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Posts posted by bobbynichols

  1. ... never did get Firefox 2 to behave after trying just about everything. Recently read an article via Digg on Firefox 2 bloat and some of the problems plaguing users that pretty much turned the tide on what I was going to do about it. I've been using IE6 and Firefox in tandem, being unhappy with both for one reason or another.

    Another wonkyness with Firefox I had been having was that I couldn't scan with a^2 and have Firefox running (can't imagine why). a^2 would detect Firefox and direct me to close Firefox down or it wouldn't scan at all, though I could do my (hourly ;) ) update.

    Again, those with more robust systems probably wouldn't have seen these problems that I've had with Firefox as it appears to be a memory issue more that anything that the bloatiness would affect on my aging Win98se box.

    Well, I've gone back to Opera (third go round) and the latest distro works fine by me... scrolling and mouse movement AND I can scan with a^2 while surfing in Opera (yay!). That Pirillo guy recommended Maxthon as a browser in the article I read, but maybe another time.

    Also my besttechie experience has been improved in using Opera over Firefox (for some reason I could only answer or contribute in Fast Reply mode only for the last couple of weeks [go figger]). It probably was something I did to create that gaff... but now it's not an issue... (sweet !)

    Now if I could only get Adaware and Spybot to cooperate with online updates (sigh).