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Posts posted by Carnevil

  1. The four stages of tequila.

    I had a T shirt like this.

    1) Two shots - I am rich.

    2) Three shots - I am good lookin.

    3)Four shots - I am bulletproof.

    4)Five shots - I am invisible.

    That's any liquor, by the way if you think you're rich after only 2 shots you can hold your liquor.

  2. Carnevil..

    It shoudl respond faster as the new GNOME it uses has speed up some responce times..

    this is what I notice when people say faster..

    I have not seen any bench marks on the rest of the system..

    I shouldn't expect anything else from newbie users. But you and I both know that just because the D.E. responds faster that doesn't necessarily mean the system is faster. I'd like to see actual benchmarks on the system.

  3. Text based installers are the sh*t, I like being in control of what happens during installation.

    my first linux install of redhat 9 asked if I wanted to install a boot loader, and it was a graphical installer. Ubuntu chose to leave it out in favor of making it simpler for the masses.

    Get use to it, this is just the natural dumbing down of newbie linux distros. What I find funny though is even PC-BSD gives you a choice to install a boot loader or not. Eventually it's going to get to the point where people like us will only have a few choices for *nix. It'll probably end up Slackware,Arch,Gentoo,the BSD's and Solaris.

  4. I am really annoyed with the installer. It did not ask me if I wanted to install a boot loader, it just did it without prompting. As I said above, it made me mount all of my partitions, if not I was not able to finish the install. I guess a little control to the user(me) would have been nice.

    Yes, I also like a little control. Is it true the installer is now graphical, because I kind of like the debian-like text installer in Ubuntu 5.10? I've heard from a few users that 6.06 is faster than 5.10.....that would be nice. :D

    Text based installers are the sh*t, I like being in control of what happens during installation. The last part of your message caught my eye. They say it's faster, is that by them testing it, or is it anecdotal? It bugs me when people say one distro is faster when they haven't run any actual tests. I hope I'm not coming off like an ass, that stuff just bugs me.