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Posts posted by Pete_C

  1. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all that rot.

    Good to hear from you Marty, and everyone else.

    I too spend more time elsewhere these days, and do more things less computer related than in the past.

    But it is sure nice to see how many are still around.

  2. from wikipedia

    Hoarding or caching is a general term for a behavior that leads people or animals to accumulate food or other items in anticipation of future need or scarcity.

    Rather than using the file and settings wizard and transferring old data to the new computer SCD saves the hard drives out of old computers and then puts them in the new computer not as a slave but as a master and repairs the OS. He has been doing this forever and has drives with win98, winME etc and then gets upset when he cannot remember which drive he has what on or which computer it goes in.

    Personally I save old hard drives; wipe em and install em as slaves for additional storage or more commonly in USB enclosures for cheap portable storage and backup of important.


    Just finished upgrading the home PCs . Whenever I upgrade hard drives, I just use DiskWizard or similar and clone the old drive to the new. THen I put the old one aside, just in case the new one fails or the computer explodes. It never has happened to me, but I believe it is better to be safe than sorry especially where priceless memories are concerned and when it really is not costing me anything . I generally plan on taking the old drive and wiping it and putting it in an enclosure or as a slave in a couple months. I was doing some clean up and discovered I had a bunch of old drives that I had set aside and forgotten about. Most are 10GB or less, some real oldies from the way back machine. I would set them all up in a server , but the cost of IDE controller cards for them would probably cost as much as a single new drive that has ten times the capacity of them all combined. Used the PATA USB connector to check em out , and other than a few old OS (Win 3.11, DOS,) and a couple archival backups ( wow, who would have thought you could save all your important data on a 4.3GB drive). I had wiped them before putting them aside. I guess they should go to the ecycler some day.

  3. Ran across a holiday special; boneless whole ribeye for $2.99 a pound. Got about twenty pounds. Sliced into steaks and roast.

    I cut my steaks thick ( about 1.5 inches) and then pound them with a rubber mallet (they are sandwiched between saran wrap. ) until they are about a third of that.

    Then on a screaming hot grill for a bout three minutes per side and a five minute rest . Seasoning; all they need is salt and pepper. Soft and tender and moist and buttery mouthwatering goodness. Most is in the freezer , it will last quite a while.

    Made a batch of "Healthy" chili yesterday. One pound ground turkey breast, one pound low fat "SoyRizo" ( Soy Textured vegetable protein flavored to taste like chorizo) one onion, one head garlic, one poblano pepper, two jalapenos , two cans kidney beans, two cans pintos cooked in chili sauce.

    Tasty and healthy. Not sure what we will make today.

  4. Has anyone else tried Comodo Dragon web browser? I know it is nothing more than a repackaged chrome but it has been far more stable for me. In fact not a single hitch. I cannot speak about security but I have trusted comodo firewall for years I have no reason to believe this version of chrome is not as secure as they can add to it.

    Comodo Dragon


    Does it have the same issues with timeouts that chrome does?

    Most notably , with facebook games frequently give a "shockwave plugin not responding" in response to server timeouts and unlike IE and Firefox there is no easy way to increase server timeouts to prevent this.

    Pete I have not noticed any timeouts in fact I have laid aside my beloved Opera for the past month and do not feel a loss. I admit I do not have patience with Facebook games so I have not explored that. it seems to do exactly whay I like for it to do. I was hopping that I would get oppinion from those who have tried it.

    What are your views on this?

    I downloaded it but found that this is correct

    I’ll be reviewing Comodo Dragon 12.2 which is based on Chromium 12.0.742.112 (which was released in June ending). It’s apparent that Comodo Dragon runs on an out dated version. At the time of writing this article, current stable version of Google Chrome is 13.0.782.112. I don’t blame Comodo for this. It’s tough to catch up with Google’s ultra frequent updates, but still they are doing good job in updating CD as often as possible. For most of the part, both CD and Chrome are almost most same, except for few features. Especially, for Privacy and security features.

    How can it be more secure when it is based on an older version of the browser which may have known security exploits?

