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Everything posted by Vile_DR

  1. There could possible be a corruption with your DVD-R drivers. Just as a suggestion, of course it might be a timely thing, but uninstall the drivers to your burners/readers and reinstall them. Even uninstall the software before reinstalling the drivers for your devices. Here are a few examples of the Error Code you mentioned Yagoohoogle Search
  2. When I first used the CWShredder, it didn't necessarily cause me the Blue Screen of Death, but it help uninstall my NIC drivers and certain application DLL deletions. I have updated since with CWShredder and haven't had any problems, but as John has mentioned, listen to the TechPro's and if you want do a little research of your own... Yagoohoo!gle
  3. The things kids will do...and are still doing...LOL...
  4. Short.....bus(anyone need a helmet)
  5. Limo.......driver (those are always great people...hehe)
  6. Well I haven't had that problem since...well...ever, so i guess i would say neither. What is your biggest fear and why?
  7. I would probably choose between the wall in the Playboy Mansion, or a kitchen. Have you ever had a friend you absolutely wanted to put through a wall?
  8. I remember reading something similar to this about Ad placing in video games. Sounds kinda like what they are doing with TiVo, making it where you have to record the commercials and then you have ad placement starting to appear on the screen. I spend most of my time at work...gotta pay the bills, but I am constantly on my Xbox and PC when i am at home. I understand that someone has to make money somewhere, but i hope they (Intel or Other) start selling games short on their playing time, just to make sure they add a few more Advertisements into the Picture. And Plus doesn't every game, nowa
  9. Snatch.....(funny movie)..."Do you like Dogs?"
  10. I think i would be a Red Wood, and spank the living h*ll out of the dog with my branches...LOL If colors were personalities, what color would you be?
  11. Sunglasses, can't mess up the hair. None, fuzzy, short, or long hair?
  12. Doc Emmett Brown (played by Christopher Lloyd)
  13. South To many people up north...more trees down south... Toast with butter or peanut butter?
  14. Chicken 'of the Sea' We all know that One...
  15. Edgar Allen Poe, in a wierd sadistic way... What is the fastest land speed you have ever traveled in a vehicle?
  16. Charlie Sheen (......and the stupid mistake he is making with his Divorce...)
  17. Hamburgers.......i love soaking them in Worcestershire sauce.....
  18. Ever since the sharing of files, music, movies, and apps started a few years ago, i have been adding to my library and expanding my tastes in lots of music. It is easier to tell you what i stay away from, more than what i listen to, so here goes. In my 7000+ song library, I don't have any Gosple, Operah, or any song in another language other than English. But my list is almost endless. You name a song, i'll give you back 10-20 songs with the same band, if not more...everything from Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Rock and Roll, Country, Showtunes, Punk Rock, Alternative Rock, Underground Punk,
  19. I am waiting for the day where ink isn't used at to grade papers/test/anything of the sort, but if you don't score high enough, you retake it until you do...can't handle a simple color, try clear ink, with more TESTS My local highschools haven't started with the extraction of the red ink and red marks on tests, but as soon as they do...i see crime rate and drop-out rate increasing in the surround 5 schools...
  20. Liz, in my experience (limited, but verse), I haven't had any problems installing nor running the Ad-Aware with any complications with I.E. or any other browser for that matter. Also, when i have installed, Anti-Virus/Anti-Spyware, I have not turned off my System Restore either. I have about 45 Workstations on my job site, and 7 comps at home all running different OS's from 2000Pro to XP Pro and Fedora C2 and Slackware, and Ad-Aware, Spy-bot S&D, nor my CA E-Trust Anti-Virus programs have given problems. As a suggestion, and don't hold this to me, let the experts agree first...if you d
  21. 3 Things to commit....uh...i mean admit. 1: I Love the Idea of falling forever, whether skydiving or in my dreams, i would die happy if i never hit the ground...but i have a fear of going up...not heights, but going up like in an elevator or airplane, but love to be high up and looking down... 2: I have a strong sense for poetry and shakespear literature, but I play the big guy in front of all my friends, because i stand the tallest and work out every day. 3: I have more driving citations from running my mouth off to a cop, than i would have if I was relaxed enough to say, "Yes Officer",
  22. The Owl in the Tootsie Pop Commercial, with the kids asking the "Wise" Owl in the Tree Question: If Blind People Can't drive for obvious reason, does that mean they can't go up to an ATM machine?