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Posts posted by Carnevil

  1. I shall take you to bed and have my way with you.

    I will make you ache, shake and sweat until you moan and groan.

    I will make you beg for mercy, beg for me to stop.

    I will exhaust you to the point that you will be relieved when I'm finished with you.

    And, when I am finished, you will be weak for days.

    All my love,

    The Flu

    (Now, get your mind out of the gutter and go get your flu shot.)

    That's just so depressing. How dare you get my hopes up then let me down. Lets remove the flu reference, and you got my idea of the perfect woman. :lol:

  2. Yay, compiling java, there's nothing more fun than that. :lol: Hopefully there will be packages available for FreeBSD6.1 soon. The FreeBSD foundation spent an ass load of money to get a license agreement so the project could have packages for JDK1.5. That way we don't have to fetch the sources and patchset, such a pain. Manually fetching 4 differant packages just to compile java sucks. :angry2:

  3. I'll also have to say that running it from a CD won't really give you the full experience. The LIveCds are a good way to test your hardware to see if everything will run. I say try a livecd to test your hardware, play with it for a few then download and install Ubuntu or Kubuntu. If you also want to try another type of *nix, try PC-BSD.