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Everything posted by rjmiller15

  1. My mom's computer is an HP Pavilion XE783. Her Cd writer stopped working and is giving a code 39 - Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39) She tried uninstalling the drive, and reinstalling but nothing would work. Any suggestions? It calls the device a Mitsumi CR-4804TE
  2. Another update. I was playing around on my wired router forwarding tab and figured out how to forward my outside ip address to my wired router. When I typed in the outside ip address I was prompted for a user name and password (to my wired router) Am I on the right track? Isn't that not right to through access to my wired router out there for the WWW. I mean all they have to do is crack the password and they are in. Is this not wise?
  3. Ok I have been playing with this off and on and now I'm really confused. Let's start from where I am at. I have a cable modem, from there I have a wired router. A wireless router is plugged into one of the holes in the back of the wired router. Cable Modem -----> Wired Router ----> Wireless Router The PC with VNC Server on it is accessing the network through the wireless router. The laptop (while at home) is accessing through the wired router (I plug it directly into the network). When I leave to go on the road, I would like to access it by ip address:portnumber. I entered setup on b
  4. I set up a computer network with another workstation as the "server" per say and mapped a network drive to every workstation. On the "server"/a.k.a main drive, I created a folder for each person from every workstation to save their files. My question is - is it possible to password protect a particular folder on the "server" so that the files can be protected without having to map a separate drive???
  5. You can offer your home to victims as well. I did. http://www.moveon.org/
  6. What I did was enter my router's settings and typed inthe following under applicatins gaming (linksys) Application - i put realvnc start - 5800 end - 5900 TCp and UDP Protocol ip address: and I checked the enable box. Did I do something wrong?
  7. Take that back - it's not working....argggg
  8. Make sure you router has ports 5800-5900 forwarded to a static ip address (your host machine) How do I do this???? forward all ports 5800-5900 to my router's ip address????
  9. That gave me an ip starting with 68. That goes to my router. I can't access that from an outside computer (like at someone else's house right?)
  10. how do I find out my outside ip address?
  11. I figured out how to use Real VNC on my local network - but what if I want to access it from an outside computer how do I set that up? Please help!
  12. You just found your shoes, in the bottom of your algae ridden swimming pool I wish my husband would come home.
  13. I found the memory on chief value. Thanks.... I will wait until they credit me and then reorder the new memory for my friend. Thanks for the help!
  14. I called Chief Value today. I have to order the replacement memory from them or I will have to pay a 15% restocking fee. Can someone help me find either 128mb or 256 mb for this computer? If not, I can order some memory for my laptop and get hers from Crucial. Please let me know asap! the RMA number is only good for a few days! Thanks!
  15. I changed the height, but when the menu opens, it cuts it off. Can anyone help?
  16. I just need to get this address list converted from .wps to word. Someone help? PM me and I'll send you the link for the file...I just need a quick copy and paste. It's an address list. Thanks Jennifer
  17. Ok. I bought this cool program 123FlashMenu. Anyone heard of it? Well I go to create a flash menu to imitate this website What I want the menu to look like And this is what I had before I started (which is nice the menu is close to the site, etc.) Started Here Here is where I ended up with the sample flash menu (ignore colors) Sample 123Flash Menu There is a HUGE gap of gray area...which sucks....if you notice in the one I want to emulate that there is already a menu there, with a flash submenu under it. Could someone please help me???
  18. Your wish is granted but all your have is wishes and none of them will be granted (you didn't indicate you wanted granted wishes, just wishes)... I wish I could eat whatever I wanted and never gain a pound
  19. well I might as well kiss everyone booty b/c EVERYONE is a mod of some kind!
  20. No you have to put a stipulation on it...like your wish is granted but your other clone took all your money and went to Vegas or something crazy like that. By the way, your wish is granted - you are rich....in horse manure, and you have ten million pounds of it around your house....and the stock in horse manure just went bust today. I wish I could go to bed right now.
  21. You got it right on! Awww man Britney Spears..... Your wish is granted....but in order to fly you are required to dress in a very small tutu and carry a wand and flutter around..... I wish there were two of me.
  22. I just joined today and I agree with you - this is quickly becoming my favorite place on the net. I can't leave the Open Chat spot though..... I need to branch out on some other threads!!!