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Everything posted by 12lostcause12

  1. ditka (as in the famous coach of the the bears)
  2. sunday newspaper (it has an issues section)
  3. I assume you are behind a NAT router that you have access to (you own it). If the router supports it (check the manual) you should be able to use UPnP (universal plug and play) to get through the NAT router (at this point I should mention I have never done this.). Go to options and select the UPnP entry in the tree. Enabling this should allow azureus to open the ports on the router for you. This will get you arround the problem with the dynamic IP because the IP that the port is being forwarded to is just the IP that azureus is located at. This is azureus' Wiki explaining UPnP and should
  4. I'll make you an offer ..... you can't refuse