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Posts posted by macmarauder

  1. Lightning? I may have drug my feet on the carpet again. Ooops!

    That tends to happen when you have about a 12 computers through out the house and a lot of carpet. :blink::wacko:

    On the bright side I can jump start the car myself.

  2. I admit that threads like that are pretty much a waste of time due to a lack of actual discussion. But they're really fun too. Also it's a lot of space, it takes more to record all the posts than the actual content. Most of what I do is try to find places to post in thread games like that. That's way my boards are pretty much dedicated to thread games.

    This is B's forum, when in dought, the owner always wins.

    LOL B, thanks for the forum. :D

  3. does any one think the weather is because of global warming.

    or is it a result of natural weather patterns

    to me this phenonimen seems to be world wide

    tho the area these storms are in  has a pattern over the years.if it is caused by global warming  can you expect more and worse.

    i think the world has to clean up its act or natural patterns wil be a force to be reckoned with in the future.

    where i live this sort of weather is rare.tho parts of my country does get the od big storm.

    i sympathise with the repicipients of a storm caused by nature

    what can you do.when the strongest force in the universe is comming at you


    Quick everyone on the eastern seaboard, take your change and keys out of your pockets and switch them. :unsure::huh:

    Now put a mirror backwards on on the wall that faces the storm.

    If this doen't work someone might have to sacrifice a chicken. I don't like killing things so here's some KFC.

  4. Man I hate these things because you can't know or understand me with out know my work (huge workaholic). But it's not fair to you guys, for all of you to be brave and me to just sit and watch so here it goes. Trust me it's not as much as it sounds. I've just been doing this junk since I was in diapers.

    -My name is robert lute

    -Single male

    -23 believe it or not I'm still only 23

    -currently live in Colorado Springs, Co

    -used to live in Semi Valley, Ca

    -no kids or pets, unless you count my GF :P

    -Former member of the Microsoft Prodigy Program

    -Founded Media Extreme Unlimited (Multimedia Company)

    -Founded Custom Mac World (old school custom Macs) (meaning instead of just modding and making them look pretty we made the fastest Macs around) (I still hold the record for the fastest B&W G3 comp.)

    -I have no sence of humor :rolleyes:

    -Worked in R&D of a defense contractor, apple comp., Life Messages, several production comp.

    -Created the Life Album which later was sold to Apple who chopped it up and threw in some apple spices to make iTunes and iPhoto. I've worked on several short films locally. First of all No I didn't get any of the money. The company owners took it and ran off to Mexico or something. The best I could get was a job at Apple for a little while. Secondly No I didn't make the particle graphics in iTunes, they added that in and I'm very impressed with it. I still want to meet the guy who added that part in cause it took a huge amount of programing. Thirdly I only wrote the program that they are based on and helped with the prototypes. Beleive me, they have gone far beyond what I did back in 98.

    Like I said it's not as much as it sounds and I hate to write all this but this is my life. It's who I am, I am my work.

    Sorry again for all the reading.

  5. Speaking of which. Thanks again Hitest for inviting me over here.

    I really like it here. People are great and nice and polite and very helpful.

    And I love not being critisized for being a Mac person. Which is what happened to me every time I went on the G4 boards. They were always arguing to much about which is better instead of having mutual respect for all machinse for what they are. Like I do for PCs.

    Everyone here does what thaty can do to help out.

  6. Oh boy...... :huh: I got 6 again.....oh well..think I might have places for them.... :rolleyes:

    At this point I can't even give them away anymore.

    How do I electronically file 13 something anyway.

  7. That poll was so unfair. I was even torn between my love of smashing things or my love for Macs. All of us at the house tried to vote for the Mac just to keep it from being smashed but we kept getting server errors. <_<:angry:

    yes what a waste of a very perfectly good computer.

  8. I heard about something similar several years ago. A colege got to use something like it a while back and no it doen't work very well. Very cool idea though. When they get the lasers sensitivity problem fixed then it'll be sweet. They problem I have with it is that when you've been using keyboards for such a long time you miss the textile feel of the keys and you can't feel the gap between the keys.