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Posts posted by bobbynichols

  1. It wasn't until they started showing all the different school shootings that have happened that it jogged my memory. This isn't something that has just started to happened There was that shooting down in Texas during the '60's. They're just arming themselves better. It's sad


    My heartfelt prayers out to the families and friends and all touched by this sad incident.

    I pray that we as a people will become more diligent and aware of those that may seek to cause harm. I used to live in Cupertino, CA , though I did not live there at the time, where an incident was averted at De Anza College.............. see "Averted Shooting" by those who decided to follow up on a hunch. Yeah I know sometimes people just snap, but too often there are warning signs that can be discerned.

    Gun laws are not the answer. Anyone can get a gun be it legally or illegally (sigh). In the case of students, perhaps more awareness by parents or councilors or friends of the feelings of said student.

    My hope and prayer: that society in general will pursue a less contentious mindset and cultivate a tolerance towards one another.

  2. ... Italy.................. my brother lives waaaaaaaaaaaaay south and east of Bologna, Italy in the city of Grottaglia located in the middle of the heal of the boot of Italy between Toranto, and Brindisi (reminds me of those in Besttechie who describe locations in Michigan by their hand... though I don't realy understand their referance yet [up?down?right?left?turned?).

  3. '61(?) Chevy Nomad Wagon...

    then: '62 Buick Skylark, '73(?) Dodge Duster, '77(?) Ford Mustang II (not Mach I), '64½ Ford Mustang, Chevy Chevette (traded it for my first computer (Franklin Ace 1000: an Apple II clone), '85 Mercury Topaz (company car), Honda Civic, Geo Metro, Buick something or other that was left to me from my Dad's estate that drove long enough to get me back to Cali from Carson, Washington before it died as well, (2) Dodge vans that were my wife's (both suffered terrible demise(s)), '98(?) Plymouth Van.

    Currently driving an ailing 10 year old Toyota Tercel (now w/ 180K miles on it) after my daughter and son-in-law had put 160K hard miles on it prior to selling it to my wife and I.

    I've been cursed with bad luck w/ cars pretty much my entire driving life (with the exception of my Duster and the company car I had)... mostly due to hard miles and not being able to keep up w/ car repairs.

    Good Luck Jeff !

  4. $ 3.17 - $3.25 US / gal here in the Cali foothills, west of Sacto. I feel your pain screi.

    The good news is that if prices continue to stay high - alternative fuels will be more viable (though still high). Wonder if Exxon, et al, is startin to buyin up all the corn crop (or other bio-mass crops) pastures ? Maybe we'll be able to buy Exxon popcorn as a side product... by the gallon... subject to market price fluctuations in the near future at a local theatre near you.

  5. IMHO Rap allows music artists who haven't "the voice" to exercise their musical talents which lie elsewhere... as in arranging, dancing, mixing, whateva... though I'm sure there are some with fabulous voice. No problem with that. However, Rap seems to have beatin the horse to death on explicit lyrics and the boom-ditty-boom beats (that are too often the same) that one can hear 3 blocks away... it seems to have grown stale as the disco sound did in prehistoric days.

    More creativity in lyrics and sound, and less mean-mindedness might keep the genre alive... though the rap moguls seem to prefer the same-o-same-o to keep their profits up, costs down, and image as smarmy as possible.

    This opinion is from someone who grew up in the 50's - 70's and now prefers metal (70's - 80's rock era) and gospel and new age and classical, never identifying with any genre... and may be totally out of touch with this topic. :wacko: