the world in general is getting more interesting.
  20. Nothing. Freedom of speech includes the freedom to criticize other people's speech. Artists know that well. It's how a lot of them pay their bills. Generalizations are bad. Off the top of my head I can't think of single artist who's expressed an opinion about any recent event whose motivations I would claim to understand. Nevertheless, I would assume that some are motivated by humanitarian concern, but I would also be surprised if there weren't at least as many motivated by politics, economics, peer pressure, coin flips, and so on. And I mean on all sides. Artists are regular folks. They aren
  21. Linux has full read and limited write on NTFS. Full write if you jump through some hoops.
  22. Driver installation guide. Um, let's see. Yeah, the module's included in the standard kernel package. It should just work. (I can't test it, unfortunately, because my Windows HDD died.)
  23. Let's get the basics out of the way. Open a terminal window and enter ifconfig. You should get a list of network interfaces. Your NIC should be named 'eth0' or some such. If it's missing or misconfigured that's your problem If it looks fine... someone will think of something. What kind of video card? What kind of, um, distro? NTFS is supported read-only but not every distro includes the module (driver). If the module is available, you can $ sudo mount -t ntfs -o ro $DEVICE $MOUNT_POINT where $DEVICE is the partition you want to mount (e.g. /dev/hda1) and $MOUNT_POINT is the directory you
  24. What did they say? It looks like a misconfiguration: pop-server.neo.rr.com should be the POP3 server ( is your own machine) and the account should be your login name.