    Still I will give it a try. (looks like they solved that issue, looks to be current with google chrome version)

    Don't really see any major difference between it and chrome.

  5. Has anyone else tried Comodo Dragon web browser? I know it is nothing more than a repackaged chrome but it has been far more stable for me. In fact not a single hitch. I cannot speak about security but I have trusted comodo firewall for years I have no reason to believe this version of chrome is not as secure as they can add to it.

    Comodo Dragon


    Does it have the same issues with timeouts that chrome does?

    Most notably , with facebook games frequently give a "shockwave plugin not responding" in response to server timeouts and unlike IE and Firefox there is no easy way to increase server timeouts to prevent this.

  6. Has anyone else tried Comodo Dragon web browser? I know it is nothing more than a repackaged chrome but it has been far more stable for me. In fact not a single hitch. I cannot speak about security but I have trusted comodo firewall for years I have no reason to believe this version of chrome is not as secure as they can add to it.

    Comodo Dragon


    Does it have the same issues with timeouts that chrome does?

    Most notably , with facebook games frequently give a "shockwave plugin not responding" in response to server timeouts and unlike IE and Firefox there is no easy way to increase server timeouts to prevent this.

  7. Ah good, their site is no longer beta

    Navigation still not quite there (they have links to pages they do not have up yet).


    Kind of dissappointing, Most things have only one episode which airs over and over.

    Diggnation has a new episode once a week, but Albrecht and Rose no longer seem interested in tech, just do stupid stuff like testing poison ivy as a tatoo remover.

  8. They just added a new channel to our lineup on Time Warner

    It has some interesting programming so far, including geek beat.

    and diggnation

    Yep Alex Albrecht and Kevin Rose (former G4 The Screen Savers personalities) there. maybe more revision3 content.

    Could stand a better set and larger budget and personalities who come across as more knowledgeable and geeky, but over all it has good info.

    Lots of the content appears to be user created, like Current was initially.

    Then they air the old X-Files, Adam West Batman, Bruce Lee GreenHornet and other stuff in a Mystery Science Theater format.

  9. New favorite way to make steaks.

    The market has boneless NY Strip steaks for $3.49 a pound this week , but I have also done this with tenderloin (filet mignon) and ribeye.

    Get a thick cut (1.5 inch is good) and trim off any outer fat.

    Then place it between two sheets of saran wrap and pound it with a rubber mallet until it is under a half inch thick.

    Season with salt and lots of fresh ground (coarse grind) black pepper.

    Cook it like a minute steak, on a really hot grill or cast iron pan for about a minute each side.

    Let rest before eating.

  10. By tested the drive, do you mean you ran the drive manufacturers testing software and it reported the drive was OK or just that you tried to see if it was detected and you could see stuff on it?

    The CMOS battery is on the motherboard in desktops ( a shiney coinlike thing) and on most laptops is accessible behind the RAM or in the hard drive bay (generally smaller wristwatch type batteries). This battery supplies power to retain bios config settings and run the system clock when the computer is turned off.

    Given that you replaced the drive, and had the same issues I would suspect that there is a problem with the motherboard or power supply.

  11. Actually re reading this, I would suspect that since you say it was infecting the defintions for Trend Micro, it was a false positive and you were never infected. It was detecting the virus detection definition as a virus. This is the danger when you try to run two antivirus on one system.

    Ah you overclocked your CPU. That explains all your symptoms.

    I would not blame windows; I suspect you have damaged your CPU and possibly one or more chipsets on your motherboard.

    The BEEP would be the motherboard telling you the CPU had become unresponsive and in all likelihood the video card was just displaying the last frame it had been sent to render.

  12. Any chance you disconnected the video cable from motherboard to display when you had it apart ?

    I take it this is a netbook? Or is it a mini tower PC?

    If PC then take it apart and check to see if you disconnected anything and forgot to reconnect it.

    Netbook, double check that everything is seated and connected. Check if there is a function button to switch from the LCD display to an external monitor. Make sure it is in the right position.

