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Posts posted by murtu52

  1. Well, when I posted this question, all i wanted was some program that I could play around with, learn, and just get better at graphical design with. I was googling today, i found this awesome program called Blender ( It is a 3d modeling program, and its quite robust. And to add--Its free! Try it out, but be careful--Messing around with 3d images really makes your head spin!

  2. well, I have all the contents on my machine (basically a bunch of C files, a few other useful ones i don't know how to use in /home/murtaza). Whenever i type in cd /home/murtaza/rtl8180-0.21 (the folder), it works properly, and moves its directory. Then, when i type the command "make" it says a few things, among one saying that the target it not specified. How to I specify a target so when i compile the driver it'll actually work? This is getting really hard :lol:.

  3. Thanks, I actually looked at the before but didn't know how to use it...If i transfer that file to Ubuntu, will I be able to decompress it properly?

    Also, what iwconfig command would that be?