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Everything posted by sin

  1. Of all people, I would say I'm probably the biggest IRC junkie in the BT chatroom. I've been using mIRC for almost ten years now. Not only is it a great program, but there are several people (including myself) that are very familiar with it who hang out in the BT chat. We would be more than happy to assist you with any questions you may have about IRC chatting and any chat clients we are familiar with. However, most of us use mIRC, and a few use other chat clients like Trillian and IceChat. Also, the Besttechie chatroom is located on the WyldRyde network. In my opinion, this is one of the
  2. sin


    Thanks Matt, that means a lot. However, there are a few people who wouldn't agree with you. Then again, what do I care? If they don't like me, that's no skin off my back. Their deal to worry about, not mine. Liz: Try doing an Associate's degree in two semesters and then turning around and doing a Bachelor's in two semesters. It's been a long road. I am very proud of Jeff and all the work he's done. He's had a lot to deal with and a lot to overcome. It amazes me how much he (and other kids his age) know and what they can do. Makes me feel like I'm standing on the sidelines. Doesn't matter thoug
  3. sin


    Hello, hello! I see that some people think the boards are slow. There's a few reasons for this. 1-- It is spring and in some places, the weather has been decent. Many people are on Spring Break, travelling, or simply enjoying the outdoors. 2-- This board isn't exactly small, but it isn't big either. Sometimes people simply don't have time do be active on the boards. It gets quiet, just like the chatrooms (IRC, etc). 3-- For those of us who are students (Highschool, College, Universities, etc) it is nearing the end of the traditional school year. Projects and papers are due. The boards tend to
  4. CyberKiLL-- Yes, it does matter. It is almost always best to use the newest version of any program, including hijackthis. There are good reasons why people update their software and make it available for use by the public. Usually software is updated in order to add new features or fix bugs that were found in older versions. Not always will HJT say the same "sh*t" as you put it. Preferrably, you should watch the kind of language you use with people you want to help you. I'm sure the good people of this forum (and any other respectable forum) would be much more willing to assist you if you spo
  5. madcowdisease-- "im going to post a forum for the runner up banners by votes! " Dont you think it should be up to B to decide what to do? After all, I do believe these are HIS forums and therefore, he should be the one making the "executive decisions" affecting it. NOT YOU. "Each banner will be picked by the person who made it. You need to go ahead and post here "your best banner for the vote" Does everybody get this and think it is a good ideah?" Again, these are B's forums. If, in fact, B wants to go ahead with this voting idea that you have, I think that he needs to be the one to
  6. Do I work here... My answer to that is simply yes and no. Yes, I answer posts when asked, or if I feel they need a reply. Yes, I have given B some advice. No, I do not get paid. And no, I am currently not in any administrative type of position. Simply put, I do what is asked of me and what needs to be done. nic
  7. I dont know you, and I dont know even if youre old enough to vote or not. It doesnt matter. What does matter though is that you dont realize the trouble that political debates can cause. This thread (though i have not voted and will not vote on here) appears to be comments people are making about presidential candidates. Any one in their right mind knows that people will argue if the wrong thing is said about the candidate they choose. Things can get out of hand. B is simply stating that he does not and will not allow that to happen on his boards. If this isnt enough explanation for you, id b
  8. cowsgonemadd3: We already have a homepage. You can find it at Also, B has already discussed making a "tips and tricks" forum (remember, he runs this board, not you. Thanks for the suggestion though!) Feel free to start working on tutorials. We appreciate all the help we can get. Tutorials that work save a LOT of time when it comes to fixing logs. nic
  9. Good for you B, I'm glad you got everything set up. If you need anything, you know where to find me. nic