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Posts posted by Carnevil

  1. The United States loves their guns...

    I live in Japan. Yesterday we went to my friend's house and he had left his door open for four hours while we were gone. Wide open! You could see from the street that the door was open.

    Everything was inside - laptop, tv, dvd, sound system, keyboard, guitar, money on the table - EVERYTHING.

    Who wants to make a bet on what would happen if he had done that in the States?

    We do not really need to lock our doors, and I feel safer here than I ever felt in the States.

    Please be careful, Honda Boy, there is too much rage in the world and I do not want you to get hurt.


    Gadgets are safe, but women on Japanese trains aren't.

  2. no problems here...I got the firepower.

    and just in case they run I have a 30-30 lever action with a scope.

    when I applied for my concealed carry permit I got 100% score with Glock .45

    old timers will know what I'm talking about...USMC, qualified with M1, colt .45, M14, and BAR.

    they wouldn't let me qualify with bow and arrow.

    Glocks are nice, but I prefer the new Springfield XD Sub-Compact. That's what I used to qualify for my CCW. I've never had a pistol that accurate straight out of the box, atleast for the price. I'm a big fan of the Colt 45 and the M14, I'm actually looking at buying a M1A Socom.

  3. It's amazing what people will get upset about. But what are you doing with the bayonet dude? Planning on making a charge or something? That part made me chuckle, I can understand grabbing the rifle, but why the bayonet. One other point is rifles, especially high powered rifles aren't good for defense. There's too much to worry about, blow through is one of them. If there's alot of houses around you then a rifle isn't a good thing to use. They tend to go straight through the body and can cause damage to surrounding houses and people. Now a shotgun would be a perfect choice. Not only do you not have to worry about blow through, but they'll do alot more damage. That and just the sound of a shotgun racking back is usually enough to scare the hell out of anybody. Just remember dude, whats behind your target is just as important as your target.