  13. All those file missing entries are nothing to be concerned about. It is just a case of you having a 64 bit system and HJT being written for 32 bit systems and hence cannot find the virtual folder used by 64 bit systems for those processes and their files.

    Normally I would just say you should post in the HJT logs section, but I see little activity there so for now

    I see a leftover from a rogue malware

    O2 - BHO: BHO Project - {04eb382a-4b48-4de7-a570-b0307b9b13c7} - (no file)

    Which you should fix with hijackthis by running hijackthis, choose perform a scan only, and putting a check by that entry , make sure all browsers are closed and then click fix selected.

    Given that entry I would also recommend running MalwareBytes Anti Malware to ensure the rogue is removed.

    Vista and Windows 7 users:

    1. These tools MUST be run from the executable. (.exe) every time you run them

    2. With Admin Rights (Right click, choose "Run as Administrator")

    MALWAREBYTES with Pics:

    Please download Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware to your desktop.

    * Double-click mbam-setup.exeand follow the prompts to install the program.

    * At the end, be sure a checkmark is placed next to Update Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and Launch Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, then click Finish.

    * If an update is found, it will download and install the latest version.

    * Once the program has loaded, select Perform quick scan, then click Scan.


    When the scan is complete, click OK, then Show Results to view the results.


    * Then click Remove Selected .

    * When completed, a log will open in Notepad. Please save it to a convenient location and post the results.

    * Note: If you receive a notice that some of the items couldn't be removed, that they have been added to the delete on reboot list, please reboot.

    Also "copy/paste" a new HijackThis log file into this thread.

    Also that implies you are using Facebook.

    let me ask, is this problem associated with a ZYNGA game (Farmville, Cafeworld...) being played in Firefox????

    This particular set of running processes associated with a freeze or slowdown (100% CPU usage) is common when Zynga is trying to add a new feature and the script kiddies they employ have made a mistake and left something out of the code and they need to call someone who can actually read code and fix it .

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\plugin-container.exe

    Generally this revolves around either the server that hosts your friends and contacts in a game timing out (darn the exact server slips my mind just now). SO if this is so let me know and I will consult my notes on what to do about it. Note that they do this quite a lot and it is to be expected that at least once a week you will keep getting bug reports and freezes and time outs (plugin container not responding) when the data from a secondary server fails to load.

  14. Currently Tropical Storm Lee is in the gulf off New Orleans.

    They are expecting 20 inches of rain in Lousianna, but an incoming cold front (will lower the hight temps from 107 to mid nineties for the rest of the week) will keep it from reaching Texas, instead forcing it off to the east to rain on Mississippi, Alabama, and the Carolinas giving them each a foot or so of rain as it moves very slowly northeastward (currently moving at only 2-3MPH compared to Irene which was clipping along at over 30MPH)

    This one is probably going to leave a lot of flooded areas as it is massive.


  15. It was a fairly deep quake, which means that it was felt much further away than is normal for such a relatively small quake.

    I believe there have been several on the east coast over the last couple decades, but they have all been smaller and nearer the surface so they did not make as wide an impression.

    As for the hurricane, the only unusual thing is that it is sticking near the east coast all the way up, Usually they either go inland and die off quickly in the mountains or they go back out to sea and off across the atlantic where the cold northern waters wear them out.

    NY really is unprepared for the storm surge aspect, and they really should be given the location, low lying nature of the land (hey it was built on glacial morraine and filled in swamps) and the fact that they rely on subways and underground utility distribution.

    Politicians are so short sighted, it costs far less to prepare for the inevitable and protect against the damage than to wait until it has happened and rebuild.

  16. So , which trojan was this? It would be nice to know.

    You do not need to (and should not) disassemble the DVD drive to clean the lenses. You get a laser lens cleaning disk and pop it in and run it.

    It contains electrostatic brushes which will brush off the buildup and attract it so it does not get back on.

    They cost less than ten bucks (many 99cent stores sell them for a buck)

  17. Well I have seen the keyboard issue caused by a great many things.

    It could be, as noted that something is eating all the cpu cycles and the keyboard is not getting polled so no input from keyboard to cpu.

