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Everything posted by jcl

  1. That's the only kind of 'faster' that matters to most users. People who need different kinds of faster will do their own benchmarking anyway. I haven't noticed any difference, incidentally, but I haven't been using GNOME either.
  2. jcl

    Open Office

    Indeed. There's also piracy and flame wars.
  3. HTTP is pretty simple. To POST a file you open a connection to the HTTP server and then send something that looks like POST <path> HTTP/1.0 Content-Length: <length of data in bytes> <data> (The structure is different for HTTP 1.1.) Python has HTTP client libraries that will take care of that for you. On the server side you have a CGI script associated with <path> that reads the <data> from stdin (CGI arranges for the socket to be bound to stdin and stdout) and writes it to a file. Simple as that. Nice thing is that client isn't much more complex than the ones yo
  4. Nope. It's open to a pair of DoS attacks. Someone can keep pumping bytes through the server until it runs out of memory and blows up, or they can keep pumping messages until you run out of disk space. Yup. You don't need threads. In fact you probably don't want threads. You would wrap the socket I/O up in a set of state machines that handle each transaction and then use non-blocking (or overlapped, on Windows) I/O to drive the state machines. Basically you'd be a writing a tiny multitasking operating systems. Not really all that difficult, but a bit of a pain. The network frameworks like Twi
  5. I'd be surprised if there was a phone that let you screw with dialing program from the Java environment.
  6. Probably. IIRC it's default JRE/JDK because of Sun's licensing.
  7. javac requires that the file name be identical to the name of the class it contains (plus the .java extension). As for the second error... I would guess that you're using an older JDK. Scanner was added in Java 1.5.
  8. Ah. Yeah, whatever program they used to generate the PDF from the LaTeX source screwed up the quotes.
  9. Smart quotes is a feature found in word processors and some text editors. Many character sets include a variety of quote-like characters: left and right quotation marks, apostrophes, primes, minute and second marks, etc. When you enter a quotation mark in an editor with smart quotes enabled it tries to determine from the context what kind of quote-like character you wanted and substitute that character in. In the code you posted the single quotes are actually right (closing) quotes from Microsoft's codepage 1252 character set (the default encoding on Windows).
  10. Looks like you were bitten by smart quotes. What editor did you use?
  11. Could it have been a giant centi/millipede? Some species can get up to a foot or so long and maybe and inch or two wide. Could have been a pet that got loose.
  12. Twisted might be overkill for the client. It sounds like you need something like sendfile(): snarf bytes from this file and stuff them down this socket. Actually you might be to able save yourself a lot of trouble if you use HTTP. Install a server, write a little CGI script to receive files, and use Python's HTTP convenience libraries to POST the file from the client to the server. The client might be slightly more complex but the server could be reduced to teensy script to store the incoming file.
  13. You can modify the partition table by hand with a hex editor if necessary. You'd need to know the correct values though and I have no idea if it would fix the problem. (Is it actually the MBR that causes the problem or the BIOS or the interaction between the two?)
  14. I was sort of kidding. It's not unusual for C to be optimized for terseness. Single letter variables aren't unusual if the meaning is fairly clear or if they don't have any real meaning. 'c' and 's' are examples of the former (meaning character and string, respectively) and 'q' is a just a bucket for intermediate values. 's' is incorrect in this case since the object is a char array rather than a string and 'c' is borderline but I didn't have any trouble understanding what was intended. I might have used 'bytes' and 'byte' or 'octets' and 'octet' or something similar instead of 's' and 'c'. 'q
  15. Eh. It follows the standard C naming convention: short, no complete words, no vowels. c and s are reasonable (if incorrect) and I can't think of a more meaningful name for q.
  16. It seems likely that it's accurate. The features being added in D3D 10 are non-trivial and most of them sound like they require hardware support (no driver emulation). But I haven't heard anything definitive.
  17. jcl

    Google Is Full?

    Orlowski was describing a problem with the quality of search results. He took Schmidt's comment about capacity out of context -- an explanation for Google's massive capital expenditures -- and implied that it's the cause of the problem with the search results. Orlowski provided no evidence to support that implication and his hedging ("Schmidt has hinted") indicates that he doesn't have any. He's sensationalizing. (I know, the Register sensationalizing? Hard to believe.)
  18. Link? AFAIK only the last six words of that sentence are correct
  19. jcl

    Urban Legand

    Hazard pay for the NYC Bureau of Water and Sewer Operations employees?