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Posts posted by bobbynichols

  1. I don't know what is worse. Strangers for neighbors or relatives. :whistling:

    Being an expert in this matter I will tell you: relatives

    [16-year veteran: 6-relatives (not including my wife and I)]; {3-separate households in all on the property [21-acres]... including in-laws, daughter, grandkids }

    They are also a source of some of my greatest bleßings: I've learned patience, forgiveness, wonder (grandchildren), self-sacrifice, and on and on.

    Chores: a bit o' spring cleaning, maybe push the mower a bit, troubleshoot my dead car (I think I saw a post by Pandy in the Tercel forum [go figger]), maybe 'play' with a bit o' barb wire, and split a little more wood.

    re: JDoors

    ... didn't God Himself say to rest on Sunday?

    Aye, verily He did ( The Ten Commandments Exodus 20:8)................ enjoy the Sabbath :thumbsup: (whatever day it may fall to you)

  2. Agreed. My sympathies JDoors.

    Two of my nieces and a nephew will be facing their first Mother's Day without my sister, their mother, who died an un-natural death last July. They've gone through her birthday and others' birthdays and the holidays, and just 2-weeks ago the birth of her fourth grandchild. Two of my grand-nieces, same family, also lost their Father shortly after my sisters death... also of un-natural causes. To say the least it has been tough for the family.

    My daughter and I were seperated for 12-years during her youth and her Father's Days centered on her Grand-Father (wife's Dad)... but she still felt the loss through seperation. We were re-united 17-years ago when she was 13-years old; and permanently through the second marriage, 16-years ago, with her mother, my current wife. :)

    I now have an eternal view of families that I'm grateful for through my Church's doctrinal teachings. Keep your family close and never take for granted that they'll always be there in the here and now... love them, honor them, cherish them... always.

  3. Open Office 2.2 is available free at and includes an Excel compatible program called "Calc". Runs on Linux or Windows. It's a large download on dialup but I've done it overnight (you probable have a version w/ your OS).

    I found a cricket spreadsheed (Excel): that you might want to download and open with Open Office "Calc" (you might be able to adapt it for your own use)

    There might be others at:;btnG=Search

    Good Luck!

  4. Allergies... yes... generic Claritin, and Flonase helping with the Oak and Pine and Scotch "Doom" and grasses. My eyes are taking a terrible hit right now and I need to get more Opticon eye drops quick.

    Wife, daughter, and I fixed up some of the barbwire fences Saturday for the horses (only two now... my wife's Arabian mare and stud [just pets at this point of their and our lives] ) and fixing up a new stall area (digging post holes, concreting said posts in holes, pounding T-posts for more wire. Tomarrow going to help with chaining and moving downed trees for cutting, splitting, stacking (I'll be the go-for while others run the 'dozer ).

    Thank Heaven for the Sabbath !