    Note that with modern processors you have to really have something designed to override all other processes (like your antivirus) or a really poorly written piece of code (a virus) to do this in most cases.

    I have also seen it a couple times on machines with "defective" processors and once with a "defective" motherboard. By this I mean that when I put in a different cpu in those two cases, and when I changed out motherboards in the latter the problem disappeared. (replaced with identical component so it is not a windows repair issue). Bizarrely, that was the only symptom I ever noticed on those machines, but they would freeze even when booted to a linux LiveCD (like the ubuntu installer in trial mode) and when the bad cpus were put in an otherwise good system the same problem occurred.

    I have also seen it a couple times where the cpu was overheating but not shutting off, and I guess it could happen if you have a variable speed processor and the speed is clocked way down and it is not ramping back up in response to demand.

  18. The oriental market had leeks for 99cents a pound, Kale for 39cents a bunch, red bell peppers for 59cents a pound, filet mignon for $4.99 a pound.

    I made a batch of potato leek soup. Great hot and better cold , and a pot full of greens (kale) with the green part of the leeks and some ham stock I had in the freezer for just such an occaision.

    Then we made BLTs

    Gotta get more tomatoes.

  19. Leftover calzone , steamed cauliflower with queso.

    Personally I prefer Texas Ruby Red grapefruit to any orange out there, but I think that blood oranges are supposed to be sweet.

    But the sweeter the orange the lower its acidity and hence the more prone to spoilage it is and shorter its shelf life so sweet oranges tend to be unsuitable for shipping and export and are only available locally in orange growing regions.

  20. so are you suggesting i buy a new FAN for my computer? I just switched on recently. When i open the case it's quiet but when the case is on it's loud

    That sounds like you are experiencing cavitation where the airflow is compromised and with the case closed the fan cannot effectively exhaust air.

    This may be caused by a dirty filter if your case has air filters, or by having to many exhaust fans and not enough intake.

    Normally you place intake fans on the lower front of the case and exhaust in the top rear. Side fans (normally connected by ductwork to the cpu heatsink fan) should blow in.

  21. Too hot and too dry in Texas (day 33 of triple digits, last few days hve been 110,109, 108.... with low of 86) for much to grow even if you water it. Lawn is barely hanging in there, and the trees are beginning to drop leaves. All but one tomato plant died and the remaining one has had no fruit. Even the jalapenos get limp by noon and are barely yeilding (tiny red fruit that is really hot). All of my herbs have died from the heat.

    We keep setting new power usage records , generally from 4-5PM in the afternoon. Recent was 68,9 Gigawatts in a single hour.

    Made pressure cooker pulled pork yesterday and then used the juice to make pressure cooker pinto beans. Minimal heat added to the house and very short cooking time using a pressure cooker as opposed to stove top or slow cooker ( 45 minutes each for the pulled pork and the pintos).

    Good to hear from you Marsh.

  22. I saw both Compusa (TigerDirect, Circuit City) and Microcenter locally have machines running win 7 available for $199. Sure they are not the best processor, but I may go ahead and get one (would be nice if I could find one that is compatible with the spare Pentium E6500 I have.

  23. What would cause a failed windows update in Windows XP?

    Lots of things could cause it.

    Your antivirus or firewall could interfere with it (rare but still happens)

    Microsoft could make a mistake and try to install an update that is not appropriate for your machine (most common with hardware / driver updates. Microsoft has a long history of windows update mis identifying the hardware on your system and installing drivers for things you do not have or ones that conflict with what you do, like when SP2 tried to install Intel Chipset drivers on AMD machines from HP resulting in a non bootable configuration).

    Damage of the packet during download.

    Failure to complete the update, IE you shutdown while it is still installing , or do not reboot when it tells you to reboot.

    Conflict with hardware or software you have installed / running on your system. IE a file in use needs to be replaced to allow the update to proceed, and that device or software refuses to shut down and let windows replace the file because it is using it and the update pauses at that point and never resumes.

    Many more possibilities, but that is a start.