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About Dan72

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  • System
    Dell Latitude E5410 240 GB SSD
  • Operating System
    Linux Ubuntu 18.04 64 bit

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  1. Rest in peace TT_75(whiskeyman) , I knew him from the techtv, here, g4 ad causehead boards , he was always helpful
  2. I forgot to post here on my 10th Member Since 12 Nov 2004
  3. Dan72


    Those spammers make multiple accounts . At g4 forums me and some of the moderators watch for new accounts and if they came from India or China we would pre ban them before they got a chance to spam
  4. And a Happy 10th to those who joined the first fay
  5. Dan72

    Spam posters

    Most of them at g4 came from India and China
  6. WOOOOT 10 year anniversary tomorrow , so who is going to start the party thread ? I hope we have lots of people on then
  7. Dan72

    Spam posters

    I would like to volunteer to be a spam remover , I was a moderator at the G4 forums and banned my fair share of spam I am on most of the time and check here regularly .
  8. Social media killed the forums

    1. Dan72


      and it killed the revision3 forums also

  9. I would upgrade to at least vista or 7 , Im sure you can find a cheap disk since 8 is out . But if you want to stick with XP you might find a package download for all updates but start with the service packs first I found this program while searching http://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/xp_update_extender.html but use this with caution
  10. In about 5 months is besttechies 10th anniversary , hopefully there will be a great reunion for it
  11. I occasionally come here and check on things but BT looks dead , I would definitely post more if others did Because of facebook and twitter the overall forum members has been falling unless its a niche one
  12. Hey flash , congrats in the new puter , you should put linux on there to
  13. There is another petition that reached 100k so the WH has to respond to it
  14. Dan72

    Turkey Day

    Happy Thanksgiving BTers