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Everything posted by hitest

  1. That's what I've heard too, shanenin. It's debian based with synaptic, so great package management. Also it's really fast and will run on lower RAM boxes. It should be fun.
  2. Welcome, bluescreen2 This is an excellent forum, you'll like it here!
  3. Hi shanenin, Yes, I also prefer Linux to BSD. I'm excited about trying Ubuntu Linux in the next little while. Good to see you on the boards, man!
  4. Heh-heh, I wouldn't call my ten year old calm.........yet. Thanks, robroy, it's good to know that there's light at the end of the tunnel. Let's see......calm........ serene
  5. When my 10 year old turns 13 I'm planning to live in the forest with the bears and wolves.......it'll be safer. Now, to continue.......wired.. Coffee
  6. hitest

    New Antivirus

    Thanks, mikex. That will be a good alternative to Norton AV as Norton supports their products for a year or so before forcing you to upgrade. I'll keep that in mind for my XP box.
  7. That's good news that they're offering Linspire or free. Linspire has a good reputation for good hardware detection, ease of installation. This would be a good choice for a first install of Linux. One thing to be aware of though. Linspire offers software upgrades, updates from their "click and run" warehouse. There is a fee for downloading the software from the warehouse. You can sign up for this via a subscription. I'm wondering if the coupon code gives you a free pass to the software library? Thanks for the information. Other very good first choices for a Linux install would be Mandriva
  8. babies..... I've got two kids, a 10 year old and a 2 year old.
  9. hitest

    Favorite Music

    It was great and yes it was recorded. I have a copy that was given too me, listened to it about 2 weeks ago. He is still the greatest rock guitarist ever. Agreed, man! Hendrix kicks butt!
  10. hitest

    Favorite Music

    Heres a little about her...i can't find a sample of her style...i don't to the online music thing ...i though she use to have her songs on the webpage... http://www.suefoley.com/about.html i maybe confusing her webpage and "Sugarlands" Thank you for the link, echobay, much appreciated.
  11. hitest

    Favorite Music

    Hey, echobay, I really like Bonnie Raitt, she absolutely rocks. I'm not familiar with Sue Foley. What style of guitar does she play?
  12. This is a few days old; the good people at Mozilla have released a point upgrade for Fire Fox. Fire Fox 1.0.3 is available for download. Mozilla.org
  13. Hi tictoc, Very cool, that Ubuntu installed flawlessly on your laptop. That's what I've read about Ubuntu that it's very good with hardware and that it runs very fast. I'm getting really pumped about it. I bought my Ubuntu CD from Discount Linux CDs they are a good Linux distro vender that I like to support. I think Ubuntu might turn out to be a favorite of ours. I might return to Mandriva if they get the bugs worked out. I just read that Slackware 10.1 still ships with Gnome, which is good as Gnome runs better on my Slackware box. Also, Slackware 10.1 also ships with XFce, which is real
  14. We're a comfortable little suburb
  15. Hi tictoc, Thanks for the very thorough review! Mandriva 2005 looks like a write-off. You're right it looks like they rushed to get it out the door. I'm also going to wait until 2006 Official comes out. I just ordered copies of Slackware 10.1 (upgrading my slack box) and Ubuntu. You made me curious with your screenshot of Ubuntu. I went to the Ubuntu website and it looks like my unit will run it just fine, it could be fun. I like using Synaptic, a good package manager.
  16. Sorry, I should've said that all the latest software is available through synaptic (package manager). It does come equipped with Gnome 2.8 but not all that much more...the basics, in other words...Hell, I think it's about the same size as Iccaros-Linux. But yeah, without the bells and whistles. Heh, I can't stand quanta...it'd be something I kill before installing...It doesn't get installed by default in ltd. 2005...screem does, which I also don't like. Nvu is definitely my editor of choice. I like to tinker around too but not for my main system...only "tinker boxes" I've had a few hours to