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Posts posted by garmanma

  1. Another favorite of mine to watch is a killdeer:

    They build their nests on the ground, usually gravel:

    The young ones come running right out of the chute, just a tiny ball of feathers on real long legs

    It's funny to watch the parents when you get too close to the nest

    They try to lure you away by pretending they have a broken wing so you go after them instead

  2. We've had an abundance of finches for the last couple of years plus a fair number of humming birds

    We had a male cardinal and where he put his nest, he could see his reflection on my patio door

    I'm surprised he lived through the summer

    I can't think of the name just now, black, with red "tips" on the 'shoulder portion' of the wings,

    Red wing blackbirds

    Out in the fields, they would build their nests on the ground. Pity the poor kid who walked upon the nest.

    They would gang up on you

  3. Thank you for the birthday wishes

    It was a beautiful day to cook steaks outside. Even broke down and had a couple of beers

    Have the kids and grandkids coming over today and we'll BBQ some chicken

    I'll go out and get my present tomorrow. Need a new portable drill and I know none of them would get the right one

  4. She has 2 pills she has to take for a month and get some bloodwork once a week for a month to make sure it's all gone

    Other than that she's OK and starting to move around the house more

    Thank you for your concerns

  5. Haven't really been around all that much. The last few weeks have been busy with my wife

    After a few weeks of tests, it was decided that she was to go in and have a lump in her lung removed

    She had it ever since she can remember, but in the last two years it started to increase in size.

    The surgeon was hesitant and tried to talk her out of it, or at least do just a biopsy.

    Thank God my wife is stubborn and insisted it be removed

    The surgeon came into recover, after the operation and assured us it wasn't cancerous and he sent it to the lab to be sure

    Three days later we get a call from an Infectous Diseases doctor wanting to see her

    It turns out the lump was a spore. The doctor pulled up a map and showed us the region where other people have had this and smack dab in the center of the map was my wife's family's hometown.

    Some 40 years ago there was a problem with contaminated water runoff from the coal mines and farm pastures and it was only in the Ohio River Valley

    The spore increased in size because it was getting ready to burst. There's no telling what would have happened if it did

    The surgeon said ,in hindsight, it was a good thing that he didn't puncture it with just a biopsy

  6. Glad to hear that your dad is going to be alright

    It's one heck of a wake-up call, but like you said a little diet and exercise plus listening to the doctor, should work wonders