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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. This is just a shot in the dark, but since you have separate partitions have you tried running chkdsk driveletter: /f (e.g. chkdsk c: /f)? B
  2. Hi. Don't think I know you. But I've been here since 2005. In reply to "what can we do", here's what I think. Start answering questions that users post. Even if you don't know the answer, at least acknowlege the question. I've come back to BT many times over the years after it's decline. Posted a question, saw that 80 people looked at the post, yet no one replied. That's not good biz. Joe
  3. When I saw the Comedy Club, I remembered my old friend Martymas. :-(
  4. Anyone know why I can't CHKDSK /f from a command prompt using a Windows Recovery disk? CHKDSK /r works, but doesn't seem to help. When I attempt CHKDSK /f , message says "Unknown Parameter". I formatted C drive but have a seperate partition for data. Trying to re-install XP without data loss. Appreciate all replies.
  5. Thx. But awhile back you had an iphone app. I asked about ipad, you said it was coming soon. What happened? Other than than, your re-designed site looks great!
  6. Anyone know where I can find the Ipad app for BT? Also Android. Thx.
  7. Or another way would be to cut 90% from the pentagon. They'd be less war happy if they had to have a bake sale to underwrite it.
  8. Sounds GREAT Pete! What time is dinner? I'll bring the Chianti.
  9. Geez! It's going to take awhile for you GOPers and Teabaggers to accept reality. But as I said, it's nice to see you, BDog! Really, I hope all is well with you and yours. Joe
  10. Nice to see your canines again. I haven't been around for five years. One kitty is gone to Tuna Heaven, but Max The Cat has taken his place. Same with the dogs. The new resident is Rudy the Psycho Poodle. BTW. I sent your Dog Blog site to a fellow dog lover. :-)
  11. Nice to see your canines again. I haven't been around for five years. One kitty is gone to Tuna Heaven, but Max The Cat has taken his place. Same with the dogs. The new resident is Rudy the Psycho Poodle.
  12. Because the kettle IS black. Do the math. Other than that, nice to see you BDog! quote name='bozodog' timestamp='1352637447' post='150632'] Ahem... you forgot to mention Soros, Hollywood, et al on the lib side. Jeesch, your response seems to say ONLY the R's raised and spent $1 billion. Why are you "progressives" always calling the kettle black?
  13. I agree Pete C. And it's GREAT to see you! quote name='Pete_C' timestamp='1352564232' post='150631'] I think something needs to be done about super pacs. They should be classified as corporations not non profit organizations. Their income should be taxed and there should be a fee on each advertisement they sponsor which goes to support voter registration, additonal polling locations, new voting machines, etc. Maybe they could include that into the tax reform bill and make it retro active so that Rove, the Koch Brothers, and Trump owe a couple hundred million each in back taxes.
  15. No. Still ng Jeff. I tried it in both Safari and Chrome on ipad. The "choose file" from computer is still greyed out. I'll try it tomorrow from Windows. If that doesn't work I'll just upload a pic to FlickR and link from there. No biggie. Just wondering why it won't work. Thanks for all your help.
  16. I'm with you Jeff. Let me know how I can help.
  17. Jeff. This tiny problem is one grain of sand compared to what you and all my friends on the East Coast are dealing with now. Please take care of yourself and your family. Joe
  18. Is it just me or has BT Forums become a ghost town while I was gone?
  19. I'm thinking about replacing my Original Moto Droid with a Samsung Galaxy lll. I'd be switching from Verizon to T-Mobile. Was wondering about opinions here at BT. Also, shouldn't we have a SmartPhone area in the forums?
  20. Jeff & The Terrorist. I'm at a loss here. I took the screen shot, but I can't attach that either. Just like in "change avatar" , the "choose file" option is greyed out. I know that I can do it by selecting to upload a pic to a photo website, eg: Flickr, but why can't I just upload a file directly to BT? BTW, I tried to do this in both Safari and Chrome and had the same result.
  21. VERY cool! I have the original ipad that doesn't even have a camera. Yet I hear the "shutter click" just like it says in the article. I'll post the screen shot. Always learning new things here at BT. THANKS!
  22. Can you take a screenshot of what you're seeing + any error message you get (if any)? B I'm on an ipad. Can I take a screenshot? I'll try later on my real computer. :-(Thanks